Can you grow shrubs along a hedge

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Victoria Plum, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. Victoria Plum

    Victoria Plum Gardener

    May 6, 2009
    Zone 8b/9a
    :) Thanks Blue....

    You've given me an idea. I have quite a tall holly (5ft) growing up through the huge berberis at the front of the house. I wonder if it's moveable?!

    Thanks for all the links... I will look through them now.

    Vicki :wink:
  2. kindredspirit

    kindredspirit Gardening around a big Puddle. :)

    Nov 21, 2009
    Western Ireland (but in a cold pocket)
    "Since I took the letter round, they have in fairness been quiet, but I guess I am so sensitive to it that I am just waiting for it to start. They weren't noisy to start with, just too keen with the hedge trimmer!"

    I think the best thing to do, would be to go around and thank them for being very considerate lately. You may become friends and friends next door are an awful lot better than enemies next door.

    The secret to all these things is communication. When you are around there, ask them for their advice on shrubs that you might plant. They probably haven't a clue but they'll have a much better feeling towards you, after you've asked them.

    Just my tuppence worth. The mere fact of you taking the initiative and being positive will phycologically help you as well.
  3. HBK

    HBK Gardener

    Sep 5, 2010
    I can't advise on the garden but I can advise on the neighbours. I personally hate my neighbours and avoid doing gardening work when they're out because all they do is swear, speak in constantly raised voices and argue about everything.
    My way of avoiding arguments and disagreements with them myself is to pretend to be best friends with them. I don't like him but I say hello when I see him and talk about nonsense when he initiates it. Now, if I have a problem, I just bring it up when I see him out and we work out a course of action.
    It might be worth trying, it only takes 5 minutes every few days and it won't hurt your soul as much as you'd think to befriend the enemy.

    Good luck.
  4. Victoria Plum

    Victoria Plum Gardener

    May 6, 2009
    Zone 8b/9a

    Please don't misunderstand me. Since they have started being more friendly again we've been engaging in idol chit chat etc, I just don't feel comfortable being overlooked by them, and to be honest I don't like them. The letter I took round was extremely polite, and I would not be unfriendly. But that doesn't mean I want to share my time with them in the garden. I also don't really want my kids seeing an awful lot of their parenting skills. I do believe in being in control with your kids, but showing them respect... not locking them in the house while you stick your fingers up at them through the french windows!! And as much as I am thrilled that it is quieter at the moment, I'm not convinced that when the drink starts flowing again we won't find ourselves back to square one.

    Living in a village can be tricky - everyone lives in each others pockets. I grew up in a village, and although I am friendly and speak to everyone, I will not engage in gossip. Some people can't have a conversation without talking about other people, and when the woman next door pointed at a woman across the road and told me that she 'apparently' was a right b*tch I knew to keep my distance. I don't want to think badly of people I don't even know!

    We are blessed with fantastic neighbours the other side, although we are not joined our backdoors face each other. We chat openly and have a laugh. I give them produce from the garden and they give presents to the kids on their birthdays.

    Just a little bit of consideration would make everything so much better all round wouldn't it. I sound 35 going on 70!

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