Cats in the garden

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by Trux, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. jlottie

    jlottie Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 10, 2007
    I can't imagine why anyone would want to set traps that could harm someone elses pets - far beyond me
  2. Hyla arborea

    Hyla arborea Gardener

    Feb 9, 2007
    All pets have their plus and minus points, so I'm slightly amused by the suggestion of getting a dog to deter cats. The two retrievers I used to own could do a lot more damage to the garden in five minutes than any cat ever could! Our neighbour's boxer and mongrel always knock over pots, chairs and other garden accoutrements when they come a-visiting, too. I daren't let them in the house!
    Someone on one of the gardening programmes on the radio said she used neat orange squash in a water pistol - they have to lick themselves clean and hate it, but it's supposedly harmless. We've used water pistols to train our cats not to play with trailing plants, for example. Anyone tried the orange squash method?? If so - did it work?
  3. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Many of my cats have always used their litter tray - I had one that would run indoors from the woods about 50 yards away to use his tray! But I had few that actually covered up their 'doings'. Oh, they'd make a few nominal pawing actions in the general direction of, but bury it - nah, too much like hard work!

    And FWIW, as Nathan said, cat's don't come under the legal definition of vermin but I found these on Google

    Also this one


    [ 15. February 2007, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: michaelmasdaisy ]
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I find Trux's attitude towards cats rather perplexing. He obviously has an irrational hatred of cats because he doesn't mention any other creature. Of course, he doesn't rant on about all the poo that birds drop in gardens because the cats are keeping them away. If the cats weren't there he would find that there is a lot of bird poo instead.

    We don't have any cats but there are quite a few cats that seem to own our garden. We even keep one corner of our heated propagator empty for them to sleep in during the cold weather. None of the cats leave a mess in our garden (I tell them all to go to Trux's garden :D :D ). Mrs shiney has a theory that the cats only leave their poo exposed in the gardens of people who hate cats because they know it annoys them.

    On a more serious note: I think you need to lighten up a bit, Trux. It is a prosecutable offence to intentionally do something that MAY harm an animal. It is the intent as well as the act that is the offence.

    There are people that have habits that really offend me but I wouldn't dream of doing something that might hurt them because of it - but come to think of it............... [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

  5. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I think cat owners should build a large sand pit in their garden to encourage their cats to do their thing in their own garden but the majority just turf them out and never give it a second thoughtif you have young children that play in the garden they are at great risk from picking up Toxoplasmosis
  6. weyms

    weyms Gardener

    Jan 23, 2007
    I wasn't a great cat lover 8 months ago as when we moved into our new home our garden must of been a public toilet for all the other cats in the area, I then got a job working away from home and my wife talked me into getting a cat for company for her whilst i was away and since we have had him we have hardly any cat poo in the garden only his and he uses the same spot all the time and as for children if you keep an eye on them and tell them to keep away from that area there should be no problem. I think Trux should get a cat him self as it solved the problem of cat poo for me.

    Get rid of those traps Trux these could be more dangerous to small children.

  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    With all due respect Walnut,we don't all kick our cats out and don't give it a second thought.As a responsible cat owner we do clear up after our cats and everyone elses that visit's our garden.We rescued our two when they were tiny kittens and they have a cat flap where they can come and go as they please.It is a cats nature to wander and it would be cruel to try and keep them locked in all day everyday...Most of the day is spent sleeping anyway.

    We also have our cats vaccinated and wormed on a regular basis,so no children will go blind due to Toxoplasmosis from our cats.

    My parents raised nine children of their own,one also they adopted, had numerous Grandchidren and Great Grandchildren and even Fosted children and that is with having cats and not one of us went blind through any worm problems...

    It seems to me that a lot of Humans have dirty filthy habits with what they do and leave on the streets,in the parks and up on the Hills and Mountains...

    Perhaps they need large sandpits in which to do their dirty deeds :D :D :D
  8. r2oo

    r2oo Gardener

    Nov 6, 2006
    We have 2 cats & If i found out that some one was throwing stones or unbelievably shooting at them then I would be round their house in a flash...probably with a brick in my hand! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
    I have a good mind to report this guy to the police & RSPCA.
  9. Mel

    Mel Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    I too have a cat but I wonder whether Trux has just posted the messages he has to fuel responses like the understandable ones which have been posted in reply to him.I wonder whether what he says he does/has done is strictly true and whether he's embellished it slightly just to cause trouble? We are giving him what he wants by replying in the way we are. He obviously intended uproar and is getting pleasure out of the responses posted. Perhaps ignoring him is the way to go?
  10. r2oo

    r2oo Gardener

    Nov 6, 2006
    You're probably right Mel. Shame he doesn't live round the corner from me though..... [​IMG]
  11. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
  12. Trux

    Trux Gardener

    Feb 11, 2007
    Right. Lets just get all this in perspective.

    Point one: The police and the RSPCA are more than welcome to visit me any time. I do not set out to injure ANY animal. A cheap mousetrap will not injure an animal larger than a mouse. The snap as the trap is sprung just gives them a fright. The BB gun I acquired fires small plastic pellets. Even fired at close range (approx 6" at my arm,) it didnt even leave a mark. The use of an air rifle was never even considered. It is interesting to note that the neighbourhood cats no longer visit my garden. I have therefore removed the traps one by one and still no cat has invaded my property.

    Point two: I had a very nice PM from Mod indicating that I had made inflammatory postings. I accept this and apologise unreservedly for any offence that I may have caused. If a phrase or word has offended anyone, consider it apologised for. I admit when I am in the wrong.

    Point three: Kandyfloss, the effect that air travel has on global warming is minimal, despite the outbursts by various organisations. Emissions from modern aircraft PER PASSENGER MILE are only 2% of that emitted by a Ford Escort. Compared with the stripping of the rain forests and the excesses of certain areas on the Asian continent and in the USA there are far worse planetary offences than to travel by air. If you really want to save the planet, buy only locally produced flowers and veg (or even better grow your own.) Why should we air freight beans from Kenya? Sorry, am I being inflammatory again?

    Love you all, people. Lets play nice.
  13. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    trux, I am pleased you came back and explained yourself and apology accepted but you have to understand there is a lot of cat lovers on this forum, I have a dog myself and clear up after her.
    You did openly in a posting admit to shooting the little b------s whether it be an air gun or bb gun any pellets could do serious harm to a cat iff a shot hit its eye, and i am pleased to hear you are removing the traps from your garden.
    I cant say nothing for travel as i go on planes myself once a year, I would say trucks on our roads are the worst offenders yet we also need these to transport food to our shops etc.
    I would seriously forget about this poll that you are doing, getting a cat of your own as was mentioned could be the way forward to stopping un-invited guests in your garden.oh and i do believe the birds leave a lot more mess as the seagulls in my area our car gets covered in their droppings most annoying after we have just washed it.
  15. Trux

    Trux Gardener

    Feb 11, 2007
    Nice little dog,Rosa.

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