central heating failure anyone any experience of new install

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Jack McHammocklashing, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Cracking news Jack - really pleased you got it all sorted out

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I'm pleased you have got it fixed Jack.
  4. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

  5. Sheal

    Sheal Total Gardener

    Feb 2, 2011
    Dingwall, Ross-shire
    Great news Jack! :dbgrtmb: The weather will probably warm up now and you won't need it. :)
  6. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    Well they fitted the central heating, nice and warm again :-)
    As they were leaving I said you have not connected the gas fire, so they did sort of
    They sheared the gas tap, sealed it up and put a condemned notice on all my gas fittings and said they may make it back Saturday :-(

    Jack McH
  7. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    Three companies in nine months, not one has completed a job competently
    (I am not talking cheap companies or homers here, I mean real and expensive companies)

    Now I am not an electrician, I was electronics and maintenance
    The electrician yesterday spent 45 mins fitting a blanking plate to a dead supply
    The electrician did accept that one of the two dead cables was actually LIVE (After me advising him)
    The Plumber did not know how to sweat Lead, (No lead in this house, but I was sweating Lead when I was 15)
    Now the Plumbers (2) were good, though I reckon hitting a 20" wrench clockwise with a hammer is not going to loosen a Nut, it might actually shear the gas tap :-)

    The roofer who fitted the periscope had a problem, the roof tiles were like Digestive biscuits
    He came to me and said I have broken ten tiles, so far, You will have to pay for them and I may make it back Sat/Sunday
    He did notice the house over the road had a new roof, and asked if I had managed to get a few spares off him ? Err NO
    My Daughter (500yds away) has about 50 spare tiles, so I checked and agreed he could get ten, He was back in fifteen minutes and completed the Job, then told me he had generously left me five spare ones at my shed! cough cough

    I admit in the past, I have taken on Homers, but when it came to gas and electrickery I picked the best of the best, This was them

    My central heating is actually brilliant, and so far apart from the initial cost is warmer and 30% cheaper to run

    My confidence in major companies is shattered
    BG engineer arrived and before looking at my system pulled out leaflets offering me £400 cash back on a new boiler (he did not know how old or what boiler I had) which worked out at only £200 dearer than anyone else

    Sorry gone into rant mode again

    Jack McH
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Loofah

      Loofah Admin Staff Member

      Feb 20, 2008
      Rant away, sounds like you need to to shipmate.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Madahhlia

        Madahhlia Total Gardener

        Mar 19, 2007
        Suburban paradise
        This all scares the heck out of me because I am after having some building work done and don't have the technical background that some of you peeps have, so the way is open for the builders to make mincemeat out of me. Very important to get a good bunch in. I'm quite happy to give them tea and biscuits.
        • Agree Agree x 1
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Does anyone actually get a good job done these days? by which i mean from start to finish....IME there has always been a hitch along the way...if it's not one thing it's another and i'm talking so called reputable companies here...I'm sorry for all the hassle you've had Jack,it makes you dread anything else going wrong...
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            I just can not believe that of three major jobs done this year, The Artisans fell short of the mark
            surely it can not be just MY luck

            When I had my first central heating put in, it was two men and an apprentice, they started and finished when they said.
            IF they found something missing or short, they sent the apprentice back to the shop or to a Plumbers merchants for it

            My latest Central heating, I could have done it myself, given my health, time and legal certs, but the work itself no problem, it is not "rocket science"

            At least the owner phoned me this afternoon, apologised for the delay, but it was a special type and had to be ordered from London, should be with him Monday, Drawing air through teeth, it must have been faulty for months
            I can see where this is going, I pay for the new part and the installers time
            Well if the gas tap had been sheared for months, then I am amazed that the gas fire worked, and that when his plumbers were waving their blow lamps about on the new water piping the house did not blow up

            The central heating side is great though, nice and cosy again

            I just want my faith in the workforce restored, even Tesco's delivery man dropped next doors shopping on their drive today

            Jack McH
          • Dave W

            Dave W Total Gardener

            Feb 6, 2006
            Anything I fancy and can afford!
            Tay Valley
            I can totally empathise with you Jack. When you are paying out good money for a 'proper job' you ought to be able to expect to get a 'proper job'.
            You do at least have your new CH to help keep your wrath warm !

            We just had a totally opposite experience. We lost two ridge tiles during the gales and normally I'd have fixed them back myself but Mrs W vetoed that and insisted on getting in 'someone'. We posted on the village Facebook site for suggestions for reliable local builders and got the same chap suggested by several folk. Phoned him, he looked at the job, said he be back in two days to do the job. He and his mate arrived as arranged, did the job and also fixed a tile that had been knocked loose when we'd some recladding done in January. The pair of them were here for about an hour and the charge was just £40!
            • Like Like x 2
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              @Madahhlia just a word of caution. When getting any building (or other) work done, make sure you get a quote (not an estimate) in writing and check that all the details are in it. Make sure a start date is written in to the contract.

              Also, ask to see (and be given with the quote) a copy of their up to date Public Liability Insurance. A copy of a guarantee should also be available although some smaller businesses don't have them. With ones that don't have them, I write out one for them and get them to sign it. I usually offer to print up a few blank copies so that they can use them for other jobs :).

              These are standard precautions. They don't make sure that the people will do the job properly but they cover you for some possible things that may go wrong.

              Unfortunately, you tend to hear the bad things that happen and not the good things. The bad doesn't happen that often. What Dave has done is a good way to go about it but it's a lot easier when you live in a village. If you haven't yet contracted someone then try looking on here:-
              This contains the list of businesses recommended by Which? members. It's not a guarantee but it does help. When you find someone (or more) you like you can always ask your local Trading Standards (or local authority) if they have any adverse things reported to them.

              When I was going to have Solar Panels fitted recently I got quotes from seven companies. I told them that, with their quotes, I would require a copy of their insurance and all but one (scrapped his quote) said 'not a problem'. Although they all said that they hadn't ever been asked for it before.

              One of the others sent me an out of date copy and, when I queried it, he said that he was waiting for the new certificate to arrive - the copy he sent me showed it had run out five months ago! So scrap company number two.

              I asked all of them whether I could see a local job that they had done recently. Scrap number three! Of course, if they're happy to do that they will only send you to a customer that was satisfied, so it doesn't guarantee much but you do get a 'feeling' for their reaction to the question.

              Reputable businesses should be only too happy to do all those. It also shows that you're not in the habit of being ripped off easily. Never be rushed into any decision.

              None of this guarantees good workmanship but it cuts out a lot of the bad people.

              Never agree to pay all of the money before the job has been completed. With big jobs make sure you hold back at least 5% for a period of time in order to make sure everything continues to run well. It's not uncommon to ask for this to be written into the contract but is only usually done for large jobs.

              Good luck :blue thumb:
              • Informative Informative x 3
              • Agree Agree x 2
              • Madahhlia

                Madahhlia Total Gardener

                Mar 19, 2007
                Suburban paradise
                Thanks, Shiney, some excellent tips there! I would certainly get written quotes and ask about liability insurance but would probably not have had the nerve to insist on all the documentation. I'm planning to get recommendations for builders from friends & neighbours who have had similar work done.

                My sister has recently had a massive kitchen extension built. It is gorgeous, but the builders went bust near the end of the job. To be fair to them, they had tried to get the build completed to a point where my sister would be least inconvenienced by what had happened. She is pretty tough and effectively managed much of the project herself, although it helped that they had an architect design it.

                She says that it is important to make as many decisions in advance as possible, and have an extremely clear idea of the details of what is going to be needed, down to the position, quality and quantity of electricity fittings, piping etc, so that this is quoted for from the start. Being woolly or changing your mind due to insufficient planning & preparation adds to the length and cost of the job. She also did her own ordering and liaising with Howdens which I gather is unusual.
              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                Not all of them are bad @Madahhlia - the chap I was going to recommend to Jack did a cracking job on my mum's bathroom; when he stripped the old bathroom out, he found horrors that had been 'bodged' by the company that put the old bathroom in, including a gaping hole left in the wall to the outside only covered by a piece of thin wood (mostly rotten) and some pebbledash, and a drain pump on the shower that my mum paid a fortune for (nearly £1000 at the time) after being told that there was no other way to fit a shower in her house as the pipe was above the shower tray - - turned out that was utter tripe, as all they needed to do was run a new pipe to the main pipe on the outside of the house.

                Anyway, this chap took the whole room back to bare brick walls, re-plumbed, re-wired, put up new tiled walls, and did an all round belter of a job; whilst at it, he discovered dangerous wiring in the loft for the outside light (now't to do with the job he was there for), so fixed that free of charge, and found a load of problems with the central heating piping again in the loft, including a fairly serious problem with the flue - - and again, repaired it free of charge, and all this on top of being one of the cheapest quotes to start with (although he came with a personal recommendation as well).

                The whole job was over within days, and was achieved with the minimum of mess and disruption:

                Mums Bog.jpg

                There are some good guys out there.
                • Like Like x 2

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