Some people are so ignorant!! Psst!!! Kandy, don't let anyone know that I don't know how to tell the difference
Harry and Shiney,The male has a shiny(scuse pun) cere(the bit where the nostrils are) and it will be smooth and blue whereas the females cere (the bit where the nostrils are) will be rough looking and are usually a reddish brown colour.Young budgerigars will have no colour in the cere(the bit where the nostrils are)until they become adults then the sex of the bird (male or female will be evident.Albino (white) and Lutinos(Yellow) I believe have very pale cere's so it is a bit harder to identify the males from the females I only know this because I used to breed them when I was a teenager so bought myself a book and learnt something.By the way,if in doubt as to whether you are handling a male or a female even when they are young you will soon find out because the females have a very strong beak bite and can often draw blood when they decide to nosh your fingers.The best way to hold a budgie is to have its head and body between your first two fingers of whatever hand you write with,so the head fits between your fingers and the body is in the palm of your closed hand.That way they shouldn't be able to nip you Sorry if I am boring you PS I used to like the Australian banded pied coloured birds,plus the Albinos and the Lutinos
There's a couple of ones I like at the moment ... and, I am not political but there is a political one I love and can't find
There are some proper rubbish ones on at the moment, not least the guy in the high heels and shorts supposedly advertising car insurance. Almost every ad for a bingo/gambling company is utter tripe (do they really think their customers at that stupid?, and of course the tax on the gullible that is 'MadBid' with the ad that was made in a 12 year old's bedroom
I can't see the chocolate ad I put up so I'll try another ... I hate to say it, but I like the guy in the high heels ... makes me smile ... Still can't find the funny political one ...
I don't like the Toyota Yaris one because the drivers all seem more intent on the music than their driving.