Aaron, I am interested-would you provide a muslim prisoner with a compass so he/she knows where to face for prayer?
Something to do with Orienteering ? I don't know my heads all over the place at the moment.............. ............oh no sorry thats suicide bombers :hehe:
Cant say I've met many Muslims, they are still in the minority around my area for the moment. Next door neighbour was Bangladeshi and a muslim, they lived there for about 10yrs. Cant say as I had anything against them, in fact I tried to be friendly and so did they, but we were worlds apart, so just ended up ignoring one another. We had an Egyptian muslim at work some years back, I got on fine with him. One day one of the blokes gave him a friendly kick up the arris as he bent down, (as you do lol), I thought he was going to kill the bloke. They are so touchy, its like walking on egg shells.
I, on the other hand live in an area of the country where there are a great deal of Indian, Pakistani or thereabouts people. My first friend-when I was about 3 or 4 was a girl called Neeta-she is my only lifelong friend-except when she asks me to babysit her kids lol.
Yes. Everyone should be allowed freedom to worship as he or she wishes to. Perhaps the compass handout are just to keep the prisoners happy and trouble free?
I know some 'white' 'English' blokes that would object very strongly to that too. Some individuals are very touchy - nothing to do with what race or religion they are. Some men are rapists! does that mean all men are? We are all the 'victim ' of stereotyping to some extent. Some British kids go wild on holiday and cause havoc in the areas they go to - does that mean that none of us should be allowed to go on holiday abroad? I don't want to be judged by what some of my 'peers' have done and I won't judge others by what their peers have done.
Yep. Agree with you YDD. They don't need compasses 'cause their All-seeing, All poweful God Is showing them which direction they should be praying in. If he ain't doing that, he's ignoring them. He wouldn't do that. The ones that need compasses are the unbeleivers. Therefore there's no point in them praying. "How many angels can stand on a pinhead"? What a bunch of non comps these religious people are:lollol:
If that's the case why do Christians go to church, Jews go to synagogue? Why have funerals? Why be baptised? Circumsized? Join hands in prayer? Wear a crucifix? Because that is what their faith asks of them. Although brought up a Catholic, I no longer follow any particular creed, but I will abstain from mocking the faith of those that do, and show respect for people who do things differently. My lack of understanding isn't reason enough to wilfully misconstrue their doctrines. From what I do understand ( limited-yes), Muslims pray facing Mecca to honour Abraham.
I worked in a lot of 5 star hotels in London in my time - summer is Gulf Arab time in London for those who can afford to escape the heat of their own countries and they flock here to enjoy themselves. We had the royal delegation from Saudi Arabia staying one year and a piece of paper was placed in their rooms with an arrow pointing in the direction of Mecca (East-ish) to assist them. While I don't understand Islam and find some of their practices questionable (purdah for women, circumcision for both sexes) I am getting a bit bored of the media's obsession with "Islam bashing". Is it any wonder some Muslim communities here stick together, safety in numbers, etc. The Ismaili Muslims took a different approach - their Spiritual Leader, the Aga Khan encouraged/s his followers to assimilate wherever possible, taking the laws of the country they chose to live in as law and is a firm believer in equal rights and education for women. Result, the Ismailis are the least "noticeable" of many believers in Islam who live in Britain, with few fanatics in their midst, the best educated and the most wealthy (traditionally, they were the merchant class).
Interesting video Pete - though it is probably slanted. I have no problem with Muslims. But I do have a problem with some of their beliefs. In fact a Muslim friend (born in the Gaza) popped round for a chat this morning. He is a consultant at the hospital, and a well educated and well balanced person, and he can see the stupidity of many beliefs (Muslim and non Muslim) for what they are. What they don't say in that clip, is that many of these Muslim beliefs are under an attack of their own. Their enemy is education and truth, not the west or western religeons. And that is a war that the Muslims are going to lose. Once extreme views have been stripped out, religeon will becomes irrelavent and then we will find that we are all similar people.
I realize the video is probably over the top Peter , most things are these days. Its just something to think about,. And draw your own conclusions.
Yep I'm sure your right Hec, but I think its more than that. I think it has something to do with shoes and hitting someone with your shoe. Its total nonsense to me but dont hit a Muslim with you shoe, he'll probably kill you. The thing is, we are expected to know all this kind of thing and pussy foot about in case we upset them.
Heard by me on BBC radio: The university of Cairo has been publicising to Moslems around the world that they have a telephone hotline to explain the teachings of Islam without the fundamentalist viewpoint. It is aimed at young Moslems (the info spread by word of mouth and internet) and all the young person has to do is call the number and then they are phoned back with someone ready to answer their questions. The hotline has only been open a short time and has been inundated with calls.