Corona Virus Treatment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    It appears that for the vast majority of people it is about as bad as a bout of flu.
    Which is the point I'm trying to make.
    Even flu kills some people.
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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      Well, again, pete, where's the evidence that a "vast majority of people" of people think it's as bad as a bout of flu?:scratch::doh: As I said there's a UK population of around 67 million, so are you saying, say, 40 million or more think it's like flu!!? To be honest the figures appear to show that the opposite is true so just because a sizeable minority are acting as though they are invulnerable to any disease, doesn't make it a majority unless you want it to be so.
      The Government has been hammering home the fact that Covid 19 is a entirely new virus, although belonging to the Coronas family, and because it spreads more easily than flu is deadly and can attack the Lungs more aggressively causing a higher fatality risk.
      So, after all the Government warnings, Briefings, the Newspaper and Media revelling in the sensational infection and, at one time, fatality rate, you have to be extraordinarily dense, self centred, and Ostrich like minded to believe Covid 19 won't kill you or, because of your actions, kill some of your family, friends or those strangers near you. But, there are, pete, as you recognise, a lot of them out there in the UK and other countries.
    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      Well this dense, self centred ostrich does have an opinion.
      And its obviously different to yours.
      Lets end it there shall we?
      • Agree Agree x 2
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      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        Just on one note, pete. You are most definitely not dense, self centered, or an Ostrich and never have been. You have done many kind, generous and acts, unacknowledged, for members of GC and that is more than appreciated and for that I take my hat off to you.
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        • clanless

          clanless Total Gardener

          Jan 20, 2013
          Gentleman of leisure.
          North Wales
          I reckon the Gov't are right to say - look you could die from this - as opposed to look most people recover there's no need to worry.

          Mr Drakeford is coming under a lot of fire for keeping us lot in lockdown - my local Council have written to him and said hang on - everyone's doing their shopping in England - and that's not good for the Welsh shops.

          Will find out what's happening on Friday - he's seen that the measures in England have not yet led to a 2nd wave - he needs to crack on with it IMHO.

          The same bloke who wrote to Boris demanding an extension to the transition period - he's skating on thin ice around here.
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            Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            I agree with @pete . If our governments had closed the borders earlier and used common sense in dispensing advice on how to avoid picking up the virus, such as a non medical mask is better than no mask at all, etc, the number of people hurt or killed would have been much lower. They hemmed and hawed and at one point even said a mask wouldn't help and could make things worse. Rubbish. Then they did a 180 with no apologies.

            And this business of keeping a running total of cases- diagnosed, recovered, died - bothered me from get go and I stated this on an earlier post.

            It should be reported as :current active cases and the total deaths. The sad fact of the deaths will not change but current danger should be clear - not fudged.

            According to our government Covid-19 report today, there are 103 "active" cases in my region of 1/2 a million people-and once again, they are skewing the number by including 79 "probable" cases. So really, there are only 24 confirmed active cases- not including "maybe's".

            And I'm going to guess here, but I doubt I am going to bump into someone who is seriously ill with the virus (coughing out germs) as they would be too sick to shop and would be home or in hospital under quarantine. So who's left to threaten me and mine? Not very many in our 372 square miles of residences, businesses and shops- that's one case in every 15 square miles!

            Yes, I wear a mask when I can't social distance and yes, I wash my hands immediately when I come back home. Basic common sense.

            But trying to scare the heck out of the entire population by playing with the numbers is nasty. And the government and the media seem to be holding hands in foisting this on us.
            • Agree Agree x 4
            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              Is such a little word and, in this case, usually associated/linked with the hindsight of what Governments should have done. Nobody, but nobody, realised what Covid 19 could or would do and only the Asian after suffering losses through SARS were the first to realise the problem and shutdown first. But, with 20/20 hindsight, of course all countries should have shut down earlier but no real scientific information was known about the virus and when it was it was too late due to the vast volume of air traffic and people travelling to and from every country.
              The Governor of New York said, when in the throes of the high infection rates, "We were told to look to the West, (China/Asia) for the infections and, in fact, they came from the East, (Europe). Since we have over 20 million people passing through New York by air and sea it was too late to prevent the infections and fatalities".
              You only need one person with Covid 19 in the initial stages of the pandemic, when it wasn't even recognised by anyone as a pandemic, to enter a country and it was guaranteed to spread:dunno: America was/is unable to shut down totally or properly with different States taking different views and actions, with people demonstrating against lock downs and not even recognising that there is Covid 19 or, if there is, it's only like the Flu. With the current politics and "Leader" they will, I think, be lucky to get away with 250,000 fatalities by the end of the year.
              To be honest with you, I think we're past the "would have/should have/could have" stage and the need to point fingers at Governments to blame and say "I knew it would be like this at the start and they should have done this and that"
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • clanless

                clanless Total Gardener

                Jan 20, 2013
                Gentleman of leisure.
                North Wales
                China did - they manufactured it and covered it up - hoping that it would go away - if you believe the media that is...
                • Agree Agree x 3
                • Ruth82

                  Ruth82 Gardener

                  Apr 8, 2020
                  Personally I have found it strange that recovery numbers appear not to be in public. I like to see data for myself including
                  On these sites most countries have a people recovered value but Britain and a few other countries don't have figures here.
                  I feel that an issue here maybe that of the cases that unfortunately end up in hospital in Britain only a low percentage are making it through a figure the government don't want deal with right now
                  This also makes me question what treatments are being given and are they comparable to treatment being given in other places? Have found little information on this.
                  Other issue which I am unfortunate to be knowledgeable on is that covid is being put on death certificates of people that have passed away even when they have tested negative it can only be omitted if an autopsy is undertaken at which point this specific case was certified as pnumonia and no covid.
                  To me this is another way to skew the numbers possibly in the opposite way to cover the number of excess deaths as covid related ( the excess death numbers are soooo high recently even when the covid positive are taken out if the equation)
                  But I also need to realise that figures from other counties will not be spot on either
                  Lies dam lies and statistics
                  Britain seems to be doing so baddly at this fingers crossed things are more positive soon as possible
                  Little rant now over
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                  • CanadianLori

                    CanadianLori Total Gardener

                    Sep 20, 2015
                    Battle Axe
                    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                    @ARMANDII yes, I know that even someone who doesn't have it can pass it on, hence the mask and handwashing and distancing.

                    Let me make my point a little clearer. The governments are blundering and until they have absolute solutions they should stop the constant stream of generic garble.

                    As you say, the past cannot be changed so why keep blaring those stats and the other bafflegab.

                    They should just say: There are umpty diagnosed and active cases today. There are, to date, umpty who unfortunately did not survive and they are this % of the total to-date cases. In other words compare total to date to total to date data and give us the current situation as a separate item for assessing our "stranger danger". Yes, it only takes one but your chances if you distance, keep clean?

                    I have a fairly large circle of friends and clients and I don't know anyone who has it, had it, or even knows anyone who has or had it. We're just clean people I guess :dunno:
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                    • pete

                      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                      Jan 9, 2005
                      Mid Kent
                      I've always struggled to see the point of testing for the general public unless they have the trace in working order.
                      Test today negative.:dbgrtmb:
                      Test tomorrow positive.:yikes:

                      It tells you pretty much nothing unless you know you have been exposed, or are showing symptoms at which point it has a purpose.:smile:
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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        My theory is ... stay away from everyone you don't know and be safe.

                        Had lunch out today, outside, six couples, all spaced apart (no masks because we were eating).

                        Using common sense is the key here.

                        We are fortunate here and have access to all numbers ... barring the lottery ones. :heehee:

                        @pete ... sorry, if they don't give you all the numbers you want, you would want more, ie, what health problems does everyone have,/had, what health problems do their relatives, friends, co-workers have/had, who in their family have died from what and at what age, how many times do they have sex a week and with whom ...

                        My Brother in Law died Monday aged 76 from throat cancer but his lungs gave out from Chemo ... I don't believe he will be listed as a CV death (in Germany).

                        Life can be shite, as I have known personally for 2-1/2 years but we have to get on with it and look to the future positively.
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                          Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
                        • pete

                          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                          Jan 9, 2005
                          Mid Kent
                          Well, its not that I want all the number, I just want a balance to give death against recovery.
                          To think I want to know the ins and outs of everyone's life story is slightly silly if you dont mind me saying so @Victoria

                          I'm sorry to hear about your brother in law, was that your sister's, who we knew as kedigato, husband?
                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          @pete I guess you look at Coronavirus Update (Live): 8,321,791 Cases and 447,662 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer which gives one most of the numbers people want. I can get more info from Portuguese sites, more local. To me, it is not silly by some of the posts you make! :scratch: :whistle:

                          Yes, it was Anne's husband. You may remember she dies in May 2014 and he still came down here every year. He had had throat cancer many years ago and it reared it's ugly head again a couple of months ago and he had one severe round of chemo which killed off his immune system. He visited Sis's grave daily then he found a lovely widowed lady friend 18 months ago. His only son took two days last week to get from Florida to Germany and he was not allowed to see him. As I said, life can be shite.
                          Not getting on at you. :imphrt:
                          • Friendly Friendly x 1
                          • Victoria

                            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                            Jun 9, 2006
                            Lady of Leisure
                            Messines, Algarve
                            Tempers are rising when they shouldn't be. Let's all call it a day and agree to disagree.

                            I had a bad day yesterday and got up this morning and said "Today is a new dawn and a new day" ... and it has been a good day.

                            BUT ... I am allowed to give pete grief ... just because I can ...
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