Corona Virus Treatment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. SimonZ

    SimonZ Gardener

    Feb 9, 2009
    Saddened but unsurprised to hear there are places where masks are being disregarded, and that some see this as a joke. Shop staff have been going in to work throughout this entire crisis, putting their safety at risk, in order that we all have food to eat, it is so disrespectful to be sticking two fingers at them by not wearing a mask. Forgetting to bring it is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. We don't "forget" to wear a seat belt - do we? There are some people who think they know more than the scientists and medics, yet you can bet that the moment they contract Covid or fall ill in any way, it will be on medical science that they rely, demanding help from the very same doctors, nurses and other health professionals whose expert advice they have scorned. Forgive the emotion, but this has taken on a personal significance for me now, as in a few weeks my work is transferring to a physical site. I will be putting my safety on the line to travel in on a 40 minute train journey then performing a public service on the front line. I sincerely hope no-one has the brass neck to walk up to me and say they "forgot" to bring their mask, because if they do I'm not sure I will be responsible for my actions. I resent wearing the damned things as much as anyone - physically they're a downright nuisance and politically it isn't good for any sort of clothing to be mandatory - but there is such a thing as compromising one's beliefs for the common good. Thankfully, we seem to be doing this for the most part, but I've really lost patience with the selfish anti-mask crybabies now. If they want to put their own lives on the line then fine, but they don't have the right to risk killing other people, even if those other people are as slack about it as them.
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      Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    • SimonZ

      SimonZ Gardener

      Feb 9, 2009
      I totally agree Mike. Humans are the only animals which intentionally wreck and destroy their own environments, and put others' lives at risk for no reason. I can well imagine that the same people whingeing about having to wear a mask probably also complained when the law about dog dirt came in, and probably think nothing of spitting or worse in the street.
      • Agree Agree x 3
      • SimonZ

        SimonZ Gardener

        Feb 9, 2009
        Not only does it defeat the ENTIRE purpose of the masks, its also a blatant infringement on someone else's right to safety. I wish you had been able to catch them in the act - or then again maybe not, as the sort of person who would do this would probably think nothing of lashing out violently if you so much as asked them politely to pick it up. I remember thinking at the onset of this crisis that it would gradually reveal the best and worst of human nature. Sadly, it has done precisely that.
        • Agree Agree x 6
        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          When we were out today we too came across a discarded mask and gloves thrown on the pavement, makes you feel ashamed to be a member of the human race at times.:sad:
          • Agree Agree x 5
          • Mike Allen

            Mike Allen Total Gardener

            Jan 4, 2014
            Retired. Plant Pathologist.
            Eltham. SE. London
            Simon, my friend. Please take good care of yourself. I am in total agreement with what you say.

            Even after months of shutdown, thousands of poor souls dying, job losses, and businesses going to the wall. The full effects of Covid-19 remain very much a mystery. Scientists and many other learned folk are doing their best. YES! the still remains tha element of humankind who consider they know better. To those it is like being throne a life-line, and them saying. NO! I can make it on my own.
            Tends to remind me of my school days. Yes I did go to school and thoroughly enjoyed it. Returning one day from lunch at home, to the afternoon lessons. I arrived soaked in sweat. I'd ridden my bicycle like a madman so as not to be late. My form master said. 'It's far better to be five minutes late in this world. Than to be fifty years too soon in the next'

            Simon. Stay Safe.
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Our little repair garage say that they wipe down and disinfect the inside of the car after the work has been done. Whether they actually do it is anyone's guess. :rolleyespink:
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              • Logan

                Logan Total Gardener

                May 27, 2017
                redditch Worcester
                Got a friend i see once a week but not since this happened. He lives by himself except with the carers that come in morning and evening and another pops in during the day. The government website says that i can make a support bubble and with no distancing, i think that includes not wearing a face mask. He has ms and he says that he's got no immune system to fight it so he'd know if he has it. I haven't seen him 4 months, should i still go? He refuses to wear a mask but i would.

                Hubby's not very happy with it but he says that if i want to go,just go but I've got to think about him and the dogs as well.
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                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  We've been viewing houses this week and they have been very good at wiping all hard surfaces down as we've moved around each property, whether they have been empty or lived in. :dbgrtmb:.
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    It is a difficult decision @Logan. Whatever you do I feel masks should be worn. We are in a support bubble with my brother, but we still adhere to the social distancing guidelines as I am very concerned about taking all precautions to minimise risks to all.
                    We have had to be strict with one of our sons and his girlfriend who are passing through our town next week on their way to spend the weekend with their friends. They suggested stopping off for an hour or two and going for a meal. We are not comfortable with eating out at the moment especially on a Friday evening!! We have suggested just grabbing a coffee and sitting out in the park opposite the train station as the weather looks as if it will be good.
                    May seem a bit overboard to them , and yes of course we desperately want to see them as its 7 months now since we last did, but we are not taking undue risks. They live in Central London and will have travelled down by train...obviously we hope with all our hearts that they will never come into contact with Covid, but at the end of the day it's their choice to what 'chances ' they deem safe to take ( they always wear masks thankfully)....but likewise ,as much as it hurts us , we choose to limit as much as possible our chances of coming into contact with potential carriers of Covid.

                    If your hubby is worried and if I was in your situation then I would obviously respect his concerns and not go. When all is said and done,your friend has his carers ( my brother cancelled his a year ago) so your paramount concern must be in keeping hubby and yourself safe and well.
                    Think about it...would you enjoy your visit knowing that your hubby was really against it??? I wouldn't.
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                      Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
                    • Logan

                      Logan Total Gardener

                      May 27, 2017
                      redditch Worcester
                      Thank you @Upsydaisy for your reply
                      As you said my hubby is the most important thing to me and for what seeing a friend once a week for a few hours.

                      I hope that you have a good time with your sons and family. :)
                      • Friendly Friendly x 1
                      • SimonZ

                        SimonZ Gardener

                        Feb 9, 2009
                        Unless this friend is a qualified medic I'd be extremely sceptical about such a claim. The current science, and government advice, implies you can be asymptomatic for over a week. In any case, people with underlying health problems and compromised immunity are at an especially high risk of contracting Covid, so of course masks should be worn at all times if visiting them. If the friend is refusing to wear a mask I'd refuse to go - I don't think its remotely unreasonable to impose such a condition.
                        I don't know where your friend got his information about supposedly not needing a mask, but it took me about 30 seconds to find the specific guidelines on the MS Trust website, which are here Coronavirus, Covid-19 and multiple sclerosis[/QUOTE]
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                          Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
                        • SimonZ

                          SimonZ Gardener

                          Feb 9, 2009
                          Thanks Mike. I have had time to gather my thoughts and yes, I probably should be responding more compassionately to those refusing to mask up or moaning about it, and seeing that in reality their bigoted defiance is a way of, if you pardon the pun, masking their fear of the virus and of not really understanding things by putting up a show of supposed strength, which gives them an illusion of being in control. And for most of the time this has been my approach - my whole rationale for starting the other thread was because I'm someone who likes to hear and weigh up all sides of an argument, and suspected I may have something to learn from the anti-maskers. But the cold hard reality is hitting me now - for selfish reasons, as I say. We had a skype meeting this morning where myself and other staff discussed the mask policy, and for anyone who reads this who still has a "sod the masks" mentality, let me tell you that you are causing real, genuine anxiety and in some cases even downright fear to people who, often for very little money, are putting their own safety on the line for your benefit, daily. There is literal incredulity at the stupidity and selfishness of the few refusing to comply, and in fact the issue of how to deal with this and diffuse potential tension without things kicking off is just adding further stress to many people's daily work. I think people should just put the mask on and be thankful we live in a country where these things are easily available.
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                          • JWK

                            JWK Gardener Staff Member

                            Jun 3, 2008
                            Me too. The only time I have been into a shop in four months was to pay for fuel at a filling station and unfortunately no-one apart from me wore a mask. Even the till operator didn't wear one which amazed me, this was last week by the way just after it became compulsory to wear a mask in shops. I don't understand why filling stations can't use the night service hatch to allow people to pay without entering the store. It was my mistake in hindsight, I should have gone to a filling station that lets you pay at the pump. There were only one or two people in the store and I felt very uncomfortable about it, all aged 30 something and men, as I went in one was coming out so I held the door open but when I saw he had no mask I let it go and it swung back and trapped him where it hurts. Wearing a mask he didn't see my big grin as he hobbled off to his car.
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                              Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
                            • JWK

                              JWK Gardener Staff Member

                              Jun 3, 2008
                              I didn't realise that, but surely if you work in a shop you would choose to wear them for your own protection.
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                              • JWK

                                JWK Gardener Staff Member

                                Jun 3, 2008
                                Like me then. Its easier just to put it on as soon as you go out and not touch it after that which in fact may transfer the virus to your face inadvertently. Do masks make you a figure of fun? I don't care what others think of me or my appearance but surely wearing a mask is a sign of respect for other people?

                                I got used to wearing masks working on my Dad's farm years ago during harvest time. Yes they are very uncomfortable especially doing hard physical work in the heat but my Dad had previously contracted Farmer's lung (a disease preventable using Health and Safety precautions that were not followed in those days ) I can assure you it's much worse than having to wear a mask.
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