Corona Virus Treatment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Maybe the suicide rate should be added to the death total as a lot of it is directly due to covid .
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    • JimmyB

      JimmyB Gardener

      Oct 25, 2021
      Bit of ducking and diving
      Jersey, Channel Islands
      Well if the suicide rate is demonstrably and provably Covid linked then absolutely. If on the other hand this reduced suicide rate is only speculatively linked to Covid then in scientific terms there is no link.
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • JR

        JR Chilled Gardener

        Jul 19, 2020
        Retired oil magnate
        Just enjoy Christmas
        I see a lot of people not believing in the dangers of covid.
        But what would be the motive? Boris surely knows that if it all unravels to be nonsense he'll be out on his ear at the next election.
        Also, when we see members of the public, nurses, doctors etc gasping their last breaths and dying what are we going to believe?
        5 million dead worldwide isn't massive but how worse would it be without the vaccine roll out?
        I'll listen to every argument on this subject but as it stands (and as I'm a senior) I'll take all jabs and wear my mask if required to do so (even though i don't like it)
        Time will tell just how genuine all this is, but as i said what's the motive for telling lies?!
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        • pete

          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

          Jan 9, 2005
          Mid Kent
          I don't think there is a motive for telling lies, but what I do think is that the public are given selective information.
          You only have to see what has gone on during war times to see after the event all kinds of half truths and selective information is fed to the public, for various reasons, usually to alter or affect in some way public thinking.
          Add to that the politics of it all and I think we never get to know as much as those in charge know.
          I Also don't believe the scientists have a free hand in the information that they give out.

          Said it before, but when this is all over there will probably be all kinds of information released about what we have been told and what is actually going on behind the scenes, the truths and the untruths.
          But that will be 30yr time and it will just be history.
          • Like Like x 1
          • JimmyB

            JimmyB Gardener

            Oct 25, 2021
            Bit of ducking and diving
            Jersey, Channel Islands
            You’re more charitable than me. The actors in this debate who I think matter - as they are influencing what we believe are

            1) Russia. Troll farms are a thing. ThenRussian regime has a very material and obvious inteeest in spreading western discord. They are also well on record putting surprising amounts of effort and resource into this. I was involved with a Russian owned company from 2007 to 2010: I could not believe the level of every day paranoia and conspiracy. Educated folks believe things about the west that are just not credible. On the back of this dual campaigns of home and foreign misinformation are staples of the current despotic outfit and vaccine / mask scepticism is a big part of that.

            2) the scientists: there is no credible way to suggest that they are being dishonest with the public. And they are extremely clear on measures that will keep us safe and have been for some time. Those who claim otherwise really do need to look at what information sources they are consuming

            3) politicians: the demise of decency in British politics has just followed the US sadly where outright lies, diversion of public funds to cronies and a reliance on a deeply dishonest sector of the media is standard. The deliberate spreading of misinformation is cynicism of the worst kind. I think it is entirely reasonable to believe nothing that any of our Government says given the long public history of just outright lying. Boris would say absolutely anything - and he does - to retain power. I heard Grant Shapps on the TV last night. He started ‘I can assure you..’. I wondered: given your history Mr Shapps has there ever been a more futile plea?

            tthere are no political parties who have a touch on our current lot in this respect (they just do not seem to understand the rules in play right now) and so we will continue to have them and their ilk until we decide that we will collectively punish liars at the ballot box.

            That’s a pretty sad inditement on where we are now. And for Covid (and lots of other subjects of real importance) a reliance on public fear of the wrong things is crucial to this game.

            I see no reason to believe that there is a secret cabal of scientists misleading us. I see every reason therefore as a lay person to accept their best efforts to keep us safe. And I see every reason to volubly point out that in this discussion we have evidence and we have ‘just making it up’. The latter is killing us.
            On that chirpy note, the sun is shining, the missus is away on a girls weekend and not back for a couple of hours and I’ve got a path to lay!
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              Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
            • JR

              JR Chilled Gardener

              Jul 19, 2020
              Retired oil magnate
              Lets hope the government aren't in fact fully aware that covid is likely to wipe out half the worlds population in the next 5 years.
              The virus may have been deliberately designed in Wuhan to do as much..(it's cheaper than war)
              I never did buy the fruit bat story cute as it was!
              If there was stuff going on then Keir Starmer would be piping up. That's the oppositions job is it not, to hold the government (and the media) to account.
              The BBC shows a very filtered news without a shadow of doubt so it's helpful to look at other news channels for a more balanced view of world events.
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • JimmyB

                JimmyB Gardener

                Oct 25, 2021
                Bit of ducking and diving
                Jersey, Channel Islands
                I think the interesting question is in whose interests is it that significant numbers of the public - who are generally not involved at all in how British science works - believe this.

                The deliberate erosion of trust in public institutions is a political agenda.
              • JimmyB

                JimmyB Gardener

                Oct 25, 2021
                Bit of ducking and diving
                Jersey, Channel Islands
                Well quite. And you absolutely could not trust them. Thankfully they are reliant for their info on people we can trust a lot more - the scientists. It is really good for us that scientists are a bunch of back stabbing, quarrelling egotists (I exaggerate a little here)!because it means they have absolutely no compunction about ripping down their peers when they get it wrong.

                It may have been. But we have no idea but we can see the bad actors pushing ‘the Chinese did it deliberately’ story - and as the wonderful Carl Sagan notably said: it’s fine to withhold my opinion until the evidence is in.

                I haven’t found him too effective in this just yet unfortunately.

                Yes - I agree. I read them occasionally but with deep suspicion. It’s what they don’t report which is always so informative. I don’t think it is controversial to observe that they have caved in in their editorial policy under Government threat to their funding.
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  The vast majority of people that I see wearing masks are either wearing cloth masks (usually pulled out from a handbag or jacket pocket) or are the el-cheapo disposables because that is what they can afford. Neither are medical masks and therein lies the point - if the efficacy of the masks being worn is not proven, why are they being mandated? The environmental point is also VERY pertinent - - if someone is infected, wears a mask and is breathing/coughing etc all over it, that mask is then contaminated; it is a bio-hazard. Yet they get disposed of in roadside bins at best, winding up in landfill.


                  Now, it does not take a rocket scientist to work out that there is more than one problem with this scenario.

                  To be fair, none of the media have any interest in science, however to say that they are 'conspiracy fuelled' is incorrect - they may well discuss things that you believe to be conspiracies or from an angle you disagree with but that is interspersed with some facts and data. That applies to all media outlets. I also disagree with your statement that they exist to make people feel like victims - - - perhaps that would be more accurate if put that they exist because people feel like victims.

                  You'd do well to give a monkeys about social media to some degree - not least as it is used by the political classes as something of a temperature gauge on public opinion and much of the discussion (and outrage) on there does go on to form policy whether we like it or not.

                  I won't go deeply into the SNP here, but yes they are extremely divisive. Start with Ian Blackford and work from there.

                  FBPE is indeed to do with Brexit - think of it as being a 'keen European' on steroids. Incidentally, despite Brexit we are still in Europe, it is only the EU that we have departed.

                  For clarity, I am not questioning the efficacy of medical masks - but the public for the most part are not wearing those, indeed, the government's own advisors initially stood up and said they were ineffective; nor am I questioning the efficacy of the vaccines as they do seem to have had a really positive effect - I am questioning, however, the mentality that we are increasingly seem to be heading toward those vaccines being made mandatory and the highly unscientific announcing that one of the vaccines will be tweaked within 100 days for something that they only discovered in the country this morning. I admire their confidence, but retain my suspicion, not least as they made a similar announcement about tweaking vaccines back in February of this year (stating that they would be ready by autumn)
                  • Agree Agree x 2
                  • JimmyB

                    JimmyB Gardener

                    Oct 25, 2021
                    Bit of ducking and diving
                    Jersey, Channel Islands
                    Apologies - I should have been clearer: by medical masks I meant the cheap blue ones which are so bad for the environment. They are well demonstrated to be effective at reducing infection. For cloth masks to work the unproven suggestion is that they need to be doubled up.

                    I need to go and lay this path - apologies: I’ll try to get back to this later.
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                    • Fat Controller

                      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                      May 5, 2012
                      Public Transport
                      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                      What about heart attacks/pulmonary embolisms caused by lockdowns? Should they be added too? The number of covid attributed deaths has been artificially augmented enough in my opinion - in turn fuelling some of the madness we are seeing and being used as an excuse for some highly questionable policies being implemented around the world. Maybe we need to turn that back the other way so that things such as cancers, cardiac problems and so on are given the focus that they need.
                      • Agree Agree x 2
                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        The motives are unclear, although many point to the WEF's "Great Reset" and to be honest, I think Boris knows he is out on his ear at the next election or even before that. Far too many lies, far too much corruption and quite literally driving people into financial difficulties. All the while, we see politicians behaving like pigs with their snouts in a trough. The real difficulty is who replaces Boris as there really is none worth a light. For far too many years we have been voting for the 'least worse' of the bunch rather than voting for the best, simply because there are very few politicians who are actually earning our votes.
                        • Agree Agree x 4
                        • Fat Controller

                          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                          May 5, 2012
                          Public Transport
                          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                          I agree for the most part, except Kier Starmer and his party - utterly useless as an opposition and far too interested in issues that are of low relevance or importance.
                          • Agree Agree x 2
                          • clanless

                            clanless Total Gardener

                            Jan 20, 2013
                            Gentleman of leisure.
                            North Wales
                            I reckon that the existing vaccines will be good enough to stop Omicron - by this I mean the our immune response to the vaccine will be good enough.

                            Apparently we don't just make an anti body copy of the spike protein as prompted by the vaccine - we also make a number of different variations of the spike protein shape - some of which will attach to the mutated virus spike protein.

                            Natural infection - doesn't just rely upon the spike protein - so naturally infected people will put up a tougher fight.

                            We're in a fairly good positon to deal with Omicron - just need to continue to be careful.
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                            • JR

                              JR Chilled Gardener

                              Jul 19, 2020
                              Retired oil magnate
                              That is so correct. I voted Blair 3 times because he had the smiley face and had sharp answers..(he was right of centre a tad) Cameron because he appeared the least worse at the time. Then i voted BoJo because he looked least worse than Jeremy with Dianne as home secretary.
                              It would be so nice to have better choices but I'll keep dreaming.
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