Correct application for weed killer

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by Ryan4661, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. HarryS

    HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

    Aug 28, 2010
    Gallup 5L - Biograde 360 is the strength of glyphosate I buy from Ebay. The solution strength is a little confusing on the label. The strength for pro spraying ( shown below) is 2.4%. For limited weed killing around the garden in a hand held pump spray, I mix at 5% max - 50ml/litre of water. It is best sprayed using small droplets mist like, if you can adjust the nozzle to do this - can be tricky. HI-AKTIV product Info.pdf
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    • Liz the pot

      Liz the pot Total Gardener

      Jul 1, 2015
      With roundup pro as it’s meant for use by a trained individual or supervised you need to understand the makeup and the mixtures to suit the plant targeted.
      If you have hard water you may need to add an additive to insure it works best.
      The label will also explain how long the residue effect lasts as there is one but it’s short lived plus the mixture rates and coverage.

      Some formulas are rain fast in an hour too but it’s a tad cold to spray plants and not effective at this time of year.

      Most of these products are the same when it’s aimed at commercial, the difference is additives that some contain to either allow breakdown of cells, to aid application on leaf, rain fast, low drift and so on. These additives are sold separately too and can be added to mixtures to increase performance and lower the amount of product used.

      Roundup pro has a leaflet type instructions that will show you the rate required for different plants ie grass requires less product than bramble.

      it’s a tad late to apply now, yes it may have some effect on the plants targeted but it’s performance is greatly reduced when plants are not actively growing and so best practise would indicate not to use the product.
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