Council threat for retired couple planting flowers

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Trapper Bob, May 7, 2014.


Do you think the council are right?

Poll closed May 21, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't know

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Illogical local councils!! :doh:

    One of the disabled people that I look after in the town near us was having a problem. His mobility scooter didn't fit in the house and was kept in a shed in the back garden - very handy with power for charging battery. Access was through back gate to narrow alley behind houses.

    The trees along the other side of the alley were getting overgrown and it was becoming almost impossible for the scooter to get by. So, naturally, I asked the council to cut the branches to allow access. "Sorry, Mr Shiney, it's not in this year's scheduled works and we have no extra budget for it"! I pointed out that as the alley is only 300ft long and the tree branches were no thicker than half an inch it would only take two men (one with a cutter and the other raking) no more than 30 minutes to do the job and they would be allowing two disabled people (another one lived two doors away) the access that should be provided. "Sorry, not possible".

    So I told them that would not be a problem as I would cut the branches and leave them, for collection on the grass of the big green at the end, just by the road. It would then only take them about 3 minutes to load their lorry as it was passing. (About three years before, I had cut it back and left it there when they said they couldn't do the job - but hadn't told them I was doing it. It got cleared up from the verge with no problem.)

    Big official letter threatening prosecution dropped through my letterbox, telling me I mustn't cut council property. So I sent them the time and date I was going to do and asked the head of dept. (who had sent the letter) to come and me, and the Press photographer, for the event :heehee:. A copy of my email to him also went to the Chief Exec of the Council.

    I got a phone call the next day from Jobsworth saying they had just done the job. When I was in a meeting with the Chief Exec the following week (we're on a number of committees together) he told me he had reprimanded Jobsworth for not using common sense.

    I had followed correct procedure (as Marley recommends) but it hadn't worked. :sad: Not really the Council's fault - only Jobsworth's fault.

    Jeremy Taylor introduced a new word into our language with this song
    • Like Like x 2
    • Scrungee

      Scrungee Well known for it

      Dec 5, 2010
      Central England on heavy clay soil
      You need to apply to the council for a licence to do that, but it would be interesting to hear of their response as it would make the council appear stupid whether they issued or refused it. The local press often like that sort of story (although some local papers appear reluctant to criticise the local council as they rely on their press releases to re-print almost word for word as a source of 'stories' to fill their paper with rather than doing any proper reporting).
      • Like Like x 1
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • Loofah

        Loofah Admin Staff Member

        Feb 20, 2008
        @shiney @Scrungee Popular opinion here is that the local council are a bunch of crooks, the county council inept and elected local councillors a club for themselves with little or no opposition as they have mysteriously won all elections since forever, supported by head of the local council...
        The councillors are supposed to work for the village or town but we hear nothing from them at all except at election time (now as it happens), they simply refuse to say what they're working on as I suspect they aren't. They don;t even live in the area! This last is almost certainly one of the core reasons they're useless oxygen thieves and definitely there should be the requirement of any councillor representing a ward to actually live there.
        I usually haven't the patience for the Machiavellian ways councils work, I just find it all so damned infuriating when they're all supposed to be making the community and infrastructure stronger yet they appear to achieve the exact opposite!
        • Like Like x 1
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          There are always some councillors that don't know what they're doing and some officers that have no feel for the public or for what is right. I fight those sort of people all the time.

          On the other hand, there are quite a lot of them that are good. The problem is finding the right ones.

          Re local papers: the approach to them is the main thing that works well. do it right and you get published, do it wrong and you don't.

          Unfortunately, you need to know how the game is played and play them the right way. It shouldn't be necessary, but it is.

          Most of the time it's a matter of coming up with what appears to be a win, win situation for them. That occasionally means you need to take a skewed look at things (used to be called lateral thinking until it went out of vogue :heehee:).
          • Like Like x 1
          • Loofah

            Loofah Admin Staff Member

            Feb 20, 2008
            I just want a councillor that does something. At the moment we have councillors taking positions and doing chuff-all when an independent that actually lives in the village could make the difference but can't because of the incumbent. People don;t care enough any more to vote them out so it's our own fault but it still bugs me.
            Anyway, back to topic. Councils suck and a nice maintained border is better than a mud pit with cars on it.
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Agreed :blue thumb: :)

            If I was the couple I'd ask the council if I could borrow one of their lorries so that I could reinstate the verge to its original deeply rutted, muddy state as they had instructed. ;)
            • Agree Agree x 3
            • Ian Taylor

              Ian Taylor Total Gardener

              Nov 1, 2013
              Maintenance Manager, Oddfellows on the Park.
              Cheadle Hulme
              I must admit our councillor is has much use as a chocolate fireguard, the only time you see them is when it's the council elections.
              • Like Like x 1
              • Marley Farley

                Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                May 11, 2005
                Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                Under the Edge Zone 8b
                Maybe because our parish is a village and the local council covers a very rural area that we are lucky.. Our Local Councillor is very active, comes to all our parish council meetings, is very approachable and does get things done also this area is big on "community strategy" which also helps..

                There are planted areas in our village on council ground which when asked the local council were more than happy for us to take over as a council or individuals in the village as long as it was understood it was council land and they can take it back at any time, but asking first is the key.. I am very sorry for the couples time and efforts on the verge and feel for them, but I can see another side..
                I know jolly well that in some areas, as in the one under discussion, it is not as personalised perhaps as where I am but, all councils do work to the same rules and Highways probably have the most clout in every council with planning coming in a close second..

                Maybe some councils/councillors are less active.. I think we all know that..

                I really wish the the couple had asked for permission first 15 yrs ago.. Then they may have had a councillor on their side now.. Not sure the media coverage will help but who knows..
                Oh what a horrid situation.. :sad:
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  Had the same situation here and the 'independent' only got elected after the incumbent useless councillor didn't seek re-election, but the 'independent' immediately became just as useless, joined the party of the previous incumbent, got rewarded by them with a paid post and then toed the party line. When that one left, another local person got elected who spends all their time helping a few individuals get their way rather than standing up for the village as a whole (anything to get votes), but I expect they'll be ousted at the next election.
                • clueless1

                  clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                  Jan 8, 2008

                  Like the council lady I spoke to for over an hour, in front of lots of waiting people, not even given the courtesy of a private meeting room, but I didn't care because I knew that I was right and I knew that if this lady insisted on trying to belittle me in front of everyone, fine, because I knew it would backfire horribly, as indeed it did.

                  I was was just turned 18, and poll tax had not yet been abolished. If there's anyone reading young enough to not remember it, poll tax was like council tax, but per individual as opposed to per household. It was a tax on breathing. You became liable for it when you turned 18. I was about 3 months after 18 when my demand arrived. It was of course from the council, and it threatened court action for being nearly 3 years in arrears.

                  It took me an hour to explain to the lady that if I'm a few months past 18, and you only have to pay from when you turn 18, then I can't be nearly 3 years in arrears so the only possible explanation is that the council made an error. The woman was having none of it.

                  At one point I even made her do some basic arithmetic out loud with me, to demonstrate that 18 (the age you have to pay it at and the age I was) minus 3 (the number of years I was apparently in arrears) was actually 15 and not 18. At one point, now clearly winning, as I had maintained my composure throughout while my oponent was clearly getting angry and flustered, I saw an opportunity for a bit of fun. I said to her, 'look, we'll do the sums again, 18 take away 3, hold up 18 fingers and then bend 3 down and count what's left'. There was barely stifled chortles from the rest of the waiting crowding when she actually held up both hands and looked at them for a moment, very confused, before realising that she didn't actually have 18 fingers.

                  Eventually, she conceded defeat, and in front of the audience admitted that there had been an error. I distinctly remember one waiting old lady tapping her walking stick on the floor and saying calmly, 'well done lad'.

                  A few years ago, our local council, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, made a massive high profile media campaign saying how they were skint and would have to raise council tax. Then just after that, there was that banking crash in Iceland. Our local council lost many millions in it. So this begs the question. If they had many millions in an offshore bank account, how could they, prior to the collapse of that bank, honestly say they were skint? The simple answer seems to be that they might have been lying.
                  • Agree Agree x 3
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    Well, I got a reply from the council leader......................

                    "on the face of it I am horrified at this, however, having asked our Director to look into this it seems that there is along standing neighbourhood dispute so I am awaiting further information so that I can fully understand the situation. it is clearly not as straightforward as suggested in theDaily Mail


                    Fair dues, it was more than I expected.
                    • Like Like x 2
                    • Marley Farley

                      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                      May 11, 2005
                      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                      Under the Edge Zone 8b
                      Hmm that doesn't surprise me longk, there usually is sadly in disputes like this.. Well keep us informed of the outcome.. :thumbsup:
                      • Agree Agree x 3
                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        The reply does beg one question though - was it a narked neighbour or an eagle eyed council employee who dobbed them in?
                        Actually, what about the council employees responsible for cutting the grass all these years?
                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        I also had another reply (for some reason it was in my Spam box) from a Councillor Lynn Riley
                        Executive Member for Localities.

                        In the interests of balance I've copied it below.......................

                        "Thank you for your comments and please be assured that our officers and I ( with portfolio responsibility for this area) are looking at the wider implications for what is being reported in a somewhat biased way.

                        As ever, there are usually more sides to a story and the concerns and reports from neighbours has not featured in any report. I am sure you can appreciate that one man's passion is another man's reason to contact to the Council. As the Local Authority, we have to respond to everyone and everything that comes to our door and try wherever possible to find an acceptable balance.

                        This balance is being achieved in communities up and down the borough and we have some amazing "guerilla gardening" projects that really drive to the heart of "big Society". These are proving highly successful and very popular because they involve many people, from all ages over wide areas where individuals come together with a common idea and a desire to see themselves as a "community". This case is somewhat different being a one-man project. The papers rightly state that this has taken place over some years and this is correct. Our streetscene teams have respected this gentleman's right to care for the verge outside his home and have welcomed the attention when it was limited to grass cutting and a few modest bedding plants. It would appear that his ambitions have escalated quite recently and the scale of the "gardening" has prompted neighbours to complain to the council. Hence the inspection that has resulted in some unfortunate media reports. What is not reported is that our staff have been trying to work with the residents concerned to find a compromise but when none was forthcoming, letters were written and when people don't like an outcome, off to the press they go.

                        The highway is always an emotive area and people don't always grasp the legal responsibilities that go with it. What would happen if plants were damaged or if vehicles were damaged by what appeared on the verge? The "what if " factor can be happily ignored by others, but alas not by CWAC as the principle authority.

                        We are going to look at how we might help people find a way of realising their ambitions to make their neighbourhood a more pleasant and attractive place, whilst respecting the rights of others not to agree . Our aim is to fundamentally keep everyone safe from the laws of unintended consequences.

                        I live in hope that we can find a way to square this circle."

                        :lolpt:Hate it when I have to be fair to Tory councillors!:smile:
                        • Like Like x 1
                        • ARMANDII

                          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                          Jan 12, 2019
                          :hate-shocked::gaah::lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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