'Countryfile' Photo Competiton

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by David K, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    image.jpeg I like most of the entries of this years comp apart from the one with the chaps dancing under the trees with the handkerchief waving,but will probably vote for the lighthouse photo or the mountain hare:snork:

    You would be surprised at how the new small pocket cameras have come on in leaps and bounds with the technology available.Mr Kandy bought me a new Panasonic LUMIX TZ80 (don't know the price as it was a prezzie) and was amazed at the quality of the photos produced,unless of course it was because it was such a fantastic sunny day and the light conditions were perfect.In my opinion you can take many a good photo with less expensive non complicated cameras,and after all it is the person behind the lens that has/has not the ability to take a good/bad photo:smile:
    • Like Like x 2
    • David K

      David K Keen Gardener

      Jun 14, 2016
      West Midlands
      I have to say, that as one of the judges of this competition, Simon King (professional cameraman & holder of a fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society) should know better.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        What cracks me up is the fact that they have celebrities judging the photos like Jo Brand and Co who possibly doesn't know the first thing about photography or judging.:snork:
      • Scrungee

        Scrungee Well known for it

        Dec 5, 2010
        Central England on heavy clay soil
        I have a TZ70. With the top dial in either Shutter, Aperture or Program mode, press the Quick Menu button (dustbin) on the bottom right hand side rear to adjust White Balance.

        To make really blue images like one of those entries, select 'Incandescent', then press the 'DISP' button and turn the setting to blue using rotating wheel around the menu set button. Will be more dramatic if taken during the 'Blue Hour' (Google it).

        To get really rich enhanced sunsets and sunrises, again like one of the entries, as above but select 'Shade', then turn setting to the Red end. Will be more dramatic if taken during the 'Golden Hour' (Google it).

        With both settings it's really useful to take several shots simultaneously using bracketed exposure.

        P.S. Always keep the front of the lens clean as they are notorious for sucking dust into the lens when they extend.

        And I love the USB in camera charging meaning I can charge in car or from a power bank I always carry around.
        • Informative Informative x 1
          Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          image.jpeg image.jpeg @Scrungee the reason that I have the new camera is that the shutter bit on the front is stuck open on my TZ27 and when we took it in to PC World they said it would cost more to get the thing repaired because of its age than to buy a new one:sad:

          Mr Kandy was looking at the TZ100 but the zoom part isn't as good as the TZ80 so that is why he went for that one:smile:

          I accidently moved the wheel at the top onto pallet when we were out walking last Sunday and I was really surprised at all the different settings to enhance the photos and saw that you can move the wheel round as well as using the leaver button on the top.I must say I am very pleased with the results of the photos but I like mine in their natural state and not tampered with so to speak,but eventually I might experiment to see what results I get:smile:

          I am also looking forward to using the 4K mouse as well for action shots:snork:

          Thanks for taking the time to put up the info in your post:smile:

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