Pete, I wish I could offer some advice, but having worked in HR for more years than I care to count I cannot because the world (in particular the UK) has gone upside down in my opinion and that's why I retired early and live where I do. All I can say is I wish you all the best and hope you find calm in whatever you do ... or don't ... but I am sure you can find some part-time work to suit you. Is it still true that B&Q and Sainsbury's will hire 'older folk'? In the early 90s when I worked in HR for Hozelock you had more of a chance of getting a job if you were older than younger. xx
Sorry to hear you're out of work pete. Have you thought about starting a gardening business, mowing lawns etc, probably the wrong time of year to start that. Anyway, make the most of your time off
Congratulations on being the same age as myself! but I'm probably in the much more fortunate position of already having been receiving my early retirement pension for some time and when I get to 66 will have rather a nice top up in the form of a state pension. As mentioned above, I didn't bother with such nonsense as chasing re-employment (I've always dreamed of early retirement from a very young age), but intensively re-trained in how to manage and make the most of what I've got, and have never looked back.
Sal, I'm not into kitchen fitting, at my age its really not on, both knees are wearing out fast. If I wanted the self employment hassle I would have done it years ago when I was younger. It just never appealed to me wondering where the next job was coming from, although I must admit I do now find myself in that situation. Maybe I should become self unemployed.
Pete , like you I`m a bench joiner , not a site fixer , that why I hate going on site , keep telling my boss that if I wanted the hassle I would have become a site fixer and get more money. Became a self employer , will simply make you more appealing to the moder world , what ever you planning , you will have to travel .... unless , you open your small little workshop and take all the local work .... If you manage to get in a workshop as selfemployer and they see the way ou work you are sorted....I`m a selfemployer but I`ve been working for the same company for the last 3 years.
I was under the impression working for the same employer, (and being self employed status), for a length of time was actually illegal now.
Yes it is in deed ....except for the fact that you can work a maxium of 6 months , and then a breack of 3 days before they can re-employ again. it`s the same situation at the moment , why there are so many part time job availabe....very simple , instead of employ a single person for 40 a week , you can simple , employ 3 part time and don`t have to pay any contrybution or give them any right , plus you get government support for employ 3 more person. Did you read about Startbuck coffee? a company that earn £399 million in profit , don`t have to pay a penny in tax , just because they have found the right loop. Today , we had a new guy started. He walked in as selfemployer , that would like work locally and not travelling , what he told my boss , was simple not point of showing you picture of what I`ve done , I can come and work for free at weekend just to show you how do I boss is already thing .
As far as the CV goes you are obviously able to communicate clearly in written English and that is more than many of the people competing with you will be able to do. So hopefully the advisor will be able to show how to dress it up & lay it out in the format currently preferred by employers. You'll only have to do it once then it can be used in the same format for a number of applications. Myself, I'd have thought that a job history working for only two employers was an asset, indicating that you are mature, stable, reliable and likely to do a decent job. Anything your referees say is likely to be good, I would imagine, and they will know you well. In the short term, if a job doesn't show up straight away, have you thought about what you could make and sell? I'm thinking gorgeous jewellery boxes here, as shown in another thread! Christmas is coming! Have a look at for a sales opportunity.
I Was Asked For a C V by my Employer and Said How Do You Spell That Please?? Gospel Truth and I Got the Job and Am Still There Now I Asked Wots the use of One of them CV Thingys when it comes to Driveing a kraine?? Point taken Start Tommrow
I'm now totally convinced that one of the main industries in the UK is finding people jobs. In other words, there a millions to be made just advertising jobs. We used to just look in the local paper, now there are masses of websites all advertising the same jobs. Its not how things work in the real world, is it? If you can employ someone, and avoid paying money to these people then surely that is the way to go for most small companies. So, can I make the idiots down the Job Centre understand that I'm not likely to get a job via this method. They seem to be very naieve, or perhaps its me.
Great Folly, this is our world , it`s really hard for many peoples to understand......when I`ve filled my first CV I had all my qualification translated , took me a week , went for the interview , the forman didn`t even look at it ....he simply told me : I give you a week , if you are not good you can F........ off . Been there 10 years ; )
My father started work in the 1930s as an apprentice aged 14(?) and only worked at the same place until he was nearing retirement when the company went bust, so only had one previous employer and this made filling in details on the application form of the starting salary for his previous employer rather farcical as it was something like seven shillings and sixpence a week - but he got the job!
Pete , let say your are the employee ...who would you take. someone sent from the jobcenter or someone that comes in and nicely introduce himself?
Joinery is a bit missunderstood, as I found out at the job centre, they seemed to think I was looking for site work. Just a few pics of old jobs. You might have seen these before, a couple of bedside cabinets. A school reception desk I made a while ago Bow fronted circular headed windows, dont look much but taxed the old brain power regarding machining. Curved window for a one off development. Its upside down on the bench. Restoration work for Windsor Castle after the fire deep pannelled door lining for the Queens Gallery Buck House Staircase in the making.