Dairy Products and Cancer

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    I was ill for the first 57 years of my life; severe asthma until 11 years of age then no end of health problems; the number of times I visited the surgery to be diagnosed with gastroenteritis; it was horrible going through life not being too far from a toilet.

    In 1980 I was once again in hospital as an emergency but now I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and was yet again discharged; back into hospital in 1982 having suffered terrible pain again I had major surgery removing a length of bowel; a mass and my appendix; I felt more dead than alive.

    I then needed potty training not daring wander too far from a toilet this reducing over six months then a short respite before the itching began down the left side of my face and neck; this itching gradually became a real nightmare; scratching till I bled then after scratching horrendous pain; it was a terrible cycle; I was subjected to lots of tests at one point there were so many patch tests on my arms they ran out of space so more were added to my back; by now my skin was flaking off like snow; life was bad; the outcome of all these tests was I'm suffering slightly from Formaldehide?

    I was all in then one night in bed my lovely wife read out an article from one of her girlie mags about food intolerance; the next morning we visited a bookstore in Meadowhall and bought a book covering food intolerance; back home having read the book we dumped everything dairy and switched to Soya; the following night I slept right through like a baby and when I got out of bed I felt on top of the world the cure was absolutely so rapid; it only took two days to be what I'd guess 80% fit and well; only slight itching.

    A friend baked cakes for us knowing my dairy intolerance so always used dark chocolate; one day she made a mistake and I ate just one piece with dairy chocolate added she'd made a mistake and this put me back to the surgery after twelve years of not visiting the surgery after I'd switched to Soya; I now have ointment just as a precaution but seldom need to use it. At 73 I'm fitter and more active than many half my age; I've posted this picture before in the hope it helps someone else; I wouldn't wish my early years on anyone and not one doctor or specialist even metioned food it was my wife who cured me.

    Cow's milk is for cows?

    Kind regards, Colin.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Black Dog

      Black Dog Gardener of useful things

      Feb 4, 2021
      It's a secret
      Germany (Emsland, Zone 8b)
      That's a good story to tell. Luckily you found out what caused this.

      I wouldn't blame it on dairy products though. Otherwise nuts, grain, penicillin and flowers would have to be labelled "bad for your health" as well because there are plenty of people having allergic reactions to one or more of them.

      Personally, I love dairy products. I like to drink half a litre of milk every morning, and eating yoghurt and a variety of cheese is something I do almost on a daily basis. Never had any problems and I feel good doing it.

      At the same time I respect people not consuming dairy products because of their health, religious or ethic reasons (vegans). Its not for everyone - literally. And it's also dependent on genetics, lifestyle, culture or even age.
      • Agree Agree x 3
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      • NigelJ

        NigelJ Total Gardener

        Jan 31, 2012
        Mad Scientist
        Paignton Devon
        I really missed good cheese during the lockdown; as the local cheese specialist (small shop) was closed throughout.
        Years ago lunch was often a pint of milk and a Mars bar.
        • Funny Funny x 2
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Black Dog

          Black Dog Gardener of useful things

          Feb 4, 2021
          It's a secret
          Germany (Emsland, Zone 8b)
          Actually, I would probably kill for some fresh bread and a piece of really ripe cheddar right now....

          But perks of being married to a Dutch woman and living near Netherlands and Belgium is the availability of a variety of cheese :yahoo:
          • Friendly Friendly x 1

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