Datura Germination Problems

Discussion in 'Tropical Gardening' started by Bilbo675, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Firstly, the only wild D stramonium here are purple and they grow in dry river beds. I also find them too leafy and small flowered to have bothered to collect seed pods.

    Secondly, not only would you need a magnifying glass but tweezers to extricate the seed from a Datura outer shell ... :hate-shocked: My D metel 'Blackcurrant Swirl' seeds itself in it's pot but each year (I've had it 4-5 years now) I rake the soil around and sprinkle some seeds and up they sprout! :yahoo:

    John, forgot to tell you (and perhaps Bilbo) that mostly the flowers are those ruffly Carnation looking creatures but occasionally I get double trumpet single flowers ...

    Here is an uninteresting photo of mine (mother plant of yours) on the 'wane' at the end of the season on 25 November 10, very uninspiring ...

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