David Cameron's new Benefits

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    :heehee: Reminds me of being a kid, Scrungee. Whenever we complained of being cold we were told to put on another jumper, run around a bit and do something useful.
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    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      I remember those days:)

      I've been trying to train my wife to think like that. She grew up in a household with slightly more money than ours, so got used to the luxury of heating:)

      On another point, I saw a bit about government borrowing and income tax shortfalls and such. There's a solution to that but its for the spin-off thread that Zigs created. In a nutshell, when the government used our money to bail out the banks, it was on the condition that they made money available to business. The banks welched on that deal and took the money anyway, kept it for themselves, and made no effort to kickstart the economy. So businesses were forced to be frugal, which meant redundancies and a freeze on recruitment, which means people out of work, which means lower income tax revenue. The government should say to the bailed out banks, right, you welched on the deal, we'll have all the money back in 30 days please. See how quickly the banks get their act together with a threat like that, but like always these things, it takes someone with an actual backbone to do something like that, and that's something we've been lacking in the higher ranks for as long as I know.
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      • mowgley

        mowgley Total Gardener

        Aug 16, 2005
        Wanna be gardener
        Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
        I remember those days too and I'm only 33 :snork:
        I can remember being around 5 years old and there was a frost on the inside of my bedroom window it was that cold.
        If that happened now though it would be classed as child cruelty! Lol
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        • al n

          al n Total Gardener

          Aug 31, 2011
          self employed
          i have a lot to say regarding the spongers and lazy good for nowt members of society but it'll take an age, and i can't waste my time on typing about them.

          unfortunately, greed has caused this state we are in as a nation, greed from banks, greed from the long term lazy bruggers, greed from the MP's themselves, the government itself. it'll take a radical re-think to get things even slightly on track, and i don't think any of the parties fighting for the seat are capable.

          we need a total new approach, someone who thinks 'out the box'. instead of thinking how to improve (or in this case, how to side shift, give to one, and take from others to balance things out) is how to start over.

          trying to fix such a mulititude of messes is impossible, but break it down into manageable parts and dealing with one issue at a time will eventually work.

          unfortunately, pleasing everyone is impossible, but there is compromise so the majority is happy.

          i think we need to get out of the EU for starters, and cut the costs for business so we get our industry back. no wonder big businesses are locating manufacture abroad, tooling and costs have rocketed here, plus, i think the strike and employment law haven't helped.

          businesses are failing, long standing companies have gone so that means redundancies and unemployment on a big scale.

          Great Britain used to be the forefront of industry, car manufacture, steel, and the amount we used to export a few years after the war ended was massive. in a short 40 years since, we've hardly got a car industry to speak of (or motorcycle come to think of it) steel manufacture and coal business is almost extinct, shipping companies are a fraction of what they once were.

          we are no longer a proper democracy, big brother has put paid to that. one things for sure, George Orwell was spot on.

          i could go on and on, but i'd rather have a cup of tea and a ciggy in me garden, as to make a change, one person alone cannot do it, but strength is in numbers. we just need to say "no more!!"
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