Deserately unhappy - work related :(

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Honey Bee, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    SimonZ,I can relate to what you have said about what a lot of employers are like in the big wide world.Been there seen it etc etc.I have often said I could write a book about the experiences I and a lot of other people have suffered in the work place.Even Mr Kandy and his work colleagues are now going through what I and my friends went through years ago.They couldn't wait to retire and I was glad when i packed it in.

    I would rather be poor and happy than have money in my pocket and be near to suicidal every day for greedy bosses who don't give a stuff about the way they treat their workers.You only have to read the posts on Martin Lewis's site to see what goes on in the workplace and how workers are treated in this day and age:mad:

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I think that Simon is allowing his "cynicism" to distort his view of employers and work in general, having said that we all have seen evidence of bad employers. But his "cynicism" might be also be reflected in his response to the original post which was why couldn't she walk the 10 miles to work and back regardless of the weather, physical abilities etc.? That sort of disregard I would expect from a bad employer!!

    I've worked for good and bad employers, [mostly good], as a Senior Manager to, hopefully, turn a company around that was having organisational and managerial problems. The problems can vary but one of the major and re-occurring one was bad managers/supervisors who had a power complex, didn't have the imagination to see problems in front of their faces, actually enjoyed using their position to bully and victimise employees.

    At one company one of the "managers" had on his large, imposing desk the sign "Have you come with a solution to my problem, or are you part of it??". He was a self important bully who thought that carrying a briefcase made him a manager. It had to be explained to his that HE was the problem and was endangering the company. He couldn't change his ways and in the end left the company. My point is that a company doesn't necessarily have to be a bad company for it's employee's to be unhappy. It can be just one individual or a small group who are in managerial/supervisory positions causing mayhem and enjoying it.

    People do, by virtue of their experiences in working life, have different views. Some can't do without having work in their life and some don't want it in their life! Different strokes for different folks. I think the advice for Honeybee to find the cheapest insurance, and find another company to work for, is good. But in these days of recession and decrease in good jobs and a corresponding increase in bad jobs Honeybee's situation will not be helped.

    I still think there is more to Honeybee's situation that just a short sighted, rigid sticking to the "rules" by the Human Resources Department, and that possibly they are trying to find a cheap, but nasty, way of getting rid of employees.
  3. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I think I'm really missing something here:scratch:

    Cant actually see what the problem is, I've used my own car for work in the past, only occasionally mind, and just do it.
    I have insurance that covers commuting to work, so, thats what I am doing.

    Is it the company that says you need to change your insurance?
    If so, just say you have and tell them to mind their own buisness.

    I've spent my whole working life buying tools that make money for my employer, so I sympathise regarding spending my wages in order to help out the company.
    But it aint worth getting upset about.:)
  4. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I tend to go along with Simons thinking, I think it depends a lot on your line of work and size of company.

    If you get a job where you feel valued stick to it like glue, there aint many around.
    Think I'd draw the line at the 10 mile walk though:D

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    The point is, Pete, that Honeybee is being told get business car insurance for going to the company headquarters AND, if she doesn't, she is being threatened with "disciplinary action". So if you're just an employee who wants to go to work, do the job and get paid, and has got bills to pay, you're got to be a bit upset when you're put in the spotlight over something trivial in a manner that seems threatening and harsh.

    Some people haven't got the financial ability to stick two fingers up to the company and walk out to try to find another job. The other thing is that should Honeybee be able to do that the company wins, as, to me, it looks like they are pressuring her to go without paying out any recompense.

    You're right, Pete, it does depend on the line of work and size of company, the smaller companies do tend to behave worse as they don't like paying out to get rid of an employee. Some people do "stick like glue because they feel valued", but others stick like glue to their jobs, not because they feel valued or love the job, but because there's nothing else on offer.
  6. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    :) Hi Honey

    I've not said anything here but have been reading everything.

    You know that I was in Human Resources in the UK for some 23 years mostly in Contract Law but have been away from it now for ten years so things may have changed. I agree with what everyone is saying here.

    You also know I'm always here for you. xx
  7. SimonZ

    SimonZ Gardener

    Feb 9, 2009
    Life is very unfair and employers will often treat people very badly; sometimes it is hard to prove that you are being badly treated, and although you should not take ill-treatment lying down, it is often a case of toughing it out with support from friends and loved ones, until you can find something better, or go freelance. Anything to avoid being fodder for exploitative employers! In the case of work-place bullying, there are various proessional organisations who can help, and many firms now have their own in-house counselling services. This site, Workplace Bullying, Stress, Employment Law and You! might be a good starting point for anyone in that situation.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016

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