dial up

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by macleaf, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    JJordie..glad you got sorted at last..its not as difficult as it sounds..I have just had to install a wireless router and aol on a new pc that didnt recognise either..so i had to do code changes and i huffed and puffed and phoned aol and eventually i got their..and the new pc has windows vista and its only been in the uk for 11 days and so i didnt have anyone to ask ..for any sort of help..at times i felt like getting a man in but i just kept on going..
    its worth it in the end..i have speed now !!!
  2. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    I just had a really "interesting" (only in the loosest possible sense) conversation with my ISP. It wasn't until jjordie got connected I realised that I was still having to click on an icon to get connected. So .... I rang TalkTalk again and asked them why. And why did my connection keep failing. It's a right - um - thingy, when you're in the middle of a complicated report (in my 'other' forum) and got three or four windows open to copy and paste from here to there and back again. You work on this thing for around half an hour and suddenly the connection goes and you have to start all over again including logging and stuff. It was getting boring.

    So I rang TT. This very nice lady tells me - surprise, surprise - that it's because I have an extension from the BT master socket to my laptop in the living room. Well, duh, yeah - don't most people??!!

    She tells me I have to plug the modem directly into the master socket. 'But ...' I protest, 'that will mean me having my pc in the hallway.' "Yes!" 'But that's daft, who does that.' "You'll just have to!"

    I protested then got to saying how there must be an alternative. Still she held out. I persisted and after pressing her for ages, she finally said "Well, you could always try an RJ11 cable."

    'Huh? What's one of them?"

    Turns out it's an ADSL standard cable you can use instead of the present extension cable!! Now why didn't she say so before? I must have spent over 2 hours collectively, on their 0870 number, before managing to extract that little gem. When I asked, she just said they 'didn't volunteer the information'!!! [​IMG] Oh my life!!!

    BTW when I checked on the old internet, you can get a 30 metre length of this cable for a little under �£7!!
  3. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    So were you using an ordinary telephone extension cable before? :confused:
  4. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Geoff, you sound surprised that MD is using an ordinary telephone extension cable.

    Why aren't we told that RJ11/ADSL Standard cable is required or is it general knowledge to most people? All Broadband suppliers keep telling us how easy it is to install but fail to mention simple things like this.

    Think I will just send an order for some RJ11 cable ....

  5. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Of course! And still am - why wouldn't I? Nobody ever told me it wasn't okay. Like the ADSL micro filters - nobody ever told me they were a requirement until they turned up in the box along with the modem. I had to do a Google to find out what they were!
  6. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Thank you so much MD for giving me such a laugh this evening - went through the same learning curve when I got Broadband, so identified totally with what you are saying.

    Too give you a bit of a laugh too - guess who went to get a new printer earlier this year - and not until getting home discovered that it was not supplied with a USB cable - so how the heck was I to connect it to my pc :mad: Added to which the double sided bit as an addition you had to purchase :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    I am wondering....was it connecting to the broadband or was it connecting up using the old dial up?
    A friend of mine got broadband on his PC and connected up using the proper cable, but he left the old telephone cable connected.One of those programs downloaded on to his computer that connects you to a server in Uzbechistan or somewhere at some horrendous rate /minute, and every time he connected to the Internet it connected him. I told him to chuck his old cable away so it couldn't happen.
    I have to admit I knew about the ADSL cable cause i interrogated the technicians at work before I got broadband.

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