DIY Pond Feature

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by frogesque, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Good job froggy may not be a good idea to mix the goldfish and the frogspawn as soon as the taddies hatch the goldfish will be delighted
  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005

    The goldfish were starting to take too much interest in the frogspawn so a small corner of the pond has been sectioned off with curtain net draped over a cane and weighted on the bottom with some stones. A few taddies have hatched out [​IMG]

    I'm well pleased with the home made filtration and a glass taken from the feed pipe to the waterfall is as clear as our tap water. This is better than expected at this time of year. Some floating watercress also seems to have solved the problem of the water foaming as much. Think it may be the natural oils and chemicals acting as an anti foaming agent.

    The birds also love the water and the Blackbirds and Sparrows enjoy a splash in the shallows. A sparrow also took a jacuzzi in the fountain! The old reed root is also begining to shoot and will hopefully remove any excess nutrients

    The transformer for the LV pumps packed up as expected - didn't think the one supplied was man enough despite being within it's continuous rating. It's been replaced by a huge chunky ex. military lump of a thing I've had kicking around for years and it barely runs warm.

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