The French government are doing their bit for the environment too All officially poor people like us have been sent (on application) 8 free LED bulbs. The 'rich' have to contribute €35! Would anybody happen to know if LEDs light up instantly? My main bugbear with the so-called low energy bulbs to date is the long delay before they actually light up properly.
They've taken their time, noisette, as the British Power companies have been sending customers low energy bulbs for years., or have they being doing the same with low energy bulbs?
Light = good, smoke and explosions = @ARMANDII, They came up with all sorts of 'incentives', but this is the first giveaway, I think....
No idea, comparatively speaking and no idea where to get accurate country-by-country statistics. Do UK supermarkets still give away plastic carrier bags by the million? Re-useable bags have been the norm here for well over a decade. France has implemented a lot of measures recently, and nowadays they're not all just transparent gimmicks to create jobs for the boys or blatant tax-creation rackets. But the 'end-consumer' changes are small fry stuff. Until all governments tackle the fundamental attitudes of big business, the planet will continue going to hell in a handcart (or a Chelsea tractor). Which it might have done anyway We'll never know!
Bags cost a Shilling here now Health concerns about folk re using them and building up bacteria in them.
Ah..the UK has ditched decimal money already? Part of the campaign to regain former glories? The bags are washable.. Perhaps lessons could be included in the school curriculum?
Yep, even tobacco has gone back to being sold by the ounce, or near as dammit. And Travis Perkins are selling screws in inches again
What does washable mean? Is that the thing where you waste water and some cleansing material instead of throwing the bag into the air and letting it get caught in trees or blow all down the road and cause an unsightly mess?
Think I will Dave, but it's the 230v inverter that eats most of the power up, tried to get a car charger for the laptop, but they had every adaptor but the one I needed So I have to step the 12 volt up to 230v, then step it back down to 12volt to charge the lappy
@Zigs if you do go over to LED's do your research first. As far as my Camper goes, I'm finding that its not quite as easy as swapping bulbs. Does anyone by any chance know what the most common 230v outlet is on a UK campsite?
I've got a strip of LED's in the pill box, they run straight off the batteries The Blue 3 pinned waterproof connectors