Robert, surprised they didn't mention diet...........there are certainly some things that are a no no for me.
Quote "Now back to the dwiles. I want the team to put some of Shiney's porridge balls into the dwile mops so that they have a harder effect on the other team, must be subtle about it though! " Im wonderfing if that there porridge is any good for Diverticulitis ! Raw Rump Robert
I know, they are one thing I should leave alone, but when you pick them off the vine how can you resist the odd little one!
I have left all the dwiles in soak overnight with a few choice porridge balls in each bucket of ale. The Bug and Bottle wont know what hit them tomorrow when we have done with them! :eek::thumb::D
I know Mike all in the spirit of good competition just like the Chinese with our Tae Kwondo olympic contestants! We aim to win this match tomorrow! Fair means or foul! :rolleyes::thumb::D:D:D
Just posting this to refresh memories for tomorrow: The game is officially played by two teams of twelve players, though there is great flexibility in numbers (the terminology and rules also vary from place to place). The fielding team gathers in a circle, called a girter, enclosing a member of the other team, the flonker. He holds a broom handle (usually called the driveller), on top of which is a beer-soaked rag, the dwile or dwyle. At a signal, the girter dances around the flonker in a circle. He must flick (or flonk) the dwile with the driveller so it hits a girter team member. His score depends on which part of the body he hits â?? the usual scoring is three points for a hit on the head (a wanton), two for a hit on the body, (a marther), and just one for a leg strike (a ripple). If after two shots the flonker hasnâ??t scored he is swadged, or potted, which means he has to drink a quantity of beer from a chamber pot within a given time. After all the members of one team have flonked, the other team is put in. The winner is the team with the most points after two innings, usually the one with more members still upright. 3pm outside The Pop Inn tomorrow on the green.............and good luck team do the pub proud! :thumb::D:D
Just checked the Dwiles, they smell foul but as we are not going to get flonked with them it don't matter. They should knock the Bug and Bottle boys dead.......I am just getting them started in the Pop just to warm them up a bit. :thumb::D
Thanks Robert must get back to the bar and get a few more drinks down those Bottle B'ggrs! Game starts in 11 minutes time. :D