"easiest" plant growing and hardest challenge

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by jw_universe, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Axie-Ali

    Axie-Ali Gardener

    Oct 20, 2008
    I'd probably manage to kill that aswell:D
  2. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    My easiest to grow has got to be my blueberry (tophat). It survives anything and ever year is filled with blossom and loads of fruit. It seems soooo hardy - fab! Although my hostas self seed all over the place and I spend half my life pulling up new ones! Ohhhh - I have the bamboo problem too - the lady behind us has it in her back garden and it keeps trying to come up in mine - grrrrrr - evil!

    As for hardest, well, I'm still a beginner so I can kill most things! My hardest has been tomatoes. Every year I grow some little plants, look after them, plant them out in a variety of places (since they always die) and without fail they get some sort of disease and die! EVERY time! I can't understand it - this year I have given up with it altogether! I've also killed a climbing bluebell 2 years in a row :-( (But am pretty sure that was frost)

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