Echium On The Move

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by andrews, May 3, 2019.

  1. andrews

    andrews Super Gardener

    Aug 28, 2018
    Waste Management and Consultancy
    South Yorkshire
    @CarolineL I'm not sure if they like free draining but they are on a south facing free draining slope so free draining seems to suit them as much as the echiums. I think they went in last year, maybe the year before. We wanted them to echo the kniphofia that are nearby but are not yet in flower (and are not in that shot). My wife wont like it but one of the sedums nearby will have to go as its about to crowd the eremurus. Echiums are dead easy to germinate and a bit of fun during the waiting game until they take off - you should give them a go.

    @pete I think that this one had the centre rot off as you suggest. I have two varieties that are now seedlings. I may buy some wildpretii seed to give them a flying start too. I'll also have some in pots to over winter in the tunnel as a bit of insurance.
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