Edibles with a long harvest period?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by vibrating_cake, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. vibrating_cake

    vibrating_cake Gardener

    Sep 18, 2014
    Actually Called Neil
    That there Yorkshire!
    I am getting my planning sheet ready for next year.
    I've got a project log going on in another thread, this is the garden.
    So i've named all the sections
    Starting on the left at the greenhouse and going clockwise.

    Greenhouse, up a bit, Bed ONE, Wall ONE, Bed TWO, Patio TWO, Wall top 3,
    Starting again with Wall top 4, (back of shot in front of the fence on concrete) now working down.
    Bed THREE (biggest bed, about the size of the artificial grass) behind the picket fence.
    Wall TWO (with the white roses on) Bed FOUR, Is the bed the roses are in.
    Bed FIVE is the final one which is the bed in front of the little concrete wall in front of the artificial grass.
    That's the little KEY in the top right of this picture.
    GH one wall one two patio two w-3 w-4 three w-two four artificial FIVE and patio, (going clockwise starting from the greenhouse again.

    Wall 3 and 4 are both "on top of the wall" locations, where i'm planning on making planters for something.

    All on Clay-y soil, i'm going to get some better soil up on the biggest layer (three)

    Full sun is: Greenhouse, TWO, Three (2/3rds of it) and FIVE
    Part sun: ONE, FOUR, and the right hand 1/3rd of THREE. And Wall 3, Wall 4
    Shaded wall: (Wall 1, Wall 2)

    I also have P1 on there, but i've already planted that planter up with what i want.

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