I see UKIP have more seats in Europe now than any other party. That should make the others sit up and listen.
UKIP did well, but they have to come up with a lot more policies regarding the whole spectrum in order to do well in 12 months time. If not voters will just return to their roots or probably just not vote at all. Must admit, I voted this time, first time for years. Not saying who I voted for.
For local I voted ukip For euro I voted ukip. I was going to vote for zigs, but I changed my mind last minute!............ ;-)
Once again, the main parties are being silly sausages. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27583545 Rather than taking it seriously, we've got bits like these: So Tony B'liar, an ousted former PM, is giving advice that is effectively, "just ignore the problem". So there's a former minister advising the current conservatives to try to poach the UKIP MPs to help them win. While at the same time, we have another former conservative minister effectively saying "just bury your head in the sand, the electorate are just wrong". In summary, it looks to me like there's a small amount of back pedalling going on, and a large amount of burying heads in sand, but no amount whatsoever of actually paying real attention to what people are trying to tell them. And then, here he is again. The man that gave our country away in the first place, simply slagging off UKIP without substance, and calling on the EU to stop being 'irritating'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27585260 This from the man that took us to war having told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that it could deploy against us with just 45 minutes preparation, and then when that turned out to be a blatant lie, suddenly changed it into a war of liberation. I just wish they could listen to actual people. There's no point listening to outed and ousted failed politicians of yesteryear. Its what's going on now that's important.
Looking at the news tonight from Brussels, it looks like Cameron has a right job on his hands if he thinks he is going to renegotiate with that bunch of meglomaniacs After seeing that, I'm even more convinced we need to get out. This is the stuff that could turn Europe into a battleground, best we stay out of it this time.
Looks like the EU is dictating again. This time they are saying that we should pay more council tax. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27675294 And despite recent lip service from the government, saying that the EU must listen to the clear message that came out of UKIP's recent gains... Still, at least its not just Britain they're trying to rule. http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/making-it-happen/country-specific-recommendations/index_en.htm But, in the interests of being objective, looking at the list of recommendations they've made for us, they don't appear to be recommending anything really new, and the stuff they are recommending, for the most part, looks well intentioned.
Funnies part about it all that I find is Nick Clegg is now in a pub telling the EU to mind their own business. Who was it that said a week in politics is a long time?
S Harold Wilson, Lord Riveaulx Harold Wilson, Lord Riveaulx (1916–1995), British Labour politician, prime minister. Attributed. quoted in Sayings of the Century, "Prime Ministers: A Word from No. 10," Nigel Rees (1984). When asked by Rees in 1977, Wilson was unable to remember when or even if he had uttered this dictum always associated with him. Rees suggests the words were probably said in 1964 shortly after Wilson became prime minister. A journalist recalled Wilson saying, "Forty-eight hours is a long time in politics" at a party conference in 1960.
he was also the bloke that devalued the pound, then made a statement saying, "this will not effect the pound in your pocket", but dont try going abroad. He really should have stuck at flogging raincoats
He was also reputed to have said: "The pound in your pocket is yours, but once it's out of your pocket it's MINE!!!"