explorer problems

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by rosa, May 5, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    i keep having problems here in gc every so often i answer to a post and explorer come up certain sections internet explorer cannot answer to this ------- its been aborted i click ok and gc goes off my screen, anyone else having this problem
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Rosa,I keep having the same box come up right across the screen and it doesn't go away until I click on ok and then I lose gc which I can still see behind this box and then I have to click on gc again to bring the site back again:( It has been doing it to me for about a week now and thought i was the only one having problems.:oops::p
  3. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    Is it a message like "Internet Explorer has Encountered a problem and will now Close"?
    What version of Explorer are you using? You can find out by clicking "Help" on the Internet Explorer Menu and then "About Internet Explorer". If you're running version 8 I would stongly suggest you go back to 7

    There may be some sort of problem on your System, do you know if you're up-to-date with all the Microsoft Updates? (On the bottom right hand corner of the screen in there a little Icon which looks like a Shield, and if you hover the Mouse over it it says something like "Updates are available for your computer", if you have I suggest you install the updates. You might also have an icon down there telling you that there's a Java Update available, again, if there is I recommend you install it.)

    Without wishing to panic anyone, there are some 'nasties' around which purposfully interfere with Explorer, I'm assuming you have up-to-date anti-virus / anti-spyware etc. installed and running.
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi doogle it didnt say that, it says this section will be aborted and the whole lot goes off, i cant see a shield at the bottom of my screen, i will have to check internet explorer.
    kandy im getting the same it even happened before in my private messages lost the lot and had to come back in, been happening to me about the same time as you.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    Doogle i click on internet explorer and my home page comes up cant find it, i have macafee anti virus thats run through my bt total broadband
  6. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    Re the "Explorer can't complete...." message, I've seen a similar problem which was associated with Adobe Flash Player and Internet Explorer 7. Downloading the latest version solved the problem.

    If you're experiencing connection problems (eg you start Internet Explorer and it can't find your Home Page) check the lights on the Modem / Router. If none are on, you've probably lost power to it - check the plugs and sockets and that everything is connected. If any are red or flashing orange then:

    Power the Modem / Router off, wait about 30 seconds and power it on again. It will go through a re-load process, which could take up to a minute, and you should see the lights flash various colours, some should go out altogether and others will go green (perhaps after flashing red and orange). If that doesn't resolve the problem then:

    there is either a problem between the Moden / Router and your computer. Check that the plugs are firmly into the sockets, at both ends.

    If you're running via wireless, check that the little screen shaped icon at the bottom right hand of the screen, representing the Wireless Network Connection, doesn't have a red cross through it. (There might be two such icons, one for "Local Area Connection" which will / may have a red cross through it, and one for "Wireless Connection" which should just be blue.) If the Wireless connection is not just blue, then try double clicking on it. It should come up with a list of Available Networks, choose yours and click "Connect".


    there is a problem between the Modem / Router and your Telephone socket. Check plugs etc. If there is a filter in the circuit (a little white box between the Telephone socket and the Modem / Router), check that it's firmly connected. If you have a spare filter, try using that.


    there is a problem at your local Telephone Exchange. Check if you're getting a Dial Tone on your 'phone. If your not, then its time to call your Telephone Service Provider (or pay the bill :) ). If you are, then check the Modem / Router lights, there should be one marked something like 'ADSL'. If that is red or flashing orange it indicates a problem with the physical Broadband connection, most likely a problem at the Telephone Exchange. Again, check with your Telephone Service Provider.


    there is a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Call them to check.
    (When I experience this type of problem, I normally call a local friend who uses the same ISP as me, and ask if they're suffering as well. That saves a half hour hanging on the 'phone to the ISP Call centre listening to some dreadful music)

    Hope that helps.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi doogle thanks for all this info, i have latest adobe flash player, when ive had problems in the past with service provider i disconnect everything and re-connect. iff this persists will certainly do all this thanks
  8. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    May I suggest as Marley Farley has already said, you should try fire fox

    You mentioned BT said you must use internet explorer, they are not telling you the whole truth, I too am with BT, have been for years, and I changed to Fire Fox about 2 years ago, never looked back.

    Its very easy to do, and the good news is, if you donĂ¢??t like Fire Fox, you can still use internet explorer

    All you do is click the link I gave, download Fire Fox let it install itself, and when its done you get a new icon on your desktop. So you can use Fire Fox or Internet explorer.
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi water garden, ive tried firefox before and wasnt that keen, i like my bt homepage i guess its what you get used to, what bt did when they got me up and running they went through internet explorer, when ive used different things it changes my homepage thats the problem, iff i change to firefox it will change my homepage does it, this is just started happening since i got my new vista, never had any of these problems on my other pc xp windows i had
  10. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    Rosa: Whatever browser you choose to use (and there's plenty to choose from) you can set the Homepage to whatever you like.

    I stick with Explorer on the grounds that it's written and maintained by Microsoft and is therefore likely to always remain compatible and integrated with their other software. There's a (very) small risk that other browsers may lag in implementing new features / fixes to the Operating System and other underlying software, which could lead to problems.

    Saying that, browsers such as Firefox do not implement 'Active X Add-Ons' (things that rogue sites could download to your machine and potentially cause problems if your Explorer Security Settings are not quite right; sorry for the geekiness) and in some instances are 'safer' to use. There are various "wars" raging about 'which browser is the best', in the 'geek' community. Personally, I can't get excited about it.

    Are you running Vista Service Pack 1 ?
    You can find out by clicking the 'Start' button, then Control Panel, double click on the 'System' icon in the Control Panel Window. This will display a new Window which shows the basic information about your Computer. It should say something like:

    "Windows Edition........
    Windows Vista Home Premium
    Service Pack 1"

    If it doesn't say "Service Pack 1", I recommend you update, since that Service Pack fixed quite a few problems and improved overall performance on Vista.

    You can update by going back to Control Panel, double clicking on the "Windows Update" icon and following the instructions. It's quite a large update so I'd let it run whilst watching TV or pottering about in the Garden.
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi doogle just checked it states i have windows vista home premium and undernearth its got service pack 1

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