foxes and cats

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by its me, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Elaine, I don't think for one moment anyone thought that you condoned what happened to poor Diego. It was just unfortunate timing of your reply..we all new your remarks were harmless. Don't feel bad :(

    Ps hope your doing well with the no smoking [​IMG]
  2. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    hi poppy,thanks for that.i still DONT SMOKE. :D
    asked O/H about deterrents for cats etc and he said to pass this on;
    Boddy & Ridewood,mail order catalogue,
    tel;01723 58 58 58
    fax;01723 58 28 02
    e-mail;[email protected]
    all kinds of info and practical solutions. [​IMG]
  3. wishaw

    wishaw Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    Elaine don't worry - until just a few days ago I would have found the suggestion merely amusing myself. Things can change very quickly when something so cruel happens so close to one's heart.

    PS the bl**dy dogs are still running free in the street - but the man across the road from us also has a big dog who was normally free to run without a leash when he was out taking a pee, but even that dog is now on a leash at all times, even in his own enclosed garden. News travel fast and there are some people who learn... just a shame that those responsible for such things to happen are always the ones who do NOT learn. I would not be surprised if they still let their pack run just to mock us - because I know for a fact that the police has already been to their house and spoke to them!
  4. Jack by the hedge

    Jack by the hedge Gardener

    Jun 20, 2006
    I am very sorry to hear about what happened to your cat. When I read of how he used to be so close to you it reminded me of my pet dog Sheba who I had to have put to sleep due to old age a few months ago. I still miss her very much.
    I have always kept my dogs on leads when taking them for walks and feel very angry about those owners who have no control over their dogs who, nevertheless, let them loose to harass other animals.
    I know you must feel very bitter towards the dogs who killed your pet, but the real culprits are the owners who do not control them.
  5. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    hi Wishaw,dogs have always been in my life,the first being a lurcher who was with my family before i was born.he was powerful and could run like the must have been comical to see me leading this animal(i was "LITTLE ELAINE"up to the age of 16) but i never understood why folk were feared of him if i let him off the leader.he was 18yrs of age when he finally had to be put to sleep and i was inconsolable. i think,at the end of the day, we never have total control over any pet.any animal,weather domesticated or not can be unpredictable. my elders understood this then,as i do now.sadly, some people never grow up, so they never learn and theres not much we can do about that.
  6. wishaw

    wishaw Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    I don't really hate dogs, quite the opposite, it hurts me to see all the dogs of the responsible people in our street suddenly forced to be on a leash. They did nothing wrong.
    My sister back in Germany has the best dog of them all. It is the size of a small horse, a mix of German Shepherd and Irish Setter, a beautiful long haired dog with floppy ears and the face of a German Shepherd, his name is Carlos. I absolutely LOVE that dog, as do all the children in the village - it is the grownups that have respect of him. He lets children ride his back happily! And he even plays games with the farmyard cat, and if he gets a bit rough she belts him around the ears (he could swallow her in one bite if he wanted to). So dogs can be wonderful creatures, no doubt about that, if they enjoy the right training, learning and discipline. Because come to think of it, German Shepherd and Irish Setter should be a deadly mix, leaping at anything that moves, but with the right training and dedication anything is possible...
  7. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Thats it exactly wishaw.when you show an animal love and respect they will repay you oldest dog who is around 15 and a perfect genteman, would probably follow me off the edge of a cliff.hes alsatian cross collie (o/h still referes to him as mongrel)hes never had a collar on his neck but hes always 2 steps behind me.hes as deaf as a post now so goes by my hand.however, instinct kicked in the other day when he was sleeping at my feet and i caught him with my bare foot in the mouth as i uncrossed my legs to stand.he snacked at me and followed me across the room snacking at my legs.he just wouldnt stop.i didnt know weather to laugh or cry! :eek:

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