Fushia for container help

Discussion in 'Container Gardening' started by Adam D, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Hi Apple Blossom,

    What I mean by containers is proper sized troughs, etc. They need to be deep as the Fuchsias need to be planted around 3 or 4 inches deep and have a good foot of container still beneath them. ( I hope that makes sense). A Fuchsia planted in a pot/container with a depth of less than at least 12 inches would more than likely die.
    Plants just in a normal pot wouldn't survive.
    My smallest planters are roughly 2 ft square and around 2 and half ft high.

    Looking forward to seeing your pics, and hope I can be of help :)
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    • Adam D

      Adam D Gardener

      May 26, 2015
      Sheet Metal Fabrication
      Basildon Essex
      Hi Anthony
      Yes they are in plastic 30cm bell containers as for correct planting I've planted as I would any other plant the containers are I think just over a foot.

      Oh yeah sorry it is Tom West from what I've read these types of fushia only grow to around a couple of feet you mention potting depth I take it that's just to protect the crown from frost i do plan on putting them in the shed come winter.
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      • Anthony Rogers

        Anthony Rogers Guest

        As long as the shed is totally frost free and you provide a little extra protection they should be alright. But remember to keep checking them to make sure they are just moist. More stored overwintered Fuchsias are lost through dryness than the cold.

        Is there any light in there ? One thing you'll have to beware of is when they start growing again in late winter.

        I'll put more detailed information ( with diagrams) in the Fuchsia thread around October time, as you will also be able to take cuttings then as well which you can overwinter in case you lose any.

        The main thing to do now is........

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        • Adam D

          Adam D Gardener

          May 26, 2015
          Sheet Metal Fabrication
          Basildon Essex
          You mention light in the shed do they need it if they have been cut back just how much should be cut back.

          My head head hurts reading all the different articles on looking after fushia and not really explaining anything in detail.
        • Anthony Rogers

          Anthony Rogers Guest

          Hi Adam,

          Calm down a bit :)

          It's way too early to be thinking about what is going to happen in 4 or 5 months time.
          I don't really want to go into all the detail now as by the time it comes to the right time it'll all be forgotten. Or it'll be lost in the threads.

          Just for the next few months concentrate on watering, feeding, dead heading etc.

          And keep your eyes on the Fuchsia thread.
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