Nice to see a technology thread, I am very much an android enthusiast, have several including a Note 2. I use my phones a lot for photography with the aim being to paint some of photos at a later date. I have a google+ blog on the subject.
I upgraded last week, after being on National Express, surrounded by all these modern touch screens, I received several calls and texts, unusual for me, and being embarrassed to drag out my ancient mobile.I suppose it`s nice family worry about me making 9hrs + journey I now have a Samsung Galaxy Ace and i love it,,,,, ,still lagging behind as it`s a 2, I believe they are up to 4, but its brilliant so easy ,why did I wait,
I can be found on google under androidaddictsuk. I basically share some of the latest snippets of news to do with mobile phones, technology. If you havent used google+ it is hard to understand but after a couple of weeks you love it. I use it for my technology and gardening interests.
I am somewhat disappointed with the new android Xperia go, the camera is not as good as first stated. Pix-elation seems to be the state of all photos taken, be they close up or landscape. I shall stick with it as the kids have bought it for me. I can still keep in contact with them, so will have to do for now.
I love my Galaxy ace, if only I could answer calls, explained my problem to my stepson who called in tonight, showed him my phone ,he was looking at it ,"you don`t need this (bluetooth.) you don`t need this (GPS) etc etc, he then rang from his mobile showed me how to "touch and swipe" when I got it back half my little icons from the top had gone !!! He`s going nowhere near my computer. i love icons, makes me look busy