Gardeners corner

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Alice, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Lol, ClaraLou! Stop being naughty!

    Thank you all for your generosity. I know Nathan will be deeply touched. He's supported this forum on his own now for some years but, as they say, "all donations are gratefully received"! [​IMG]

    As for the £GC, it's just a fun thing, toytown money. On Christian Forums they call them 'blessings' instead and we used to use them to buy clothes and trimmings for our little dolly characters we had instead of an avatar!

    This was mine. Everything like the background, dove, flag, dress and hair garland, etc., etc., was paid for with the blessings. But ultimately there came a new owner and he didn't like them so out they went. [​IMG]


    Here on GC they were originally intended to be used to pay to enter the Games Arcade but I decided to make all that free so there really is no point to them any more. You get one (whatever) for each post you make and if you're so inclined you can give them away to people to thank them for their help, for instance.

    Oh, but wait - we now have a "Thanks" button for that instead! :hehe:

    One other thing, I should warn you all about
    a) talking about Google ads as Google doesn't like them being discussed. It's against their terms of contract and they are very strict about it. If they find undue discussion, they will blacklist Nathan.
    clicking on the ads which doesn't actually give Nathan any revenue and Google will quickly notice if there is suddenly a lot of hits on the ads. So please don't do that else that could be bad news too.

    See RULES, Policies and Protocols and note rule 11.
  2. charly96

    charly96 Gardener

    Mar 20, 2010
    OK, ClaraLou, that sounds fair enough, I'll crack open the piggybank and see how much i can scrape together.

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