Gardeners World

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Steve R, Mar 11, 2011.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Well, I think people are missing the point of what Kristen, Luke and I, are trying to say, in our different ways, because they seem to think that any criticism of the program is an attack on the Presenters and the principle of having a gardening program.

    I must confess, Roders, that I wear glasses, but I, like Kristen and I am sure Luke, am no " short-sighted self styled expert" I love gardening and making things grow and I have a thirst for more knowledge and tips that I hope is unquenchable - but just because somebody enjoys gardening with a passion doesn't make them an expert. My garden is "cottage garden style" not because I designed it that way but because I keep putting plants to close together and in places where they shouldn't go! Colour co-ordination is out of the window regarding my garden as I put the desirability of the plants ahead of design - so I am no expert! But I am a ordinary gardener who loves gardening, other peoples gardens and their adventures in them, and who is always ready to learn and be taught new ways and old ways of achieving success.:D

    If our "criticism" of the program had been seen for what it really was, i.e: a plea for a longer program, a plea for a program of substance full of tips and information, a program that inspired and enthused you to go out in the garden to do something after watching it, a program that, in the very first program, used an old excerpt of Carol Klein's visit to another garden showing that they hadn't got enough new ideas or material, other people's reactions had been criticism of the actual content of the program, and not the presenters, then there might have been a nodding of heads.

    The general opinion seems to be one of "thank goodness small for mercies" and a shrug of the shoulders that seems to say "oh, well, at least we've got one program" The fact that it is only one program of a miserly half an hour, was thin in content and in giving knowledge and tips to the average gardener, glossed over subjects in it's attempt to cover too many subjects in too short a time seems to be ignored because of the gratitude of actually having a gardening program!!:scratch:

    Monty's garden wasn't too my taste either, but that is irrelevant. The whole point of gardening is the variety of how we develop them, and I for one would enjoy a walk around Monty's garden. The fact that it looked drab was irrelevant. Monty's style of presentation cheered things up and he has a way of talking to you and not at you is a great help. But again, that is not the point!!

    If you can get past the feeling of outrage because Kristen, Luke, and myself have dared to "criticise the program and see that we're not criticising the Presenters, because that is an entirely different area of discussiony might see our point. But take a step back and re-think what went into the program, which in itself was impossibly short, and there was no real focus on anything. Things were skimmed over in the parts that were actually in Monty's garden, one part was old material, the other part was of an visit to someone's garden to give practical help and advice to a person who was not lacking in knowledge and experience themselves. Did anyone really benefit in knowledge or tips from the visit - I don't think so" If you can get past that outrage then you'll see we want the same as everyone else, more and longer programs that inspire and enthuse gardeners at all levels.:thumbsup:

    We've already said, in previous posts, that one program can't hope to satisfy the interests and requirements of every gardener, but this program merely made people say "Well at least we've got a gardening program once for half an hour once a week" To me it was like being given a packet of crisps at a restaurant when I ordered steak - there was no meat in it:cry3: Outrage, Outrage!!

  2. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :) Now that is a piece from our self styled expert, begining to repeat himself.:WINK1:.......saying SO much but in fact saying nothing.....critisism for the sake of critisism..

    I am just speaking for the silent majority............a vast majority enjoying a little piece of magic on a friday night.
  3. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    He's just trying to explain his point of view to you Roders rather than asking you to agree with it. Your post comes across that you are offended that other people criticise the program, rather than that you understand that they have an opinion (different to your own maybe, which is surely fine?) on the program.

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Never mind, Roders!!, maybe we will all get what we want, vocal or silent, more and longer programs that will meet our interests and requirements:thumbsup:
  5. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I'll see if I can get a copy of the Mail to see what she says. Of course there is another opinion and, thank the lord, we've got you to voice it:thumbsup:
  7. axe70

    axe70 Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 14, 2011
    oldham uk
    i would have liked i the format to be what it was going to be last year with the new garden with monty

    the esablished garden carol and the alotment to round off but filming at montys mean the the program

    seams to be how to continue gardening not how to start and continue still good to see monty back
  8. EddieJ

    EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

    Feb 21, 2010
    Oak timber framer
    Neither am I.:)

    Because of health issues, I gave up my very successful hard and soft, private and commercial landscape business in 1994. But before doing so, I had work published in The Daily Telegraph and the Times. Amongst other things I also received a Bali award. In partnership with someone else, I also turned down the chance of doing a garden for Chelsea. I turned the offer down because I hate crowded places, and it held no interest me.

    Rodders, feel free to continue to call me a "short sighted self styled expert" when my opinion doesn't suit your own.
  9. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Its this bit Armandii,

    "Monty's welcome returnThank goodness Gardeners’ World has returned to BBC2 in a new non-trendy format, fronted by the impressive Monty Don.

    He has got the knack of talking to us calmly, without flapping his hands about like two bunches of bananas and gushing like a geyser (Carol Klein, take note).

    We saw Monty pruning fruit trees, dividing up snowdrops and getting on with work in a relaxed way. That’s pretty rare on telly these days. My Friday nights are now complete."

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    This just show's how a "discussion" can disintegrate into various pieces about different things, Eddie. The danger in that is that the main subject of the discussion i.e: the actual content of the program, get's obscured!

    The danger is also that the passion/outrage incurred by a seeming "attack" on a personality and their much awaited arrival on a much valued program raises the "hackles" and ruffles "feathers". When that happens the actual point of conversation. the content of the program, get's put on the back burner and the argument rages over whether a garden is drab or not!

    I hate the term "expert" anyway as I seen too many "experts" make things worse than they were. I am no expert, and never will be, I'm too busy enjoying the scents, the highs and the lows of gardening, and trying to claim expertise in any area for which I know I'm definitely not would be false and actually take way the enjoyment of gardening!

    This Forum is for passing help and advice and giving opinions to each other - and for the ordinary act of friendliness - and I like it that way.:thumbsup:
  11. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    Just to voice my opinion...

    I am sat on the fence on this one, as I can see everyones point.

    Of course people have a favourite presenter. Some of us love Monty, other not so much... some people couldn't stand Toby Buckland from the last series, but I found his approach was always focusing on the positive, like teaching a primary school child the basics (and I found this very inspiring as a beginner). Im sure others would like to see Alan Titchmarsh back on gardeners world... then again, i'm sure if we could bring back the legendary Geoff Hamilton, many would agree to him being back on screen.

    Co-presenters in my opinion have always been good. Carol Klein will probably always be my favourite, as she has the down to earth personality that appeals to me, however, I also enjoyed Alys Fowlers presenting style, though some might agree that she probably more upper class than Carol, as is Racheal de thame (spelling?).

    In regards to the first episode of the new season, I did enjoy watching it, however, I cannot say that I have learned much that I can use in my own garden. Not particularly the end of the world (as I always have the helpful advice from Gardeners Corner :WINK1: :thumbsup:). Other people may have found useful advice.

    Thank you BBC for providing us with 30 minutes of Gardening entertainment, but I would love to hear from anyone who would disagree with the BBC extending this show to 1 hour on Fridays... or possibly 30mins Fri and 30mins Sat... BBC2 isnt regularly solid packed with high quality entertainment, and 1 hour a week catering for all the countries gardeners (and might I add, TV Licence Fee Payers) isnt too much to ask, especially considering the BBC has so many channels nowdays. If anyone has noticed, the BBC cant seem to provide us with good gardening education, but come midnight, they manage just fine to supply the countries school children with hour after hour of educational videos.

    Still, like I say, 30 minutes is better than nothing at all, and I DID enjoy the show... however there is room for improvement. It is always going to be a difficult topic to cover, considering the broad variety of garden sizes, soil types, sun aspect etc, not to mention peoples financial situations regarding disposable income to spend on the garden, and even to the point of the differences in Class, ranging from working class people who have less cash, and work longer hours... having less to invest in their garden, to upper class folk who possibly dont work, and have enough cash to entertain any plans they wish for their garden...

    Any age, any class... Im sure we are all united in saying that we want more Gardening shows on the Box.

    Either way, let us not squabble :heehee:
    Well mannered disagreement is healthy, conflict isnt. :thumbsup:

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
  13. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :) It is as simple as that............. Courtesy of Janet Street Porter.

    "Monty's welcome returnThank goodness Gardeners’ World has returned to BBC2 in a new non-trendy format, fronted by the impressive Monty Don.

    He has got the knack of talking to us calmly, without flapping his hands about like two bunches of bananas and gushing like a geyser (Carol Klein, take note).

    We saw Monty pruning fruit trees, dividing up snowdrops and getting on with work in a relaxed way. That’s pretty rare on telly these days. My Friday nights are now complete."
    I am not a great fan of JSP......But she got this right.imho.
  14. Stingo

    Stingo Gardener

    Apr 5, 2006
    Hmm, well personally I found the beetroot in modules to be an interesting tip so I've just sown a few in that way to see how they go. I knew about snowdrops but some people may not and it's relavent to this time of year. Monty Don I like, Carol Clein is enthusiastic! ( very ) to the point where she can annoy me and I liked Alys in the last series.

    So we all have our opinions and I was happy to watch anything to do with gardening..
  15. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    I still think GW has missed a real oppurtunity this year, with a slight modification 20 mins could come from Monty's established garden, 20 mins from the developing Greenacre (With Toby and Alys) and 20 mins for outside films with Carol, Joe and Rachel.

    Having said that, we are stuck now with 30 mins and have seen one programme that I would class only as an introduction and because these things are planned in advance, we are stuck with what we have now until next spring, lets just see how the series develops through the year and enjoy what we have.

    There are some good ideas and thougts about the programme within this topic but I do not think BBC producers would read past the first few posts to get to them, but maybe direct contact with the programmes producer's might actually get to them, after all, if they do not know what we can they ever provide it for us?

    I should be digging at the allotment today but due to heavy rain I cannot, maybe Carols film was added due to weather restricting filming? Even the BBC cannot control the weather. Just a thought.

    I would like to see an hour every Friday night, 52 weeks of the year! They could quite easily provide this and fill it with great subject matter if gardeners let them know what they wanted.

    Has anyone here actually contacted the BBC?


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