Gardening with The Moon and Biodynamiques (Part Three)

Discussion in 'What To Do This Month' started by Biofreak, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. infradig

    infradig Total Gardener

    Apr 28, 2022
    Freelance self preservationist
    Yes, this is visible to us all !
    Enjoy the Festival at Dinard
    Nature en fête 2024
  2. Obelix-Vendée

    Obelix-Vendée Head Gardener

    Mar 13, 2024
    Vendée, France.
    I think you're in the right place @Biofreak. GWRS hasn't been active for about 10 days so may be away.

    My tomato seeds are nearly all thru now with just a couple of no shows but plenty of others to feed our needs, including donations to friends. They're still indoors tho no longer on heat mats and I'll move them to the polytunnel today as I think that's probably warmer and certainly lighter.

    Not a single chilli has popped which is frustrating to say the least but I'm keeping them on their heat mat another week or so before giving up and moving them to the polytunnel.

    Lots of garlic kale which, confusingly, is harvested young as raw salad leaves. First time for me so we'll see. Cavolo nero nearly all eaten by molluscs so I need to sow again but plenty of Pink Flamingo chard and choggia beets. Eve the basils and coriander have done well this year!

    Looking forward to the May listings. Have fun at your plant fair.
  3. Biofreak

    Biofreak Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2024
    Thank you for confirming I am on correct Thread! Looking forward to taking off to Brittany tomorrow although it looks as though I shall be spending most of the weekend playing Mary Poppins holding the tent down!! The dogs are coming with me so it will be a challenge. The Lunar Weather forecast for May shows that between 27th May and 3rd June we should watch out for Blight and Mildew, so spray with Comfrey Tea or a Purin of Marestail (Prêle )which is an excellent source of Silica which helps build strength in the plant fibre.
    So 1st-7th May is globally better with calm weather for the Season although wetter up to the 4th with cold nights. 8th-15th May Dry and warm although still chilly at night.
    16th-19th May Heavy rain possible in many areas.
    20th-24th Much warmer. Start protecting young plants from direct sun (I find upturned orange boxes make great shade.)
    25th-31st May Hot and stormy with some violent thunderstorms. Very windy towards end of month.
    Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend and Happy Gardening.
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    • Biofreak

      Biofreak Apprentice Gardener

      Mar 17, 2024
      Just got back from Salon des Jardins Durables in Évreux. Packed with Associations helping gardeners to deal with Climate Change. Many interesting suggestions including one which I have been practising for a couple of years. To retain moisture in ground, never leave soil uncovered (remember all that clearing and digging we used to do prior to Winter to let frost break down soil and kill bugs etc?) but let weeds or green manure grow on, then pull or dig in at the point of sowing or planting a patch at a time. Let grass grow up around edges of Raised Beds. Slugs and snails will snuggle down in the stems and will not venture out to eat your crops. It's definitely worked for me, and the garden need not look untidy there are many weeds that you can eat and they're free!! And more importantly the grass seed is particularly good for the insects are always around.
      Bought myself fresh batch of herbs for new Herb Garden. Made Chocolate & Violet Cakes and Peach & Lavender Cookies to sell for the first time, and took extra Elderflower Gelée as very popular last year and first flowers have just opened. Great success. Quiet week ahead so hope to get more gardening done as 15/16/17h are Fruit Days so time to plant out Aubergines/️ Peppers and Tomatoes sown 5/6th March Try to avoid gardening after 12.30am on the 17th Moon apogee.
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      • Biofreak

        Biofreak Apprentice Gardener

        Mar 17, 2024
        Hi Everyone..gosh Chelsea has come round quickly hasn't it? Looking forward to the week ahead to see the gardens on TV together with new plants and hopefully new ideas.. 25/26th May I shall be at the 12th Edition of Fete des Plantes in the gardens of the Palais d'Argentre in Sées in l'Orne. Haven't exhibited at this one before so looking forward to it. Just mowed the lawn as weather supposed to break here Wednesday. The 20/21st are Root Days with the Moon in front of Virgo. Now is the time to plant out Leeks sown 16th March. Thin out Beetroot sown 30th April and Chicory sown 1st May. The 22nd is a Flower Day with the Moon in front of Libra. Plant out Busy Lizzie's (Impatiens) and Petunias sown 10/11th February and prick out Cauliflower and Broccoli sown 3rd May. Out of the 15 Purple Sprouting Broccoli that I showed only two have survived to date. The cats lay on most of them, and snails chewed the tips off the these two are precious!! 23/24th May are Leaf Days. Trim hedges and carry out topiary. Blanche Endive by covering it with an opaque cloche. Thin out Salad crops. Ate my first Broad Beans last night with Spinach in a tasty Salad. So good to start dropping own veg again. I don't like giving in, but Courgette seed did not take this fault packet out of I bought two organic golden courgettes and they are now planted up in Orange Boxes which I find ideal. 25/26/27th May are Fruit Days all areas sow Haricot and Runner Beans in pockets of three to five. I find this an excellent method as you get little bushes of plants that help to support each other before climbing. Sow Sweetcorn in three to fives too, then thin out as they sprout maintaining the hardiest. 28/29th are Root Days again. Sow Beetroot to follow on from existing crop. Sow Carrots and Summer Radishes. 30/31st May are Flower Days. Sow Cauliflowers and Broccoli for continuity ,and Perennial and Biannual flowers in a Nursery Bed.
        Well that takes us to the end of the month, and me off to Salon des Plantes at Duclair 1/2nd June near Le Havre. It's all go!! Happy Gardening.
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        • Obelix-Vendée

          Obelix-Vendée Head Gardener

          Mar 13, 2024
          Vendée, France.
          Hi @Biofreak I think you need to embrace paragraphs! Much easier to read the info.

          All my cavolo nero and PSB babies have been eaten by snails and they've had a go at my tomatoes and chillies and 2 of my little clumps of Greek basil too. Very frustrating. However, the Swiss chard "Pink Flamingo" and the garlic kale are doing very well as are the umpteen Little Gem lettuces and the Thai basil and coriander.

          I don't grow beans or sweetcorn as, in a normal year, there's not enough rain to sustain them. Potatoes and beetroot are doing well now as is the grass I sowed i the paths in the veg plot and the garlic and shallots all loook god but the tomatoes and squashes in the polytunnel are very slow to grow and are not yet planted out. Just as well, I suppose, as the chooks still need a dry space to dust bathe.

          Wet here so no new planting going on but I've taken delivery of heleniums such as Moorheim Beauty and a few others and they'll go out as and when weather and weeding permit.
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Biofreak

            Biofreak Apprentice Gardener

            Mar 17, 2024
            At last I can get to grips with the garden now the Spring Fairs are over. Apart from Château Creully near Caen 20/21 July, the Gardens Fairs recommence properly in September.

            The Weekly Farmers Markets are now in full swing as are the DDay celebrations right through to the end of July as each village and town celebrates its date of liberation. Today the parachutes are coming down nearby Saint Mere Eglise and I am hiding indoors as the aircraft noise is deafening over my garden. Peace should reign again after 5pm.

            The weather is beautiful today and the Lunar Forecast for June sees variable hot and unseasonable cold periods with storms in particular at the end of the month. From the 9th heat will increase but still fresh at night particularly between the 16th and 22nd.

            Tomorrow 10th June we have one Leaf Day. Plant out Celery sown 7/8th April and Scaroles and Lettuce sown 5/6th May

            11/12/13th June are Fruit and Seed Days. Thin Apples and Pears taking out the smallest of a pair and the middle one of a triplet. I bought a Quetsche and a Plum 3yrs ago from the equivalent of the UK Pound Shop, both flowered this year and are boasting thrilled..always a gamble buying cheap stock, but I always feel sorry for them looking frail and weedy near the Checkout!!! Prune Peaches now and take rogue side shoots off Tomatoes Cucumbers and Pumpkins to increase fruiting. Plant out Melons sown 29th April.

            14/15/16/17thJune Root Days but avoid gardening between 9.30am and 7.40pm on the 14th and on the 15th. Gardening not recommended after 4.10pm as Moon apogee.
            Start harvesting First Early Potatoes as they don't keep well. Thin out Carrots. And here is a French method for Leeks which I have yet to meet anyone English agreeing with but it does work. Lift young Leeks and lay them in sun to dry for two days then trim the Roots and slice a little of the top off and replant. This makes for a thicker stronger plant come Winter. I was really sceptical but tried it with a few last year and they were perfect.

            18 and 19th June are Leaf Days again. Plant out Brussel Sprouts and Savoy Cabbage sown 5/6th May. Bury them in firm soil up to the first leaf and water in well. Thin out Lettuce and Chicory sown 1/2nd June. Mulch all existing vegetables with straw or dried lawn mowings to keep moisture in.

            22/23rd June Fruit Days again. Sow Courgettes outside in pockets of three, keeping the best one when they sprout (I let two grow on together successfully. ) planting late like this usually avoids mildew.

            24/25th June Root Days Sow Winter Radish and Swede where you wish to crop.Pop in some Beetroot seed too for an Autumn crop.

            26/27th June Flower Days no gardening recommended between 7.25am and 5.35pm on the 27th as Moon perigee. Harvest Flowers for Tisanes and sow biannuals where you wish them to flower (in particular Lupins because they hate moving)

            28/29th June Leaf Days with Moon ascending . In the middle of the day and only if dry Cut Nettles and Comfrey for Purins. Cut Herbs for drying. Sow more Salad Leaves of all types.

            30th June Fruit Day...Harvest away. This is a great day for harvesting vegetables and fruit alike.
            Happy Gardening!
            NB. Hope GWRS is Ok?
          • Obelix-Vendée

            Obelix-Vendée Head Gardener

            Mar 13, 2024
            Vendée, France.
            Thanks @Biofreak. I hope you and your menagerie are all well.

            We have had a torrid week with our two old dogs so no gardening but yesterday, after Rasta's cremation on Friday, we needed to be busy and I have lots of seedlings to be planted out before Wednesday when we head to Brittany for a few days.

            OH has been hoeing and forking and barrowing our own compost about and I've had to ignore lunar days and just get stuff planted and watered in with a pep talk. It's fine and sunny at the mo but there'll be rain on Thursday and Friday so they'll be fine.

            When we get back the garlic and shallots will be just about ready for harvesting and I can sow new plants and veggies on appropriate days.
          • Biofreak

            Biofreak Apprentice Gardener

            Mar 17, 2024
            Hi Everyone..At last I seem to have caught up with the garden, and the Potager is beginning to produce a bountiful crop of Courgettes/Spinach/Peas and Beetroot, with second crops sprouting nicely. Glad to have some showers at last as already first 6 barrels of water used up. The Lunar Weather Calender for July forecasts high winds. Storms and freak Heatwaves so not the best of months to come by the sound of things.
            1-11th Storms and windy particularly between 7-9th.
            12-20th violent storms predicted with seasonal temperatures particularly between 12-16th which doesn't bode well for me exhibiting at a Medieval Fair that weekend.
            21-26th very hot with local storms possible.
            27-31st A calmer period commences and cooler again.
            Raspberries and Blackcurrants are brilliant this year. Have not bothered with Strawberries and the Gooseberries never happened, probably because they were so good last year..exhausted themselves!
            3/4/5th July are Root Days with the Moon in front of Taurus ♉ Sow Winter Radish and Carrots.
            The Moon starts to descend at 11.57pm on the 5th, heralding a Full Moon and the 6th is a Flower Day so an excellent time to take cuttings from flowering Shrubs like Fuchsia and Buddleia. Prick out biannuales and perennials sown 30/31stMay.
            7th July is a Leaf Day with the Moon in front of Cancer. Start blanching Scarole and plant out Celery sown 5/6th May.
            8/9/10th July are Fruit and Seed Days. Prune Apple and Pear Trees. Pinch out side shoots on Tomatoes and longer tendrils on Pumpkins. Prépare a new Strawberry Bed for planting out new stock in August. Prune Kiwis back to the fourth leaf after the last fruit on the stem, to encourage ripening.
            11/12/13/14th July are Root Days again, although gardening not recommended befor 2.15pm on the 12th or before 4.35pm on the 13th as Moon Apogee. Lift potatoes that have yellowed and died back. Prépare an un manured plot for Onions to sow between 18-19th August. Lift Garlic (mine are ready already and have been great this year) Onions and Shallots if the leaves have yellowed and gone over or dried. Don't forget to lay them and your Potatoes out in the sun for a couple of days to dry off before storing. Remember Onions and Shallots keep best hanging up in a dry shed and ideally potatoes should be stored in layers like apples to avoid damp.
            So that gets us into the middle of the month. Let's hope this bad weather does not materialize, although I could do with that rain! Happy Gardening!
            • Informative Informative x 1
            • Biofreak

              Biofreak Apprentice Gardener

              Mar 17, 2024
              Hi Everyone..delighted to see Feverfew/Knapweed/Scarlet Pimpernel/Marguerites and a pretty Pink Vetch flowering freely in Gravel in Car Park beside house that I am now going to turn into a Dry Garden....all self sown from hedgerow and so so pretty. I was pleased to see the Wild Flower Garden on TV episode on RHS Hampton Court. As you know, I am an advocate for keeping weeds and grasses in situ where possible if nothing else but for ground cover, holding moisture under shrubs and keeping slugs grounded and not climbing up to munch my salad crops! There are lots of new Foxgloves coming which will flower next year. I shall leave them where they are as I love surprises . On the minus side, my Mimosa has died, but I have been using the spindly branches as Pea Sticks so no wastage. Gunny the Gunnera has made a valiant effort to recover after the fire last year, but she's not happy.
              Biodynamic Tip. Pop a frond of fresh Tansy daily across Cabbage heads. Cabbage White Butterflies are deterred by smell. Better still make an infusion of Tansy Flowers (Pour boiling water over flowers ..just enough to cover..leave 4-12hrs, drain and spray direct on all Brassicas) Sow phacelie or fenugreek in bare areas, makes excellent green manure as catch crop to dig in before planting out Winter plants for harvesting next Spring.
              Happy Gardening.
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