Err a poke in different counties means an entirely different thing In Fife a poke is a bag or a cornet shapped cone like a poke of chips In Romford you may get the jail :-) essex girls and all that Jack McHammocklashing
You know I love you, Furry tail but thanks for your sympathy:lolpoint::lolpoint::lolpoint::D My doctor has a file on me that has my name on it and that's it, Kaz:D If I went to see him he'd think I was ill and I don't want to worry him. Besides the Surgery is always full of sick people which is not good for my health!!! I'm just taking pain killers in the hope the back will get better if I take if easy. I can't even pick up the Base Ball Bat without going "Ouch".:D
Oh you poor thing Booger #1! Really I do hope your back feels better soon. Don't be drinking TOO much wine though......
Yes, you get pigs in pokes. Another way of saying you've been sold a pup. Then there is Pocahontas. According to Wiki, she died at Gravesend of 'unknown causes'. This is another way of saying she lost the will to live: an experience familiar to all who have to visit the place on a regular basis.
Pregnant,Sheal?? :D I hadn't thought of that, there is one religion which believes that the next Messiah will be born of a man, but as I'm an Atheist and not of Godly material so I think that theory is out of the window. Naah, I reckon it's just a bug of some sort and kneeling in a cold wind to plant some pots of daffs!!:D
looks like i should have stayed up last night and joined the party mandi you call me what ever you like Dizzieness and nausia NOT good ! make sure that you drink fluids and i hope that your back is better really soon, have you tried wheat bags on the effcted area's ? :grouphug:for now though, oh just a thought rather than going to the dr why not give nhs direct a ring? ziggy i was going to say you can poke me anytime but the i realised you poked half of GC last night your old tart !