Getting fit (again)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Quick update. I've used Runtastic twice now. Both times, absolutely accurate to within a few feet (I remembered where I walked, and checked the map route map afterwards).

    Its also seems to be doing alright at calculating calorie burn too. The route the other day was longer than todays, but it only estimated half the calories compared to today's walk. That would be right, because today's walk was on the dunes, lots of up and down.

    Also, today I've been to the local second hand shop and came away with a Nintendo Wii Fit setup (the console and controllers, the balance board and the Wii Fit game disc). Also got Wii Sports with it, and I also bought some skateboard game with the pretendy skate board.

    We got it set up and working a couple of hours ago, and we've hardly been off it since. It is so much fun and I was sceptical about its use as a fitness thing. I bought it mostly for the missus because for reasons I wont go into just yet, she has lost all her fitness and is currently unable to really exert herself, so I thought it would be a gentle and fun way for her to start getting her fitness back. Well I've had several goes, and I can tell you it is deserving of the word 'Fit' in the name. It has you run on the spot, swivelling this way and that, and on the tightrope game, my legs were genuinely hurting with the effort by the time I was done.
  2. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    I bought a WII for the grandkids (must be four years ago now ?) along with the sport and boards, Not only did the grandkids enjoy it but my daughters got FIT on it

    It is very more ish, and fun, I like the jog through the park with the wee guy in front

    Using the right prog obviously you get fit quick as the fun takes away the pain factor
    So it is a :blue thumb: from me

    Jack McH
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    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      I still think one needs to discipline oneself and set up a regime you can stick to ... ie, when you get up you do 20 touch your toes, 20 side kicks, lie on the floor and do 20 sit ups and other such simple routines. Done and dusted in 20 minutes and you get on with your day. Goodness, if one has to look at a screen, watch the morning news on TV or whatever else happens to be on at that time! :scratch: :hapfeet:
      • Like Like x 1
      • clueless1

        clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

        Jan 8, 2008
        Until recently I'd have agreed 100% Victoria, but then I conceded that its not working.

        Everyone is different. I know people that seem to enjoy self torture, some mates actually pay money to go to somewhere where they can lift a heavy weight, lower it back down, then do it again:)

        If you don't enjoy doing something, and you don't have to do it, for some, it just wont get done. That's me I'm afraid.

        I like to be out and about in the fresh air, regardless of weather, but that's not always practical, and in any case before resorting to technology it was all guesswork as to how much progress had been made.

        The Wii kit is for fun and light training when we're in. I spent £100 in the second hand shop today, and I very quickly decided it was worth it when I realised that the three of us were laughing our heads off together over the antics of this silly game. Doubly worth it when I realised that it is likely to be effective in its other purpose of helping wife, who for reason I wont go into has recently been physically unable to participate in much exercise, to slowly recover her fitness a bit at a time, whenever she feels up to it.
        • Like Like x 1
        • pamsdish

          pamsdish Total Gardener

          Apr 5, 2008
          "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
          I bought my Wii July/August as I suffer chronic back pain, also overweight, I love the yoga, gentle exercises, occasionally do the jogging it is fun to follow. no good at the balance games .but I put that down to no ear drum in my right ear.
          When I get out of bed somedays its agony to dress, until I get my muscles moving never mind, sidebends toe touching etc.
          I find if I do yoga it helps immensely, I sometimes get my Wii age to half my actual, which boosts my morale.
          I have lost 3st and my friends say I look very toned, any thing that helps works for me.
          • Like Like x 3
          • Madahhlia

            Madahhlia Total Gardener

            Mar 19, 2007
            Suburban paradise
            For yoga-lovers I have found DVDs by blonde Californian goddess Shiva Rea to be very enjoyable to do at home, fairly easy to follow and uses very similar work to my regular yoga teacher.


            You can get them easily on ebay or amazon.

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