getting tissed off with silent phone calls

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Shiney, what`s wrong with arrogant conceit, teenagers use it all the time, and it seems to keep the police at bay. :D
  2. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    thanks all it seems the phone calls have stoped.but would like to help others who might and will get these calls coz its just pot luck if they get your number and when they do they dont let go-they dont speak either :D the number getting me was comp generated so bt said ring it back hold for twenty seconds listen to a recorded message then write down the number the voice recorder gives then ring them up on this other number they give you listen to all the mumbo jumo and after a while you will be asked by the recorder if you would like your number removed to hold the line. then do the usual # * @ and finally after twenty fags and nearly putting the fone through the window im done, how easy was that [​IMG] :D
  3. Honey Bee

    Honey Bee Gardener

    Nov 17, 2005
    Queen Bee
    Sunny South coast (well, it used to be......)
    I have been with TPS and MPS for years. It does work on the whole. BUT.... I have recently had calls trying to sell me things and when I challenged them as to where they had illegally got my "UNLISTED" number, they explained they have a computer who soley dials random numbers - if it rings and is answered, it is put through to an call agent to do the call. I think it is TOTALLY wrong and an invasion of my home. I am going to get caller ID, so I can screen my calls like I do on my mobile, but we should not have to do this, unfortunately its just today's world. And God help any sales person who DARES ring me on a Sunday... Were are not heavily religious, but I hold Sundays as family days, not sales days....
    (we also have a witheld number bar so we can trace ALL calls. This unfortunately was down to silent calls received only when Hubby was on night shift and it wasn't him as they would start as sson as he drove off aometimes - scary as they knew his work patterns & times.....)

    And DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE X-RATED TEXTS THAT YOU ARE CHARGED �£1.50 TO RECEIVE!!!!! Thank goodness my son's phone had an adult content bar.... again - computer generated numbers - so even if you keep your number private, they'll find you (and note your number) eventually. Vodafone are really good on this - they always refund the money to us when a new one comes through and add them to their unsolicited list.

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