Ghosts/Paranormal - Are you a Believer or Non-Believer??

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Bilbo675, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    When I was little, I went through a phase (as many kids do) where I was afraid to go to bed, because there was a ghost in my room:)

    Except it wasn't really a phase, because it lasted a very long time and I was adamant. I hadn't actually seen the ghost, but I'd heard the footsteps right next to my bed, I'd heard someone else breathing, I'd seen my toys moved about while I was trying to get to sleep (with my toy winchester rifle in the bed for self defence).

    This went on for so long that my worried parents took me to a psychologist, who after a couple of sessions, declared me to be a perfectly normal child.

    Then one day I became very ill. Life threatening type of ill. The family doctor (who was and is incompetent but that's another story) decided I wasn't ill enough to go to hospital, despite the fact I could barely breath and didn't have the strength to stand up. So I went to bed and my parents decided to take shifts and staying awake all night to keep an eye on me.

    At regular intervals through that night, as I lay on the bed sweating and shaking, using what strength I had just to breath, my mam or my dad would come in to see if I was still alive. On one such occasion, my mam was clearly freaked out. She tried not to show it.

    The next day, my allergic reaction that the GP had dismissed as a cold had calmed down, and I was on the mend. My mam and dad both asked me to sit and talk to them for a minute. This was unusual so I knew something was up. The discussion featured an apology for doubting my ghosty claims. It seems that at one point through the night, both my parents had heard me get up, walk about in my room, push the bedroom door, and walk across the landing. My mam had been about to do her check at that time and had come out of their room just in time to see what she thought was me going into the bathroom. She'd decided she'd come into my room anyway and just wait til I came back from the loo. Except it wasn't me. I was in my bed the whole time, still too weak to move, and still wheezing away.
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    • JWK

      JWK Gardener Staff Member

      Jun 3, 2008
      My wife is certain that there is some paranormal activity in the house.

      In the early hours we often get woken up by a door banging on the landing and loud footsteps on the stairs. In the morning she finds one or two sausage rolls or any other items of junk food have mysteriously vanished from the fridge. Also the landing, hall and kitchen lights are on.

      Me and my teenage son (who has hollow legs) are mystified and reckon it must be a ghost.
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      • *dim*

        *dim* Head Gardener

        Jun 26, 2011
        when i was 6 years old, I got scarlet fever ... i was really sick with very high temp

        there was an old man who sat in a chair in my room (an old man in a grey suit )

        he never spoke , just watched and I was not afraid of him

        only I saw him and my mom thought I was 'seeing things' when I told her ....

        I saw him for several days ... he sat there watching me without speaking

        say what you want .... I was a child and was sick .... but that's what I saw
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        My middle name is Thomas:dunno: [read your bible:D] so I'm a disbeliever. Having said that I would love to see a Ghost!! It would prove to my cynical mind that there is an afterlife and I would be so pleased.
        I hear tales of Ghoulies and Ghosties, things moving, footsteps upstairs, heavy breathing, etc but I've never, despite all my desire to, experienced such. I don't dispute what people have seen, heard or believe in and of such things, but I've just never ever had anything to suggest I'm wrong in my disbelief.:mad: So why haven't I? And why is there no positive proof of such things.You would think that even over the last 50 years with all the technology and number of reported ghostly incidents there would be proof. Can any one actually prove that there are such things?:scratch:
      • HYDROGEN86

        HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

        Jul 17, 2011
        in the shed
        I don't think there are any ghosts. But I don't think people are lying either.

        When I lived in a flat once, on my own, I had not been drinking or doing drugs but when I went to bed I had the worste experience of my life. Won't even try to explain it for years I thought I had been visited in the night by the devil. I was seeing things and it felt like I was possesed and it felt like it went in for hours the entire time I was awake but absolutely paralised. Was the scariest and most horrible experience ever I've had.

        Sleep paralysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        But I think it more likely the above than the below :D
        Hope I never have that again. I think there are logical explanations to everything if you want to believe them???
      • clueless1

        clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

        Jan 8, 2008
        I know what you mean, and I have doubts about such things despite personal experience.

        The questions I ask include the following:

        * Given the ease with which the human brain is fooled, should a vision/sensation etc be enough to convince us of the presence and activity of spirits?
        * If there are spirits about us, do they have to be ghosts of dead people?
        * Given that the brain works partly by electrical impulses affecting neighbouring neurons, and given that Fleming's law (he was a notable scientist) shows that electricity and magnetism are one and the same thing and a fluctuating electrical current generates a matching fluctuating magnetic field, that field will induce a matching electrical current in a conductor - can we safely assume that a group sensory experience anything supernatural?
        * Given that there are still very many aspects of physics, chemistry, biology that completely elude us, is it possible that something mundane is happening that we currently put down to the 'paranormal', in much the same way that when the Romans could not understand what Mount Versuvius was doing, in the absence at that time of a scientific explanation they concluded that the gods were angry.
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        • *dim*

          *dim* Head Gardener

          Jun 26, 2011
          suppose it's the same as religion .... I've never met anyone who has seen God .... there is no scientific proof that he exists .... he never speaks to me .... he never answers any of my questions ....

          yet there are millions who believe he exists

          as for ghosts etc, perhaps there is a 4th dimension .... some people can see into this dimension and most cannot

          I personally believe that there is life after death .... There have been many cases of people who have claimed to be re-incarnated and have given very acurate detailed personal accounts of the person that they claim to have been in their previous life

          Science cannot prove everything
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          • Flowerpot

            Flowerpot Gardener

            May 15, 2011
            Self Employed Courier
            Thanks to all who have posted there stories, very interesting to read, i am interested in the paranormal and i will always have an open mind on this subject, i feel there is another dimension and we in our human state are living in one, spirits are in a different time frame and frequency to us so communication can be seen and shown to us in other ways. Also many spirits that i have known to communicate have stated they have never been on the plant as a human form to begin with.
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            • Jack McHammocklashing

              Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

              May 29, 2011
              Ex Civil Serpent
              Fife Scotland
              " Also many spirits that i have known to communicate have stated they have never been on the plant as a human form to begin with. "

              So not only do we see ghosts in the form of past family members, but the ghosts were actually FLOWERS or OXO CUBES in a previous life:yess:

              Though most humans have not been on a plant other than climbing a tree whilst young,would relate to spiders or beasties Communicating with you

              Jack McH
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              • clueless1

                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                Jan 8, 2008
                Many of the shamanic belief systems have it that a spirit doesn't have to bear any relation to any flesh and bones creature we have, but that a spirit is just a conscious energy. Lots of these belief systems have it that trees and plants have this conscious energy thingy and therefore a spirit. I can't claim to understand what they mean, but it fascinates me that so many different cultures in so many different parts of the world, all living in isolation from each other, came to the same conclusions as far back as 6000+ years ago.

                Buddhism for example has it that the reality we know is only one of 9 distinct layers, with the ultimate goal being Nirvana (which as far as I can gather means death, as they reckon you're doomed to repeatedly reincarnate until you achieve Nirvana). Norse paganism has it that there are several layers of reality, and when you die you go on a dangerous journey to the afterlife, where you could, if you go wrong, end up in the underworld.

                Its all fascinating until you realise that there was a time when all of these cultures were not living in isolation. The flesh brains that created all these beliefs were all born of the same genetic blueprint somewhere in what we now call Africa, and migrated outwards into the rest of the world, so it is quite logical to assume that the reason there are so many similarities in all these different belief systems from so many different seemingly isolated parts of the world is because at one time they were all the same group. Norse paganism is so similar to Celtic paganism because the Celts fought the Norse as they migrated north and west from southeast europe, and the Celts ideas are so similar to the Hindus because the Celtic home lands in south east Europe are not so far from Asia.

                So what does any of this have to do with spirits and the paranormal? I hope it makes two points. Firstly that people have always believed in the presence of more than we usually see. Secondly I think its shows that whether we are right or wrong, we can't use the beliefs of others as 'evidence' in some way, sort of saying that because so many believe it it must have legs, as ultimately we're all the same stuff.

                There is one thing that really puzzles me though. Whether you are religious, spiritual, or purely logical, we all have one thing in common. We all want to know what else there is. A spiritualist or religious person wants to know that there is something beyond this life. A scientist wants to know what else is going on that we don't currently understand. So science and religion and spiritualism are all the same thing, but more significant than that, its shows that there is something built into us human sorts to look for more. We can't just take things as we find them (otherwise we'd still all be running around naked, chasing down wild animals for lunch). The question is, why are we compelled to look for more? Is some sort of spirit, or dare I say it, God, compelling us to do so, or is it just some chance chemistry in our DNA?

                There you go, ponder that one on a saturday night when full of your favourite spirit.:)
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                • Flowerpot

                  Flowerpot Gardener

                  May 15, 2011
                  Self Employed Courier
                  :heehee: Oops i meant to write planet Jack :D
                • *dim*

                  *dim* Head Gardener

                  Jun 26, 2011
                  so, no one else has asked, but what exactly do these spirits say when they communicate with you?
                • daitheplant

                  daitheplant Total Gardener

                  Dec 19, 2006
                  South East Wales
                  There is one thing that really puzzles me though. Whether you are religious, spiritual, or purely logical, we all have one thing in common. We all want to know what else there is. A spiritualist or religious person wants to know that there is something beyond this life. A scientist wants to know what else is going on that we don't currently understand. So science and religion and spiritualism are all the same thing, but more significant than that, its shows that there is something built into us human sorts to look for more. We can't just take things as we find them (otherwise we'd still all be running around naked, chasing down wild animals for lunch). The question is, why are we compelled to look for more? Is some sort of spirit, or dare I say it, God, compelling us to do so, or is it just some chance chemistry in our DNA?

                  There you go, ponder that one on a saturday night when full of your favourite spirit.:)[/QUOTE]

                  We start learning the first few milliseconds before we are born and we carry on learning until the last few milliseconds after our death, So what is the point in all this knowledge if it "dies" with our bodies? Why CAN`T there be an afterlife?:scratch:
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                  • ClaraLou

                    ClaraLou Total Gardener

                    Aug 12, 2009
                    This is spooky, John. We have had very similar experiences with the contents of our fridge. Chocolate also goes missing - great bars of it. Our ghost also likes to smear hair gel all over the place. No one ever sees him do it ... but there it is. Big gobs of the stuff, all over the mirror and the mantelpiece. Spine chilling stuff.
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                    • Jack McHammocklashing

                      Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                      May 29, 2011
                      Ex Civil Serpent
                      Fife Scotland
                      To the medium

                      Tell Dim it is auntie Florry here, I am happy and warm, no need to worry about me

                      What a wasted opportunity

                      SHOULD HAVE BEEN tell the bloody world there is an after life, journey was horrendous Network rail sandwiches for eight weeks and over flowing toilet
                      anyway arrived safe,
                      Everyone is allocated a 6'x2'x2' living accomodation and introduced to the wormery
                      Do not worry about food it is plentyfull for the worms and we do not need any mainly skin and bones now NEVER fancied anything to eat since I passed away in the Royal Victoria Hospital
                      It will be easier if you pack a flask of tea and bring a BIRO as there are lots of forms to complete
                      Aunty Flo

                      Jack McHammocklashing
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