Ghosts/Paranormal - Are you a Believer or Non-Believer??

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Bilbo675, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Armandii, nobody can prove the existence of spirits (except the kind that comes in 70cl bottles). I don't think this thread is about proving or disproving such things. I think it is about people's personal beliefs, which have been shaped by people's personal experiences.

    With respect, and it is with respect, you seem to be dead set on pushing your own belief that nothing supernatural exists, almost as though it is indisputable fact, but the truth is you can't prove your case any more than anyone else can prove theirs. Beliefs and experiences are not always based on pure and provable logic. When I was very little I didn't know until I was told that the earth was round, or that there was land on the other side of the sea, or that we are all sitting on a large rock hurtling through space at 67,000 miles per hour. Even now, probably more than 30 years since I was told these things, I still only have other people's word for it all (except the land on the other side of the sea bit, having seen it with my own eyes from an aeroplane window and from the deck of a ferry). My point is, while nobody can prove or disprove the supernatural thing, very few people can prove anything really. I for one have absolutely no way to verify the claims that the sun is 93 million miles away, my tape measure is only 15 ft long. I can't even prove that the way the internet works is not black magic. I have to take other people's word for these things, yet I feel I know them to be true. Some people will tell me things that don't seem logical to me, and I will feel that I know them to be untrue, but I, like most, will never be able to prove some of these things for myself. Like everyone else, I have to make my own choices about what I believe to be true or otherwise. Those choice will largely be based on personal experiences, and will become my beliefs.

    I believe that the earth is round, even though I can't prove it. I believe that the earth is rotating, given the illusion of a sunrise and sunset (when in fact the sun hasn't moved, its our rock that's turned). I believe electromagnet impulses are carried along various media to make the internet work, and I believe in reincarnation and spirits. I can't prove a single one of these things.
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    • daitheplant

      daitheplant Total Gardener

      Dec 19, 2006
      South East Wales

      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      As always Clueless you are correct in what you say. You are right, I am guilty asking a question that obviously nobody can answer. But I think that because of my persistence in asking for indisputable evidence it gave the appearance that I was pushing the case for the non-existence of after life, ghosts etc, which I was not. So I wasn't saying, underneath, that if you can't prove it it's not true. What I was saying was I haven't seen any proof and being a doubter I would like to see some which would give me some peace mentally.:rolleyespink::what:

      But it is frustrating to some one, like me, who wants to believe in such things to hear all these stories, accounts, read all the articles and yet not be provided, in this day and age, with proof. Some believers of the Supernatural and the Afterlife are much more emphatic, undivertable, and strong in their views than I am in my doubts, and that's again without evidence. My problem is when I ask for evidence I'm classed as a non believer, instead of a doubter wishing to believe but asking for proof. I honestly believe I'm a simple man, I know my limitations, I know my faults and vices, I know I'm no genius, but that doesn't stop me from asking a simple question.:D
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      • Jack McHammocklashing

        Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

        May 29, 2011
        Ex Civil Serpent
        Fife Scotland
        "I believe that the earth is round, even though I can't prove it. I believe that the earth is rotating, given the illusion of a sunrise and sunset (when in fact the sun hasn't moved, its our rock that's turned). I believe electromagnet impulses are carried along various media to make the internet work, and I believe in reincarnation and spirits. I can't prove a single one of these things. "

        You have seen with your own eyes the earth is ROUND,
        It is proved that the Earth moves around the Sun Sunrise Sunset
        You have proved yourself with measuring instruments and education how elctronics work (Your UNI degree)

        No one has been re incarnated "I was a professor but now I am a cleaning lady"
        where has that knowledge gone If IT was re incarnation and the hard drive has been zeroed then it is pointless beliveing in re incarnation

        Spirits then surely by now at least ONE of them would have renageded and told the truth (Hey lads it is great hear drop dead now, Hey lads it is treetreetreetree here keep fit)

        Jack McH
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Armandii, fair point. I should add that while I have my beliefs, I can't claim that my beliefs are unshakable. If someone was to make a convincing argument to explain some of the strange things I've witnessed, then I'd accept that.

          Jack, I take your point (except I don't have a uni degree, I only got as far as HNC, and that was in computing, my electronics training only went to NVQ II). Seeing the sun rise and set doesn't really prove that the earth is round. It could be flat and rotating, or the earth could be still and everything else is revolving around it, as was believed in the dark ages. I don't buy that for a second, but I can't prove it either way.

          I also believe that when a spirit reincarnates, it does so into a brand new flesh and bones body. I reckon the spirit is only the character of the person. Like I'm a computer programmer professionally, but I am not a computer programmer, I'm a chap who loves my family and enjoys the outdoors, and believes that a promise is a promise etc. I reckon when my time is up, if I am right and I reincarnate, I wont necessarily have all the mundane purely abstract knowledge I've built up this time, but will still have the same character, and still have the same empathy towards people, and the same appreciation of the outdoors etc, but no knowledge at all of how to write a single line of code in a computer, or what my name was.
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