Giant Poppies

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Mania28, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Hi Mania,

    One thing you should be aware of is that you won't necessarily get that particular colour again next year. Opium Poppies are very variable in colour from seed when they are grown near to others.

    You're near to me as well then, I'm in Kidderminster.
  2. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Oh B*g*e*
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    • Mania28

      Mania28 Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 28, 2015
      That's weird that they might not be the same colour next year.
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      @Mania28 there is no need to leave the seeds in the airing cupboard for months they just need drying out a little bit or you can just sprinkle them straight away round your garden to flower next year.I have found though that if I leave the seed on top of the soil they don't always germinate but if you can disturbed the soil then that often triggers them into growing once they have rain or water on them.

      I usually find it is my small yellow and my orange poppies germinate quiet quickly in the Autumn and the little seedlings will often sit without growing until the spring when the soil warms up.The larger poppies probably won't germinate until the spring so might need a period of frosting.

      If you want to collect the seed from the large ones,wait until the pepper pot tops go brown and crisp and the little holes beneath the top opens and then you can gentle snip with a pair of scissors a little way down the stalk and can then tip them gently into a paper bag(not plastic) for either keeping or if you want to sprinkle round the garden.:smile:
    • Mania28

      Mania28 Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 28, 2015
      Thanks for the responses guys much appreciated. If you wanted any then please feel free to DM me your address and I'll send some once I take them all off. They were stunning when they flowered and they do flowered for ages because they're were loads.
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