Ah Switzerland, Milder winters but perhaps cooler summers? I thought it might be somewhere tropical, seeing your interest in tropical plants. Thought alpines would be more your thing.
Ginkgo is a wonderful tree, I have grown mine from seed, it is now three years old and in an 8 inch clay pot. I shove it in the unheated greenhouse between December and March. I may decide to plant it out, or I may decide to keep it small and root prune it each year. The best thing about gardening is doing your own thing :0) Hmmmmmm, SteveW - Swiss cheese plants are tropical - where are you coming from with that one - is it just me or is that a totally weird comment
lol wineandchoc no it's not you some weird stories all round lol and Pete you mean colder winters and hotter Summers in Switzerland ??
For weather buffs: http://www.wordtravels.com/Travelguide/Countries/Switzerland/Climate/ http://www.annesgarden.co.uk/AnnualWeatherSummary.htm#annualcomp My partner is Swiss, Not in to alpines at all. Thought Ginkgo biloba was a character in The Hobbit
Lady bird I did mean Milder winters and cooler summers, but where you are now, it just came out wrong. Always gets confusing when it runs onto another page.
good luck with growing your Ginkgo, I shall check mine tomorrow - it probably needs a bigger pot. The idea of keeping it small, as in untrained bonsai, intrigues me though. hmmmmmmm
Pete well done lol.. sorry not aswerded you, I'm in north west now, I checked my 2 baby Ginkgos,( Maidenhair trees) wondered all winter, what this 2 sticks in big pots were, now they are sprouting....better label them ... Wineandchock how are yours ?
my Ginkgo has nice fat leaf buds, I had left it in the cold greenhouse for winter and put it back outside last week. I am still pondering the untrained bonsai idea (I am too unskilled to get into wiring and all that)
Anyone ever taken cuttings from Ginkgo biloba? Supposed to improve mind and memory, that's a help , lol