SteveW you think ?? lol both my young ones are leaving up nicely, one is branching very well the other is not, so better make sure it will branch soon too, lol
Yes it is leafing up (I think was a ref to the good for memory ) How big are yours (pardon the expression)
Yes what a picture in autumn tho, almost pure yellow. Did you know, they are listed under conifers ? Maidenhair tree...the only conifer to my knowledge to be deciduous. They must have decided on this 200 million years ago, were you there then Steve lol [ April 26, 2005, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Ladybird ]
The Larch is also deciduous Ladybird Ginkgo is unique and on its own as neither a conifer or a broadleaf..have a peek here
So it it, Thank you for reminding me, SteveW .. . Thanks for the link, saves delve into my Garden book Library lol.
Oh Steve what a lovely site thank you I can never find things like this...but I am only a learner still havn't managed the photo thing yet but when my 30 geranium planlets are all in blossom �£3.50 from B/Q I will have another go.