Giving Up Smoking

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by elainefiz, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    Please don't give up trying to give up- as I've never smoked in my life [more by good luck than judgement] it's very easy for me to say. Have you tried gradually cutting down on the number of cigarettes per day, for example 10 per day this week, 9 per day next week, and so on?
    Everyone has their weakness- mine is food :(
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :eek: Awwww Elaine....Come on.... Climb back onto the wagon.....!!!! We, who have smoked know how hard it is....... You can still start again & now you know your failings you can avoid that situation again...... :rolleyes: I hope....!! :D Come on it's for the best..!!! You know it.... ;) Look at it this way. Do you like to see babies with dummies in their mouths all the time.......!!!!!!!??????? That is what my grandkids liken smoking too.....!!!! So come on... give it another shot....... :rolleyes: :D
  3. AndyG

    AndyG Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 30, 2006
    I gave up 4 months ago. I have tried many times before but have been alot more successful this time as i think i REALLY wanted to give up this time.

    I would say wait until you are totally mentally ready to give up and then do it, its no good if you are just doing it cos you feel you have to because of pressure from family etc as you will always break down at some point.

    The other bit of advice i have is to treat yourself while you are giving up. Pig out on food, spend the money you would have spent on cigarettes on something (plants maybe!?). That way you have something to show / look forward to which makes all the cravings a bit more worthwhile.

    Dont feel too bad about failing this time, try again when you are really ready and it'll be much easier. Good luck.

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