Nor have I @shiney and I haven't got a clue why I'm looking at this thread anyway, I've not owned a gogglebox for nearly eight years.
This will be worth a watch Sunday , Starts Sunday 29th October on BBC One, Blue Planet II - BBC One And tonight BBC - Autumnwatch 2017 - Media Centre
Thanks for the heads up @martin-f These are two reason why I will never give up my telly as I do so love these types of programmes and have learnt more from the TV than I ever did sitting behind a school desk We also watched Gunpowder on Saturday but I did find the pressing scene and the hung,drawn and quartering bit a tad gory so hid behind my cushion and turned the volume down (Never got taught at school the reason behind the gunpowder plot) also watched The Tudors when that was on and have been enjoying Victoria although that series has finished for the time being Also liked Farming Life when that was on the other week and it was good to see the different farmers going about their daily lives and it was an eye opener at the amount of faffing about that gets done to the animals for the shows Been watching Gardeners World every week since 1980 so have learnt lots about gardening and I do like Chelsea,Hampton Court and the other televised flower shows,I also like all the nature and wildlife rescue programmes and you can’t beat a good crime drama So at the moment our telly goes on at 6pm and we like to wind down for a few hours before bedtime but there can be a few too many repeats on at times as I don’t need to keep watching Dads Army over and over again
for the heads up matey ...glad to see back on GC ...woz starting to worry you might 'ave fallen in ya pond
I watch similar programmes Kandy, main things I like is wildlife programs, I also have a satellite TV hobby I feed hunt, What's that you say, this should give you an idea Satellite Feeds I usually find live feeds for autumn watch see if I can find any tonight ill post some pictures up if I do, Lol BH I'm only a summer gardener lucky to be here at this time of year I usually go into hibernation while spring thanks for thinking about me .
LOL Im like a Mother Hen rounding up her GC clutch ....just need to know everyone's well ...the GC goodun's are always missed when they go AWOL get back in the clutch I find its the opposite for me ...i look forward to GC even more in the Winter as i get more time to browse and catch up as im, not in the garden doing So I'll catch up with you when you fly back from your hibernation destination-or do you head underground like a grizzly bear
Well, don't go getting all cosy for hibernation under my leaf pile or, ... ... you could end up with a fork tine up yer bum, chum!