Agreed, that is the cause, everything else is the effect. How many cows can you get in a field? How many cows can survive on that field? Very different answers I'm thinking. At the sametime how many other species are destroyed in order to make the that possible? I do agree there is a problem, but the thread is titled GRETA, so my first comments were based purely on her.
@pete if you had asked how many mad cows you get in a field, I could have answered that. One, but it would have four names. Greta, Tintin, Eleonora, and Emman...
Banned from where @Jiffy? Not here, for sure. You are bang on the money too, that is the problem - too many people, often crammed into too small of a location. As @Sandy Ground has eluded to, none of them are really trustworthy - indeed, not even the BBC can be trusted nowadays and that is extremely sad. Agreed - the cost of solar panels has continued to fall, so they should not be too expensive to fit to new builds. Cleverer solutions should be looked at for heating and hot water too - things like air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, heat recovery, better insulation and so on; here is one UK company that is starting to make their way in doing that very sort of thing - Earth Save Products: Multi Award Winning Renewable Energy Solutions There is tons of stuff that we CAN do, and SHOULD do - - we don't need a 16-year old to be preaching at us to do so however.
I recently enquired about getting the roof of my fairly small conservatory insulated. They wanted £8500, it would take me atleast 30yrs to get my money back.
I'm not grasping the fact that Greta is spoken of as a 'child'...she is a soon to be..3days to be precise a 17 year old young woman .If she were my daughter I'd have grave concerns for her. Yessss we all want to save the world yet in one way or another we have all contributed to it's slow demise but that's life..this thing that's called 'progress' has done more damage than enough. Everything I've seen on the news and in the press (to be fair isn't that much because it gets on my ning nangs) but the protesters aren't children they're full blown adults...they maybe should have thought about all this a few years back.
@Fat Controller quite right, there are tons of things that can be done. Putting my engineers hat on, and referring to known technology. In todays world, its possible to get 100 people from say London to Edinburgh in an hour or so using about the same amount of electrical energy as a family car. 150 tons of material can be transported from (say) Manchester to London in about 40 hours creating zero emission. (or roughly 50 litres of diesel, less if they were Euro 6 engines. Solar cells: Not a million miles away from where I am sitting a solar power station is being built that uses solar energy without the need to use solar cells. the system is Scottish, by the way! Finally, the UK is sitting on unused clean energy to triple the amount of electricity produced by current power stations...if they were relocated, that is...
She is soon to be 17 years old, and I don't wish to deny her a voice or an opinion - but, she is still a 16/17 year old that left school at the age of 12 to be home schooled, and has neither experience or knowledge on her side. Let's not beat about the bush, we don't let people drive until they are 17, and we don't let them drink alcohol or vote until they are 18, so why on earth would we be falling over ourselves to base global governmental policy on the say-so of one young person?
Not only that. In Sweden she is still legally a child until she is 18. She cant even buy alcohol here until she is 20! Despite not being of legal age to vote, she is being allowed to affect political opinion. Should she be denied a voice? Yes, until she is 18.
Yes I get what you're saying FC and we all have a voice and I wouldn't deny anyone that but as the world is changing so are people.
Am I alone in thinking that she is also very young for her age? As 16/17 year olds go, she is one of the younger ones (if that makes sense)?
I know what you mean Fc but I have this niggling feeling she is 'programmed 'to look that way for more of an me cynical
You are both spot on! She is supposed to look like Pippa Longstockings (I think thats what you call her over there) although some here have compared her to a girl on a poster from Nazi Germany...
Well she is getting kids over here to bunk off school. I'd have loved that when I was a kid, just go on some demonstration or other, much better than sitting in a maths class. I really dont think kids have changed much over the years, it's just the way adults treat them that has. And if they can get away with it, they will.
Like I say I'd have loved to have protested about things that don't suit but as It turns out I had to go to work for a living.
Related to this thread - this is worth a read When you consider that roughly 600kg of Neodymium is required for each megawatt of output power on a wind turbine, it puts things into perspective a bit.