I usally put my big feet in to things and up set people when I say things that can hurt if you know what I mean Look back to the hippy days and no one took any notice if we did would things be any better? bio-diesel was around back in the 60's-70's but didn't take off
Hard to tell if it would be better or not @Jiffy, the sad thing is that a lot of the real stuff that should be being looked at is being lost in a sea of preaching about stuff that nobody can actually fix or do anything about. Hell, I remember 20 years ago when they were telling us that sea levels were going to rise so much that parts of London would be under water in the next 10-15 years. Only one of a load of this sort of stuff that didn't happen
I learnt to drive in the early 70s, all the time they were telling me, I dont know why you are bothering, as by 1980 the oil will have all run out. It was called the energy crisis Then a bit later we had the hole in the ozone layer, and we were all going to fry to death. I think there have been others, but I cant remember them, all very serious at the time. I put it down to too many stupid sci fi programmes on the TV.
Really some geat points being made here. I am honestly finding it a bit difficult keeping up. (Must be me age). A persons age can have so many references. There was the time in Britain that a you didn't come of age until 21. However at 17 and a half, a youngster could join the services and become an adult. This would allow such ones, for instance to drive the heaviest of vehicles, leaving the non service man/woman longing to become 21. This tiny island of ours has so much going for it. We are surrounded by water, yet we are still 'Thinking' about hydro electricity. In all honesty. I often believe we waste time, thinking. Delays, cost money. So many great ideas are put forward. Left on the shelf and when considered again. Costs are way out amongst the planets.
Even David Suzuki, our self appointed pompous environmental guru said, "Canada is full, we don't need any more people". Questionable, but most of the people coming in are not farmers or looking to live without a big carbon footprint. Sad. Yes, @Jiffy is right. The more people, the more we consume. Mother nature does find ways to level the field. If there are too many people, the land cannot support them without lots of messing about with ecosystems etc. And she lashes back!
Greta may be only a teenage girl........... BUT HER JOB IS DONE. Governments and scientists have raised their awareness and are taking notice. She has galvanised young people all over the world ,it’s no coincidence that most of her critics are getting on in years so won’t be around when it gets really serious..........you know who you are! She admits she is only a student and not a scientist. She said SHE doesn’t want to be heard ,she wants the science to be heard and she believes that most of us are trying.........but not hard enough. So listen and take heed
Serious in what respect though @roders? And why is it that anyone who is critical of her, or the science (including well known and respected scientists who happen to disagree with the current mantra), why are they dismissed completely out of hand? Why is Greta lauded as person of the year, when Morgane Vague is completely overlooked? At least Morgane Vague has actually done something other than just bumping her gums. We are living in times when the doom-mongers are so hell bent on proving that they are correct, that they are being destructive - - https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/na...ructive-queensland-fires-20191220-p53m1i.html We do need to listen, and learn, to allow us to do more to help the environment - but we also need to filter out the noise from those who are simply out to make a shed load of money by preying on people's fears.
Lets put things this way... Every single member of this forun that has planed or grown one or more plants during the past year has done more to save the planet than Greta has...Maybe GC should be made Forum of the Year? Be featured on the cover of Time Magazine?
Solar panels have come down massively in price over the past 10-20 years, so the electricity produced outweighs their cost. As for life I think 20+ years, but their efficiency drops with time and I seem to recall that some solar farms are working on a 10 year life. As for recycling if it isn't already available then it will be soon.
Governments are just following the hysteria that is being whipped up by all this, they have to in democratic counties in order to get your vote. As to galvanising young people, mostly kids, one word comes to mind, gullible. Lets hope her job is done and she sods off back to school and stops all the globe trotting. I bet her carbon foot print is a lot bigger than mine.
There is no need to be quite so vindictive Pete. Your opinions are based on personal biased opinion rather than fact. Nothing new there then.