
Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by Linz, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Linz

    Linz Total Gardener

    Oct 7, 2015
    Prosperous Peasant
    Herbert and Ernie are back from the vets to be released later tonight!

    Didn't have a chance to ring Weds or yesterday but rang up today, all is fine no need for the wildlife hospital (yay) both have had antibiotics and was told I can have them back! So pleased! The not so alert one has perked up loads. Currently sat in the living room and I can hear them munching out the porch.. they love the cats' food!

    Lucius I live about an 1-1.5 hrs drive away from the Gower, I haven't been to St David's in a few years now..I really need to! It's such a beautiful place and your not wrong about Port Enyon's chip shop! YUM.
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    • BeeHappy

      BeeHappy Total Gardener

      Feb 19, 2016
      Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
      Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
      giphy (2).gif 1317309lsk5aj07xu.gif
      FANTASTIC NEWS @Linz ....THATS MADE MY WEEKEND giphy (1).gif
      God bless...... Bert n Ernie ... il_570xN.896744440_1frt.jpg
      ..........and you for acting so quickly f61ec52ed3de0c9fb98025a4247a5cf9--smiley-faces-smileys.jpg
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        Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
      • luciusmaximus

        luciusmaximus Total Gardener

        Apr 18, 2014
        Lost in the Wilderness
        Isle of Anglesey
        Linz PLEASE PLEASE do NOT release these babies. They are way too small to be able to have enough time to get up to a suitable weight for hibernation. If you release them they will die!. I'm not trying to be alarmist but I am really concerned about the advice you have been given regarding these little ones. The weather is deteriorating and their natural food sources will be rapidly declining and they will starve. Plus, IMHO they have not received the correct treatments from your vet. Anti biotic therapy should be at least 5-7 days, sometimes longer depending on the reason for needing anti biotics. Did the vet tell you what was wrong with the injured hog? Sample tests should also been done to ascertain whether they need worming treatment at some point in the recovery process ad well. And they need lots of fattening up. I never release hogs this late in the year because of the weather and lack of food source ( even with support feeding they may wander out of the garden ). I release up until end of Sept ( weather dependent, of course ). And all my hogs are 800g on release. Your little ones will not stand a chance.
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          Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
        • silu

          silu gardening easy...hmmm

          Oct 20, 2010
          Great news @Linz when I 1st started reading you story I didn't think it was going to have a happy ending for 1 but well done you for getting them both fighting fit.
          I support a local hedgehog sanctuary and sold loads of plants this Spring giving the proceeds to the sanctuary. I didn't think we have Hedgehogs because I thought we had Badgers nearby HOWEVER we have seen 2 big ones in our wee wood most of the summer so delighted about that. Where we live it's only has a single track very quiet road surrounded for miles by farmland so it's about as safe as you are going to get these days for them.
          I was going to write what Lucius has written. The old boy that runs the sanctuary told me that they have to be quite a bit heavier to survive hibernation.Is there somewhere you could keep them and feed them until they are fat enough to be able to survive the winter? Unfortunately the sanctuary I support is in Scotland so not handy! Maybe there is 1 near you who would take them? If you can't find anywhere I could maybe ask the person who runs the 1 near me if he knows of somewhere you could take them. Here's hoping you haven't released them already. If you wanted a spot of cash to help pay for their feed I'd be more than happy to send you a contribution.
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            Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
          • luciusmaximus

            luciusmaximus Total Gardener

            Apr 18, 2014
            Lost in the Wilderness
            Isle of Anglesey
          • luciusmaximus

            luciusmaximus Total Gardener

            Apr 18, 2014
            Lost in the Wilderness
            Isle of Anglesey
            Just thought this might be a useful opportunity to clarify a few points about hedgehog hibernation weights.

            A wild hog - that is a hog who has not been in captivity - needs to be a minimum of 600g to survive hibernation. This weight varies from hog to hog depending on size. Some of my big boys are 1000 - 1500g! The larger hogs are usually the earliest to hibernate as they have good fat reserves. With all wild hogs the weight has been gained over a period of months and they have had time to lay down the white fat and brown fat, which is needed during hibernation cycle. The white fat is used during deep hibernation and brown fat is used when the hog wakes during its cycle. Hogs do wake during the cycle and come looking for food or if they are disturbed or if the temperature rises. If the hog has insufficient reserves of both fats its unlikely to survive the winter

            Captive hogs gain weight very quickly once they have received whatever treatment they require and are at the recovery stage. They gain weight so fast its sometimes necessary to put them on a diet to prevent them from becoming obese. Captive hogs have often not had enough time to achieve the right balance of white and brown fats because they gained weight over a shorter period. Thus when releasing a captive hog I release mine at 800g, so they have a reserve of white fat to tide them over whilst they establish themselves in the wild and lay down the right amount of brown fat. The 800g is based on a later release, ie August/ September time as they will have a shorter period of time before needing to hibernate. For an earlier release I release at 700g as they have a longer period of time before hibernation.

            Hope this is of help
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            • Linz

              Linz Total Gardener

              Oct 7, 2015
              Prosperous Peasant
              Sooooo glad I have been busy and left them in the porch. I just got back in from errands and was going to release them up behind the railway line (it's not used atm). My gut feeling was they are still too underweight! I also thought the antibiotics wouldn't do too much in helping them as they were only in the vets care for 2 days plus I wasn't told what doses they had or even if they were fed. I had no info from the vets except "they're fine snuggled up together, and you can take the home to release" there was more mentioned about another hog that had to be put down :doh: o

              @luciusmaximus The only places I can think of keeping them at the moment is either the wc which is by the back porch or the shed thats attached to the house. My main concern is if they are in the porch the cats may or may not take an interest? I have a large cat carrier they could stay in mind? The only animal bedding I have to hand is dengie straw for the chickens will that do? Food wise I only have cat food - dry and wet. (And chicken pellets/corn of course) and a tub of mealworms. Would they need any vegetation.. can easily grab some if need be? Anything else you can think of?

              Thank you very much for the offer @silu that is very generous of you but it's honestly no problem. I'm more than happy to home them until the foreseeable.
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                Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
              • luciusmaximus

                luciusmaximus Total Gardener

                Apr 18, 2014
                Lost in the Wilderness
                Isle of Anglesey
                Hi Linz :)
                Very relieved to hear you haven't released them. I'm quite tired now as had busy day.

                For tonight keep them together, keep them somewhere warm and quiet and with the hot water bottle. If able can you add 2 food bowls, in case one is eating more than his fair share. Wet cat food is fine. No veggies needed. Please don't offer mealworms. Apart from the Metabic Bone Disease link they have no nutritional value at all for hogs.

                My greatest concern is the poorly hog with the infection will begin to deteriorate. Its very difficult to give a diagnosis without seeing the hog but whether its an infected wound or a gastric type infection two days of anti biotics will do nothing. Its likely this little bean is also dehydrated and certainly underweight from the elongated rugby ball body shape. I get a lot of hogs like this and I treat the dehydration with sub cut fluid injections. You can make up an oral solution of 1 level tablespoon of sugar and 1 level teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water. I can't tell from the pics if the sibling is dehydrated but it won't hurt him to drink the solution too. Might be an idea to weigh them again to see if weights have changed.

                I will PM you tomorrow.
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                • silu

                  silu gardening easy...hmmm

                  Oct 20, 2010
                  :yes: So glad you have still got the wee ones and are happy to look after them. I know the sanctuary i support feed mainly cat food both dry and tins plus I think that mealworms are a favourite. I am not an expert on them and it sounds as tho lucius is! Bedding is a mixture of some with straw and other with wood shavings I think from memory. During the cold months there are heat lamps used to presumably stop the little ones hibernating but hopefully Lucius will give you all the information. If not let me know and I'll contact the person who runs the sanctuary and get all the information you'll need. Good luck and great you are prepared to look after the lucky couple.
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                  • Linz

                    Linz Total Gardener

                    Oct 7, 2015
                    Prosperous Peasant
                    Thank you both for the invaluable information it's really appreciated. Have just read your message @luciusmaximus, again thank you. I kept them in the wc with a hot water bottle last night. I have also put in more water and food (a few times actually, they're gutsy things! :) ). I'm actually out at the moment and I will give the helpline and preservation a ring when I have a chance and see if they can help as I don't think I have the time to look after them. I'll follow all your great advice in the meantime and give them the best care I can but more than likely I will hand over to one of the organizations Monday. I'll keep you updated x
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                    • BeeHappy

                      BeeHappy Total Gardener

                      Feb 19, 2016
                      Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                      Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                      Gawd just caught up with all this thread - great advice from the OP's ...must confess i read it as they were being released from the Vets ...not back into the wild :doh:.....so pleased to hear they're still safe with you - @Linz you're a :star: Im sure they will be sorted very soon ...as well as the hedgehog rescue in Gower,I know of another local rescue if required you could contact

                      WHO ARE WE - WOWLS Introduction

                      WOWLS is a dedicated group of volunteers who care for and rehabilitate wild animals, which have been found sick or injured in the wild.
                      Previously residing in Llangybi, Monmouthshire, WOWLS is now situated in the Ebbw Valley at Treowen, South Wales. We have an 8½ acre wildlife reserve upon which we have built a wildlife care facility.

                      [​IMG] [​IMG]

                      The area is mainly 35 year old scrubland, with a multitude of wildlife both large and small.

                      A place of refuge for Owls and all other forms of wildlife and domesticated unwanted animals/birds. From bats to badgers, owls to otters, blackbirds to black-headed gulls. We do not have facilities for cats, dogs or horses.

                      WHAT DO WE DO?
                      We take in sick and injured wild animals and birds, which, after professional veterinary treatment, are rehabilitated and returned to the wild.

                      WOWLS do not turn away any animal seeking refuge but we prefer not to take domestic animals.

                      4 Elidyr Road
                      South Wales
                      NP11 3EE

                      Phone : 01495 244417
                      Emergency Number 24hr: 07733 337601
                      email : litabixmum@uwclub.net

                      WILDLIFE REHABILITATION give them a second chance, give them to WOWLS.

                      Best of luck - look forward to the next chapter in the adventures of Bert n Ernie hedgehugzzz.jpg
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                        Last edited: Oct 14, 2017
                      • Linz

                        Linz Total Gardener

                        Oct 7, 2015
                        Prosperous Peasant
                        Thanks Bee! I've given hedgehog helpline a ring they are going to ring around and hopefully find someone who I can take the sick hedgehog to. The little one is staying with me and been advised to seperate just incase the infection spreads. The weight has dropped on both since Tues evening the larger one by 11g and the smaller has lost 2g.
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                        • "M"

                          "M" Total Gardener

                          Aug 11, 2012
                          The Garden of England
                          That's not for the want of you trying :grphg: Could be worms.
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                          • BeeHappy

                            BeeHappy Total Gardener

                            Feb 19, 2016
                            Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                            Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                            :imphrt:Awww bless you, Linz -hedgehog-meme-cute-hedgehog.jpg
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                            • Linz

                              Linz Total Gardener

                              Oct 7, 2015
                              Prosperous Peasant
                              Cute piccy Bee :smile: All I can do is my best..just hope it's good enough!

                              Just had a text off the lady from hedgehog helpline there are no carers available :( but I can take one to (another) vet on an emergency basis and they will keep it there to rehabilitate. :phew: whether they are open tomorrow is another thing!

                              Before I seperated them


                              Both awake but very still.. as I type that they have both gone to tuck in..:fingers crossed:
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                                Last edited: Oct 14, 2017

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