Help please with pics

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by men8ifr, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Quercus

    Quercus Gardener

    Nov 3, 2008
    We can make a link here.... the buddleia has been eaten by adult Vine weevils, the rhodo has probably had its roots eaten by Vine weevil grubs... they love the small roots on Rhodos and fuchsias and the like... but have left the bindweed that's growing up you dead rhodo.

    It's probably too late to deal with the weevils this year, but there are biological controls which can be watered on to the soil in the spring.... see backs of gardening mags for supliers.
  2. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    Is there any way to check if it's vine weevils?

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