Hel's heaven once again GSOH required!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanx sweetie goodness knows where I get the energy from .....maybe it's something in the water here although hopefully not the dodgy stuff that's causing the problems for the people in Northampton at the moment now that's just scary!

    Pigeons is a huge problem here although I do believe they are the wild ones as a local farmer comes onto the allotments and does some shooting but I do hope he doesn't do that when I'm down there otherwise I will have my very own dirty nappy to deal with I can tell you!:eek:

    Been over for a couple of hours already today and had a word with 'the guy in charge' Mick and told him if he could keep the vacant plot on the other side of us free as we are thinking about taking another one on already I was amazed to be told I can have it now if I want and he even said he might just charge me one fee for the both lots as both get water logged at the bottom in winter so that was real nice of him.

    Been chatting to some more guys and word must have got around that there's a new lady on the plot (goodness doesn't that make me sound like Jennifer Lopez? Jenny on the block!) as all the guys that I have spoken to today have said they have had a walk up to our plot and as it's away from most of the others they really have had to go out of the way for a good old nosey!:D

    All the guys are really sweet and I do like seeing how long it takes before I can get a giggle out of them needless to say my record so far is mere seconds!:D

    Going back over later on Bob's been able to fashion a gate and put some netting up so even though he's quite poorly at the moment he's doing a really brilliant job and hasn't lost his magical touch in the least DIY wise I hasten to add! Hel.xxx.
  2. Tropical_Gaz

    Tropical_Gaz Gardener

    Apr 1, 2008
    Bedfordshire UK
    It would be nice to have an escape from the garden itself from time to time, but once the main work is finally finished it should be a lot more enjoyable. Im hoping that by next year i can tinker with the garden as the main jobs will be done, and from then on its maintenance and the odd change. A lot of the time i just want to 'potter' in the garden rather than do anything too big, so it will be a joy when i can do that a lot more :)
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Helen,I come from the town where the dodgy water is at the moment,though touch wood my village isn't affected YET:eek::D

    I do hope that with all this chatting up you are doing with all those lovely guys on the allotment plots is a plan to get them all to pop over onto your plot to help you turn the soil,and while you are at it you can get them to sow the seeds as well,oh and do the watering when the crops start to grow.:thumb::D

    THE MASTER Gardener

    Mar 20, 2008
    you have found out why an allotments is so much fun. you are a nosy booooger and likes to chat :thumb::)
    your going to meet more friends than you can pock a pointy stick at .. whoppps seems like you are already there :D. it's all about the 5 mins of diging and ten mins chat

    your always going to be trying to out do eachother with who can grow the best .

    sun , and water is going to play a big part on where plants come up best
    marrows and pumpkins like a rich soil that has plenty of water . tattys dont like it wet

    doing an allotment is very different to a garden you cant go for looks like in a garden , you have to find out wot soil is there how the water holds and of course sun and wind.
    one end of the plott can be so different to the other end .
    im on level ground or so it seems . but one end of my plott is wet and the other dryish

    some veg just will not grow if it is in the wrong place on the plot.
    dont be afraid to walk aroung the allotment and see were and how others are doing the growing . ive learnt so much in the last few months it's unreal. i thought just chuck a plant in a wait for it to grow ......... but there is much more to it than just chucking sommat in

    :confused: but happy
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Gaz I have to admit I do love my garden and just like yours ours is an ongoing project but after the 'nappy-gate' incident it's no longer an option of veg growing at home although truth be told our veg plot was really only tiny to start off with so we wouldn't have benefit much by it.

    I must warn you though Gaz pottering around the garden does still take an awful lot of time to keep things in check I can spend hours on end just weeding in ours but then again I like to keep things nice and tidy.

    Kandy I'm a terrible flirt and I do so love a good giggle but it's really nice to see the guys smile down on the plots there's always something to bring you down so to speak and if I can get just one giggle or chuckle from someone each day I'll go to bed happy!

    True to his word the lovely Ray gave me some savoy cabbages to pop in yesterday but I haven't put them in yet as I want to turn the soil over again I think another two goes and it will be just right...that will make it 6 times in total that the soil has been dug but I must say it's really easy after the first couple of times!

    Lol Colin you have got me sussed in one love to chat and be just a little nosey thanx for the tip about marrows and pumpkins I'll have a go at them next year.

    We are always going around the alloments to see what others are doing on their plots not only is it a great way to meet the guys but it's nice to be able to ask them what thay are doing and their plans etc.

    Bob's going to put a irrigation system in and encourage the water to slide down a trench along the side on the plot to collect at the bottom which in turn will allow frogs etc. to wallow there and maybe help us out with the slugs etc. so fingers crossed that will work. I'm hoping to be able to get some plants in there too that I can't grow at home because they like their feet wet.

    I'm also hoping to put in a Clematis Montana in to grow along the fence which no doubt will look so stunning come May when it is in full bloom!

    Dan (our eldest) is taking quite an interest in the alloment which isn't such of a surprise as he had his own little garden when he was little and loved to tend to it.

    He's been over for a look with his dad 2 times and he's even going over after work today to help out although goodness knows what he will get upto as he's great at demolition but sadly not DIY minded at all like his dad is.

    Watch this space to see what Dan-Dan The Demolition Man has been upto!:eek::D Hel.xxx.
  6. Tropical_Gaz

    Tropical_Gaz Gardener

    Apr 1, 2008
    Bedfordshire UK
    I know what you mean about pottering. I can spend an entire day pottering, whihc is very enjoyable, but doesnt get the big jobs done. But sometimes you have to simply enjoy it, i go to work to work, the garden is supposed to be relaxing :)
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    As Dee has asked if I had given up on my garden I decided to take a couple of pictures today on how our gardens have come on since last time although I hasten to add that our gardens might be looking a little like Steptoe and Son's back yard I'll try and miss the messy stuff out.

    This was our corner in the side garden which I called the 'Poorly side' because I collected all the plants that was doing so bad elsewhere and were on their last legs.

    As the updated picture shows they have done quite well I think although the banana plants have had a real battering!

    The greenhouse border before

    A couple of months later thank goodness I didn't dig up my 'dead' palm as it's growing again with totally new growth!
    [​IMG] Hel.xxx.
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    The side border most of you will remember all these messy sweetpeas we had in last year.

    This is today's pic.

    Not a lot has 'happened' to the left hand side border on the back as it's a little windy there.

    Near where the gravel area is before picture.

    Today's picture hiding the messy area (I hope) of Bob's collection of 'allotment stuff'.

  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Finally remember our lady duck, who sat so proudy on her nest?

    Well the mucky duck has ran off with a sweet talking canary and left Mr.Drake to bring up the kids alone...what a wicked duck was she but nothing a good orange sauce wouldn't sort out!:D Hel.xxx.

  10. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    :D:D garden lookings well hel:thumb:
  11. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Wow Hel, Its Fantastic, You two Amaze me :) I love your Duck ooh sorry Drake, Everything has filled out brilliantly, your hot corner has Shot up, And where you had the sweet peas border is Fantastic, I like sweetpeas but they are messy, it looks a million times better now, and your messy bit is well hidden, your Gardens are Blooming Fantastic Hel/Bob thanks for posting as I know how busy you both are..Love Dee...
  12. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Hel: it all looks really good, you must be pleased yourselves with the results.
  13. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    :cool: Very nice....you have been busy and the results are top mark:thumb:
  14. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Looking great helen, Love the duck!!
  15. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Looking lovely, Helen. How you manage to keep that going plus the allotments I'll never know!

    Love the duck too - specially the 'eggs':) Well done.


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