Hel's heaven once again GSOH required!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hello Helen,

    Your garden looks enormous, and very well tended. Well done.

    I will show my hubby this thread-he might buy me one-yeah and pigs might fly. Tight s8d.
  2. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    helen how have you got on with likkle furry pets leaving presents in your borders;)
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanx guys.

    Paul the duck is just one of a number of animals I 'grow' in our garden (after all you don't have to feed them much) it all started when I first brought a topiary plant with frame needless to say I just had to have a go at some of my own I have done a little hen, swan, fish, duck to go with the squirrel the one I brought. If you look really hard you can see that the duck is a drake (manly duck) because he has a little curl towards his tail end on his back!

    Sandra the 'eggs' were a present from next door who needed to get rid of a ton of large pebbles needless to say after a good scrub they came up a treat!

    Lollipop in fact our garden isn't that big at all it's just that we live on a corner so have a front, side and back garden and try to make the most of the space we have to work with....needless to say we ran out of space and that's why we have taken on two allotments!

    Ste 'cat woman' no longer has her cats she got rid of them all then got a dog when she got herself a new boyfriend so I have had to hang up my poop flinger although I had to laugh when I was talking to 'cat woman's' otherside neighbour as she told me her dog (cat woman's) kept coming on her garden so she would scoop it all up and throw it back over the hedge for cat woman to pick up....now that reminds me of someone but for the life of me I just can't figure out who!:confused::D.Hel.xxx.
  4. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    :D:D:D shhh:thumb: helen how many fellas has she had that yo know about she sounds a right dirty cow....has she got off her ass yet and got a job or is she still doing the social trick:thumb:
  5. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    thats a classic about the poop scoop hel!!!!
  6. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Good morning, Bob, Helen, everyone...I`ve been meaning to look through this for a bit and always got side tracked but this morning i`ve read it from start to finish without being interrupted.(although mr.fiz has just risen, he`s got man flu, so i had to get up and put the kettle on)...
    What a job you`ve both done!:thumb:I love it all.The duck.I love the duck.To be honest i`ve never been a fan of topiary but the drake is so natural looking especially with the eggs.
    The plot...well you can`t have a plot without nettles.:D(can you?)It`s like painting the Fourth Bridge.:(
    I watched a program the other day and it was on about sloping gardens and how frost will get the bottom plants first and rarely hits the plants at the top.?just thought i`d pass it on..
    I live with pigeons but they`re racing birds so arn`t allowed on the garden for fear they catch the lurgy.The good thing about pigeons is the muck.It`s great for the plot.When i dig up the spuds i start to sprinkle.:D
    I bet your buzzing with the greenhouse.:DIt`s a real god send when you have a plot.:thumb:
    Good luck with it all and keep posting.:)
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Now Ste you know I'm not one to gossip [​IMG] but 'cat woman' is still living the life of luxury no rent or council tax to pay and wouldn't dream of getting a job I mean I don't think she knows what a job is! Regarding her new boyfriend don't laugh although I find it really funny but she's been through all the village lads and her latest boyfriend is Bob's age 52 but he must have had a blooming big paper round because he looks 65 if he's a day where my beloved has aged very little but then again he does have a good woman to look after him!:D

    Paul watch out for the flying poop as it's a fine art that is catching on as I'm not the only naughty person who does that trick I'm only surprised I never got caught because I used to giggle so much but just in case the need arises once again Bob has found me out a head torch now that's nice of him.:thumb:

    Elaine we have always wanted a garden for children in mind and the little ones do so love the topiary it's a sure way keeping them interested which allows us to use them as cheap child labour....erm I mean help out in the garden!:o

    The nettles down on the allotment are always coming back to say hello I dig as many of the blighters up as I can but as you so rightly say nettles always win to fight another day.:eek:

    Lovely to have a greenhouse only problem when we go away for even just a few days Dan (our eldest) still manages to kill most of the plants he just doesn't seem to have green fingers like his dad...don't tell Bob but I think Dan might just be the milkman's!:DHel.xxx.

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