Hel's heaven once again GSOH required!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all did you think you had lost me? What's that no such luck...Oh well you've all had your rest from me so now I'm kicking off again! :D

    Came back yesterday from chilly Newbury to find the house in one piece and my garden not in too much of a state thank goodness.

    The bulbs are filling up all the spaces in the front garden something wonderful.....I really should take some pictures of it but its just a 'normal' semi garden although truth be told I still get a thrill popping through the front door or when walking up the path and then there's when people stop to stare at our plot it gives me a happy warm feeling inside (or is that just the heartburn?) and more so knowing Bob and I have made the garden our own and all from scatch.

    The front is still cat poo free and I haven't had to make a delivery next door for quite some time now although I'm pretty sure the cats are not constipated just going else where.

    Our side garden is giving us some concern as the bark chippings have been dug out in some places and I'm pretty sure it's cats once again so that is another thing that we will be replacing over the coming months maybe we will try slate although goodness knows how much that will cost!

    Any ideas what I could use instead is very much welcome as you will all know I do love to pick your brains....yummy, yummy! Hel.xxx.
  2. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Helen, i'm going to tell you off here. Don't ever say you're not posting pics of your garden 'cos it's a 'normal' semi one' [​IMG]
    I'm sure everybody that has seen the effort you & Bob put into it really appreciate it. We love seeing your photo's.

    You have your decking to do before you can even think of not sending pic, what are you thinking of???????Ha ha

    You wait till you see mine :eek: , then you'll go 'Crikey i thought ours was 'normal'. Mine will probably be the most boring on here, but i'm still going to put them up when there is something growing in there [​IMG]

    Thought you were going to get another scarer helen? :D

  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    welcome back aboard helen glad the house is still standing, as for the cat problem when you find the answer post it and you will be rich as i have had to move anther poo today it didnt even bother too cover it up any more [​IMG] so on went my rubber gloves and got a plastic bag and the wind just took the smell right to my nose ...nearly sick on my cordy hate the smell...if i dont find the answer this will be my last choice but i know it will work, have a look at this...a chappy down the road has done this rubber borders ;)
  4. Scotkat

    Scotkat Head Gardener

    Aug 11, 2006
  5. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Why thank you Scotkat [​IMG] She is lovely.

  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Sandra darling I consider myself well and truly slapped but the front is still very normal, hard to believe as I'm pretty sure most of you guys think I'm far from normal maybe a little mental? Lol.

    I think I'm just doing my Monty Don impression too bored to even bother to look around the plot OMG what a terrible liar I am! :eek:

    Yes Sandra you are correct I have a total of three scarers although only three working rechargeable batteries so I'm really going to have to sort some more out, it really wouldn't be a problem but those blooming scarers take two of those square batteries of which costs a small fortune I can tell you!

    Ste I have noticed that recyclable rubber tyre mulch before at B & Q although I have not seen it shredded or in any colour other than black. I do know at B & Q for the chunky black stuff its over �£7 for a very small bag indeed but I really do like the funky colours on that link you posted so I think we will look into that and weigh up the pros and cons so to speak. ;)

    Joyce is quite a beauty isn't she Scotkat? She brings Sandra an awful lot of love I think both girls are very lucky to have each other and I know Sandra would be lost without her fur-baby.
  7. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I'm pretty sure most of you guys think I'm far from normal maybe a little mental?
    We wouldn't have you any other way Hel.
  8. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hear hear.

    Here i go with one of ridiculous ideas. If you can use any old tyre for this why not have a look around local fields, the side of the road etc. There seems to be plenty dumped.

    don't know how you would shred it or colour it though. Surely some clever clog on here could come up with a way.

    Would be good wouldn't it, i'd have a go.

  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Why thank you Walnut you are always the gentleman and so very sweet too I could just eat you up! Lol there goes the diet! :D

    Sandra although I really don't mind working hard I think even I would draw the line trying to shred a tyre or two although truth be told a PMT me might just be able to do the job with my teeth....in fact I think it would be a breeze! :D Hel.xxx.
  10. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well with yesterday's lovely weather or at least mid morning onwards I was a very busy bee not only did I finally sow some new seeds but I spent hours in the side garden just me and my loyal buddies Mr. MP3 player and Mrs.Knee Pads.

    Poor Bob had to keep checking where I was....or was that because he just required another cuppa? :confused:

    Anyway here is the list of the seeds I managed to sow; Poppy a lovely frilly flower head mix, Poached Egg plant, Garlic chives,Cucumber Telegrapgh Improved --- only 8 seeds in this packet,Tomato Tumbling Tom Red wonderful toms for my hanging baskets --- 22 seeds in packet, Dahlia Dwarf Double mixed, Tomato Gardener's Delight--- loads of seeds in this packet and an ideal name to boot!

    I still have a great many seeds left and would have sown even more but I run out of seed compost!

    The ones that could be sown outdoors right away I have put in the cold frame and the others are on the window sill.

    I'm still waiting for the greenhouse but that's my fault not Bobs as I changed my mind about the one from B & Q but Bob's told me to hurry up and sort out which one I want but as most of you gentlemen will know a lady doesn't like to be rushed! :D

    I cleaned all the bark chippings from off the gravel a very painstaking task I can tell you and filled in all the holes and removed any number 2's the next door's cat had left me.

    When I was finished Bob said 'Oh that's so much better do you want me to start removing all the chippings now? I could have killed him 'No' I told him sweetly through gritted teeth 'I have popped another sonic cat scarer on and will give that a go first before we have to resort to removing all the bark chippings'.

    I have not been to have a look to see if the gravel is still clear of chippings but I do really hope it is as that was the whole idea in the first place a little woodland type centre piece a memorial garden to our beloved Dude who so loved his woodland walks.

    Needless the say the hours passed by quickly and in no time at all it was 6.30 pm I have to say once again sadly I'm paying for it though but I'm not giving in I'll be back outside again today if I can. Moanie Joanie signing off! :D .Hel.xxx.
  12. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Glad you had a good day yesterday Helen. I think you'e right, when you start gardening every day it won't hurt so much. Hopefully!

    I think window sills up & down the land are full of seed trays at the moment :D

    Hope today is another nice one.

  13. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Sounds like you had a good day Helen.. I have sown quite a few seeds already but am debating when to sow the last few as we are going away & although I have a "plant sitter" I cannot expect him to prick out seedlings..!!! Umph.. I love to go away, but it seems it is never the right time for the garden..!!!! :D
    [​IMG] Oh & Helen, my friend sprays her chippings with a mix of neat white vinegar with some Eucalyptus oil mixed in, in a sprayer. She says to shake it allot while you are spraying, but she says it keeps her neighbours cats from using it anymore..!!! ;) I have not tried it as not got a cat problem...! [​IMG] BTW. She pours in a bottle of Eucalyptus oil & then fills the sprayer up with vinegar.. Strong mix, but it does seem to work..!! :D
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanks Sandra you are always a sweetie. [​IMG]

    Marley I will try the Eucalyptus oil & vinegar mixture as the cats have been at it again and it's really driving be nuts at the moment so it's gotta be worht a try.

    But then again it might just be where I put the scarer I'ave popped out and put it in another place I really hope it works although like the front one it might just need time to have any affect on the cats! [​IMG] Hel.xxx.
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well I have gone and done it not anything illegal I hasten to add :eek:

    Just something that looks a little nasty well to Bob and I it does at least!

    As I have said before we did so wanted to keep the bark chippings down in the side garden and after many hours of thought I came up with the following and something that didn't cost a thing just something we had knocking about in the shed.


    We intend to dig a 8 inch border on the inside the edge of the nasty green stuff and plant a mini hedge of Greater Variegated Periwinkle around it.

    Once again the plants will not cost us a thing as we have quite a few of the plants knocking about in other parts of the garden so can take as many cuttings as we like as I'm sure many of you will know it's very easy to do so with this plant!

    Once the Periwinkle is growing well the nasty green stuff can be removed and placed in the bin!Hel.xxx.

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