Hel's movie heaven

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Helofadigger, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning guys and girls not seen many films of late what with being away and all but here's what I have seen over the last week;

    Elizabeth:The Golden Age (12a)
    Okay I will admit I had to drag Bob off to see this one just to see Clive Owen in tights!

    Back in the day when my head was full of romantic historical novels I just loved seeing films like this and I was soon wishing I never gave them up.....Great film and without doubt Cate Blanchett played a very strong but vulnerable (when it came to love) Elizabeth great film for most to see.
    Tells the tell of Elizabeth's war with the Spanish and how she won against all the odds. 9/10

    Beowulf (12a)
    What can a say about this film it's truly amazing to watch if you have a local cinema with a 3D screen I would encourage you all to make an effort to see this film...heck I would encourage you to travel a distance to see this film even if it's for the effects alone!

    Beowulf is voiced by Ray Winstone sadly not depicted in his natural form like Anthony Hopkins and Angelina Jolie's characters maybe the people that made this movie thought a large guy couldn't be a hero...which is pretty sad.

    Young Beowulf travels to Heorot to rid their land of an evil monster in return for gold but all does not go to plan and he pays a heavy price.

    Gone are the days when you had to have those nasty cardboard specs to view 3D movies they now give out sexy plastic ones which are free at the moment.

    A word of warning keep these specs safe as there are going to be more 3D movies out as from 2009 DreamWorks Animation has announced that all their movies are going to be produced in 3D so the cinemas may charge you for the specs in the future as I have been told by the guys at our local cineworld in Sheffield.

    I'll list the Cineworld cinema's that have these wonderful 3D screens;
    Aberdeen, Ashton-under-Lyne, Bexleyheath, Birmingham Broad Street, Brighton, Cardiff, Castleford, Cheltenham, Chichester, Crawley, Didsbury, Edinburgh, Enfield, Feltham, Glasgow Renfrew Street Harlow, Ipswich, Luton, Milton Keynes, Newport, Nottingham, Sheffield (of course!), Shrewsbury, St.Helens, Stevenage, Wakefield, Wandsworth, West India Quay, Wolverhampton.

    You will try hard not to move in your seat when arrows are passing by or when the characters are moving through the trees....even while the opening credits start to run you'll be amazed at just the water running down the screen so very real.

    If your cinema does have a 3D screen and its slightly curved then this is one of the times when you really do want to sit right at the front because you 'feel' as if you are in the movie yourself ....I kid you not!

    If you are not lucky to have a 3D screen near you then I really do feel for you guys. :( 10/10
  2. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Oh bum. We dont have a 3D cinema and we are desperate to see Beowulf. Meehh.

    I can't wait to see Golden Compass, the book is my favourite book of all time :D
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Whiley shame about you not being near a 3D cinema because the 3D is something truely amazing, I can't say just how great the effect is! [​IMG]

    I'm going to see if we can do a double later on today as there's still so many films we haven't seen yet and a few might pass us by.

    Thinking about 30 Days of Night and Planet Terror but I'll let you all know which I have seen later on.
  4. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    I'd be interested about both! One mate of mine says i would have loved parts of PLanet Terror as i love things like Sin City, but generally i don't do horror as i suffer from ightterrors.

    Let me know!
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi guys and girls sorry for not keeping upto press with this movie thread I'ave not able to see many movies of late due to ill health but here are the ones that I did manage to see.

    30 Days Of Night (15)
    Set in chilly Alaska while most of the town's people head south a few people stay behind to keep things going and wait for the next sunrise which will come after 30 days of night hence the title. This winter a group of vampires head into town for a blood feast but can they be stopped?

    I have to say I'm hooked on vamp movies it all started way back when with the old devil himself Christopher Lee but I was a little disappointed that the makers of this film didn't totally stick to the vampire folklore; they didn't stake the vamps nor did the people who were turned into vamps change back to human form once the main vamp guy was killed.

    If film makers are going to make a vamp movie then I wish that they would stick to the rules otherwise films like these are just really a zombie rip off movie.

    All in all a good story line, plenty of blood something to get your blood pumping on a cold winter's night! 7/10
    Planet Terror
    A very tongue in cheek film and once again the zombies can move pretty fast when they what to.
    The cute Naveen Andrews (from Lost fame) plays a crazy dude who collects testicules of all things.

    Lots of crazy stuff going on as one would expect.

    The film is done is a very 70's style with a none too perfect screen i.e.black lines and spots on the screen, it even has a burnout missing reel part which is a great touch as you are led to believe you have missed so much of the film...such a gag!

    One of those films that is so bad it's good if you know what I mean. 8/10

    I'm glad to write that the mock-trailer before this film ââ?¬Ë?Macheteââ?¬â?¢ is being made into a film and if it's as good as the 'trailer' then I know it will be far better than Planet Terror!

    Good Luck Chuck (15)
    Charlie as a youngster refused to kiss a goth girl when playing 'spin the bottle' so she put a hex on him.
    Charlie grows up to find all his ex-girls are married and that they found their one true love right after Charlie finished with them.

    He finds true love with Kam but is so very scared he might loose her if he does the 'nasty' with her...what the guy goes through isn't nice at all.

    One of my son's saw this and told me that there was an awful lot of nudity in it so I was pretty much prepared for it....I still think it should not have been rated 15 though.

    A real good comedy it just looses the rhythm when Charlie goes a little stalkerish and then you just feel bored. 7/10

    When we first got seated in the cinema we went right at the back one couple were right at one end and we sat at the other end, the rest of the cinema was empty.

    We couldn't believe it when a trio of giggley asian girls and a male friend sat right next to us and started talking very loud, we had to move and I'm glad we did as they kept on talking all the time they were there.

    Notice I wrote 'the time they were there' as soon as the naughty bits came on the screen they all ran out of the cinema :D :D
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi guys once again down to seeing only a few films but I did manage to see the two below.

    Hitman (15)
    All about 'gun's for hire' number 47 born to kill and never been given a 'real' name other than 47 as that's the last two numbers on the barcode tattoo on the back of his head!

    Loosely based on the video game called Hitman.

    Number 47 gets mixed up in a political takeover where both Interpol and the Russian military are after him not to mention his fellow 'numbers' who want to take 47 out of the works.

    Full on ice cool killings that make you want to scream 'way to go dude' and the way this guys walks even sends a shiver down you spine.

    Great film and not too long at only 93 minutes and is packed with action all the way! 10/10
    American Gangster (18)
    A really good story line of based on a true story stars the wonderful Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.

    Denzel plays Frank Lucas the much liked driver of one of the leading black crime bosses, when his boss dies suddenly Frank steps forward and takes over and does his best to not stand out in the crowd while other crime bosses dress up like pimps.

    Sadly Franks downfall happens when his beautiful wife unknowingly buys Frank a wonderful new gift and he wears it to a boxing match...then all hell breaks loose and good copper Crowe steps forward to bring Denzel down.

    Great film but way too long and it kinda goes a bit stale it really shouldn't have been so long 157 minutes was not right for this film! 7/10
  7. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Looking forward to seeing the last two Helen.
  8. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007

    47? Barcode on back of his head? Though they only did that if you were employed my Tesco's - I understand it is in the contract :D
  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    The Golden Compass (PG) 113min.
    Pretty good fantasy film starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig it's based on Philip Pullman's bestselling novel.

    It's all about the wonderful adventures on little orphan Lyra and her quest to find the fable 'Dust'.

    I really liked the film and the idea that everyone carried their souls along with them in a companion animal that could talk, help and fight with their human partner was indeed a brilliant master stroke.

    Loads of money was spent on this film and it shows, Kidman played a very good baddie and could be quite mean at times even to her own soul.

    I didn't know at the time that this film was part of a trilogy as I thought at the time what I odd ending but of course it all makes sense now.
    Pretty good enjoyable film can't wait until the next film 10/10.

    You kill me. (15)93 min.
    Starring Ben Kingsley and Tea Leoni.

    Another hitman movie but this one is a very dry comedy.

    Kinsley plays a hitman for his polish mob family, he loves his job and takes pride in his work only problem is that he has a drink problem and it starts to effect his work something that he is deeply ashamed about.

    He is sent to San Francisco to sort his little problem out...there he attends AA meetings, gets a 'new' job in a mortuary where he picks up Tea Leoni of all things.

    Very dry and so very funny loads of one liners that will make you giggle like the time when Frank tells people his job is in personnel and when they say 'oh you me you hire people? only to be told 'No more like fire people!

    One of those movies if you watch at home you would think that's a pretty good movie. 9/10
  10. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007

    The Nightmare before Christmas in 3D (PG)

    One of my favourite movies the lovely dark classic tale from Tim Burton redone in 3D.

    For those of you that don't know about NBC it's all about poor bored Jack Skellington the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town and how one day he stumbles on Christmas and tries to do his own special kind of festive fun!

    Loved the 'old style' of this film but I think that they must have rushed this one out to get on the 3D wagon the effects are nowhere near as good as Beowulf 3D but there you go, but saying that the opening box at the beginning has a jump out of your seat action on you I can tell you from personal experience!

    Okay to watch but sadly not better than the original format. 8/10

    Enchanted (PG)

    A wonderful tale of Princess Giselle who lives in a charming cartoon world of Andalasia and who's goal in life is to sing and capture the heart of a passing prince. She does this with ease and makes plans for her wedding to Prince Edward but his evil Step-mother is not ready to give up her throne and banishes happy Giselle to modern day 'real life' New York.

    I had no idea I would love this film so much and although it's cheesy in some ways what with the singing etc. it really is a 'nice' family film to watch.

    If you're thinking about taking the children to the movies this holiday season then I can without a doubt recommend them loving this film they really will be 'enchanted' with it (sorry about the pun) and both mum & dad will enjoy it too I'm sure! 10/10.

    Bee Movie (U)

    Barry (the bee) has just finished college and now has a lifetime of work to look forward to in the hive making honey but it's not for him.

    He gets a chance to escape the hive and discovers a whole new world where he is sadden to find humans have been stealing the bees honey for years so he fights to try and put things right but not everything works out quite well!

    The trailers for this film looked pretty good but sadly I thought it was a lemon I struggled to sit & watch it and I must confess I even fell asleep at one point but according to the others I didn't miss much...Bob said it only gets good at the end. 6/10
  11. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Once again, helping me make desisions over this weekends activities! :D Ta Hel.
  12. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi Helen and all,went to see the film "I am legend" on imax I will not review the film as you do an excellent job and I am sure you will go and see it, my comments are about the imax experience this being the first time I have experienced it I was a little disappointed,it is essential to get a seat in the middle of the cinema and quite a way back we were probably a little too far forwards and realised why there was a stampede for the"best positioned seats "Mrs walnut had to shut her eyes for quite a few sequences as she found it very disorientating, there's too much screen to see all at once and you are constantly moving your head to try and cover all the action,all in all I would give imax 8/10
  13. rissa

    rissa Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 3, 2008
    hi everyone rissa here just seen a trailor to the new Batman Movie[the dark knight] looks okay the jokers back in it
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all not seen many films of late only WE OWN THE NIGHT and I AM LEGEND.

    First of all I would like to apologize to Walnut....I am so sorry Walnut I didn't mention before your trip to the cinema about the best sitting position for a 3D film as I'm sure it wasn't a happy experience for your and your good lady. :( Helen.

    Walnut you are without doubt correct when you see a 3D movie you must sit in the middle and towards the back otherwise you don't get to see the best of the film.
    If you sit off side or too near the front you will indeed find yourself swinging your head to and fro also you will have blurry vison at times all of which Bob noted when we went to see NBC.

    Because the kids have been on holiday and the cinemas get so packed we have only managed to see two films of late.

    We Own The Night (15)
    Judging by the trailers of this movie I thought it would be along the lines as 'The Departed' (boy that is a great film)but sadly I was wrong.
    The opening scenes are a little rude and makes you just a tad little uncomfortable if you're seeing it with your son! :eek:

    Its all about two brothers one who follows into the foot steps of their father and becomes a police man and the other the 'bad boy' who runs a night club.
    It's got mob activity and has the basic rules in what that entails drugs, love, honour and betrayal and of course 'Bad boy' makes good.

    Not too bad but having watched The Departed only a day before seeing this movie I didn't think it was upto much. 7/10
    I Am Legend (15)

    Finding a cure for cancer a doctor unleases one hell of a side effect on the human race so much so it leaves Robert Neville (Will Smith)thinking he is the only living man on earth.

    Of course Robert Neville is a doctor (how handy is that?)and he is not affected by the virus (again how handy is that?)he works at finding the cure to return the virus infected humans back to normal. His only compaion is the family dog Sam who aids his master in surviving each day and specially at night.

    Some really great scenes of an abandoned city there's one scene where Neville plays golf on a battle ship!
    It has good effects on the virus 'victims' only once again the monsters are not shown to be true old fashions types if you know what I mean, I wouldn't spoil it for you and tell you what the virus does to people.

    Now most of you know that I don't seen chick flicks and may not know the reason why...the truth is I cry like a baby when things go wrong even Lassie films! I didn't know this film had a very sad moment and yes you guessed it I cried like a baby! 8/10
    Just a quick update I would like to see PS I LOVE YOU which is out this month although I know I will have to wear no make-up (what a horror) and of course take plenty of tissues with me!
  15. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi Helen the screen wasn't 3d it was just imax but it would seem the viewing position is crucial for both, I enjoyed the film and agree with 8/10.

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