Here is why our NHS and Local Government is utterly shafted

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fat Controller, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Not always @shiney - ironically, the last prescription I collected did have one, but the Ventolin was 'See GP', despite having seen the doctor only recently and agreeing with her that everything was still valid and repeats should be renewed.

    I'm not sure if it is incompetence on the behalf of the doctors, or if their computer system is just so bloody-minded that it won't let them 'reset' all the renewal dates to the same day. But even then, I followed the instructions given to me by the letter, and they still got it wrong.

    What made it all the more insulting is that whilst standing in the reception of the surgery yesterday, the receptionist happily said - "Oh yes, I can see you haven't been given a prescription for one of these since May, so you must be running out" - - - Duh!

    This sort of scenario must be being played out across the country every day, and rather than simplify procedures and actually get things moving, things actually get more complex and more expensive whilst the service being provided gets worse and worse. To be blunt, I am fed up of struggling with GP's over the past 15-20 years to get them to understand/believe what is going on with my body; on many occasions, I have reached the point where I have thought I would be better just to stop taking anything at all and soldier on until the inevitable happens - maybe I should.

    Once in a while you get a real gem who genuinely cares and who really knows their stuff, but sadly they are fewer and further apart - one guy who stands out to me is a chap at Woking Hospital; I was referred as part of a wider treatment plan, and he went right back to basics - shoes off, trousers rolled up and walk up and down the corridor a couple of times..... following which he told me exactly where the bulk of my pain was, exactly which joints were worse than others, and even gave suggestions as to other diagnoses that he reckoned had been missed so far. I fed his words back to the GP, only for them to be completely ignored.

    Its not just the NHS though, it is everything - - we can't afford to deal with rubbish, so make it harder for people to dispose of things and even go as far as charging for it; then, we end up paying three times as much to collect abandoned waste from the roadside. We can't afford to fix our roads properly, but we can spend millions on cycle lanes and mini-Holland projects that rarely get used. We can't afford to fix our roads properly, but we can spend millions in compensation for damage and injuries caused by those roads.

    We can't afford to have our gullies and drains maintained properly anymore, yet we end up spending a hell of a lot more dealing with flooding and damage caused as a result of the lack of maintenance.
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    • rustyroots

      rustyroots Total Gardener

      Oct 18, 2011
      Solihull, West Midlands
      I saw this first hand the other day. I went to the tip to get rid of the Christmas wrapping paper and boxes etc as the recycling is not collected for another week. When there another fella in a van pulled up he had the same as me, wrapping paper and empty you boxes etc. because he didn't have a slip being a van they would not let him drop it off. Now I can understand this if it was full of rubble, garden rubbish etc, but it was obvious that he was just trying to get rid of the Christmas rubbish, but some jobs worth couldn't see the bigger picture and cut him a bit of slack. So he has either taken it back home and will wait for the recycling to collect or dumping bin a layby on the way home.

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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        We've had to get a licence from the council to use the tip, as the van is sign written.
      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        When we moved here, we needed to get a permission slip from the council area we were moving from so that we could take "household" rubbish to the tip; no slip, no-can-do! Fair enough, in my opinion. Why should I have to queue behind others in vans who can't be bothered to live by the rules? :dunno: If they should then go off and dump it somewhere else, then that is a double-whammy of selfishness on their part and they get no sympathy from me.
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        • rustyroots

          rustyroots Total Gardener

          Oct 18, 2011
          Solihull, West Midlands
          I disagree. Due to Christmas we haven't had recycling collection for what will be nearly a month. The fella in question was probably trying to clean up a bit of mess from Christmas. I'm lucky I have a garage to put it in, maybe this guy never, which could mean that his only place to store is outside. This would probably mean with the weather here it would be all over the place by now. I think he had about 3 bags and a few boxes. The bags were actually the big Christmas gift bags. It's not as though he had a van load of stuff. I think that with the collections being a month in between and most people know that during the festive period you get more rubbish than usual then they could have let it slide. If any other time of the year I would agree with you. I am also not saying that he would have dumped it in a lay by, but driving around Birmingham the amount of stuff that is being dumped willy nilly is definitely increasing, which means that funds need to be found to sort out. If the queue for the tip wasn't 45 minutes long I would have thrown it in the bag of my car and gone back round.

          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            I do understand that, it is the same for us. Nevertheless, by that same token, we all get a leaflet through the letterbox stating what the collection days/times will be (in advance). I think it is generally accepted that most households end up with more paper/boxes recycling at that time of year. Wouldn't *that* have been his opportunity to apply for a slip? :dunno: Yes, it does take time and thought in forward planning, but possibly not quite as much time and effort as he put into trying to take it to the recycling and being rejected! :doh: Mind you, if he had a family car and loaded that up with the paper/boxes, he would have had no problems.
          • Baymule

            Baymule Gardener

            Nov 6, 2016
            East Texas
            So this thread seems to be about inefficient garbage service and idiot pharmacy/doctors. We have plenty of those here too. On the pharmacy issues, my husband is taking a few repeat prescriptions and they are on automatic refill. The pharmacy sends him a text when the prescription is ready and we go pick it up. No complaints. They have even called a doctor on his behalf to get a prescription refilled. We do not have prescription insurance, so the lady that waits on him searches the internet for discounts and we never pay full price. He is on Medicare and it costs more money for prescription coverage, when he was 65, he didn't take medicines so we didn't take the extra coverage. The price goes up as one gets older, especially if you didn't take the prescription coverage to start with. We do better with the discounts and the gooberment can stuff their prescription plan.

            Our gooberment mandated UN-Affordable Health Care Act is a failure. A plan for me would cost upwards of $800 with a TEN THOUSAND deductible which I would NEVER reach, so I pay their stupid fine each year and hate the whole debacle with a vengeance. I am healthy, take no medications, seldom see a doctor, and the idea of squandering $9600 a year for nothing, ain't gonna happen. Plus if I did use it, I would have to shell out an additional TEN THOUSAND smackaroos for the privilege of getting screwed over. Not happening.

            Moving on to garbage...... in the cities garbage pick up is usually included on the water/sewage bill. Put the trash out on the designated days, the truck comes by, trash is dumped and take the can back to the back yard. Easy. In the rural areas, you can burn your garbage except when there is a burn ban in the dry heat of the summer. Or you can opt for trash service for about $20 to $30 a month. A truck comes by once a week and picks up the trash. The garbage companies are mostly small independent privately owned businesses. We don't generate much trash, so we take a bag over to our daughter's and contribute to their can.
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            • Kandy

              Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

              Apr 23, 2006
              Head gardener
              In the Middle Of Blighty
              I have all but given up with the youngsters that live next to us because they seem to be in a different world than us.Everyone in the village had a bright pink slip attached to the dustbin handle informing us all that the black dustbin would be picked up Xmas eve instead of the usual Monday which was Boxing Day.Saturday came and we all put out our dustbins which were duly emptied apart from my neighbours that is.When we saw them later on and asked why they didn't put their dustbin out the husband said he had forgotten,ooops:snorky:

              On New Years Eve there was a knock at the front door.It was my neighbour asking Mr Kandy if he could put some of their dustbin bags into our bin as theirs was full,and he was telling us that because the little one was teething then he was getting through more disposable nappies:scratch: We said yes but not to fill our bin too full as we need to put our own bags in it.

              Anyway,two days ago I noticed that there was two extra dustbin bags half full in our bin.Yesterday I went to put our own kitchen waste bag in the dustbin and noticed that there is only space for one more bag and guess what,the black bin won't get emptied until next Monday:yikes: We can't even move the dustbin because of the weight of all these poohy nappies:yikes:

              I said to Mr Kandy that we might have to empty some of the bags out of the dustbin and take them up to the tip as our neighbour will probably be back at work tomorrow and after all we have nothing better to do with our lives:snorky:

              Re the Dr's I keep telling the Dispensary attached to our surgery that I am not overdue for my review since last May 2016 as it states on my script.I turn up for all my reviews because if I don't I know they will want to know why.Why they can't just get it off is beyond me.:scratch: If Mr Kandy is overdue for his review they either pin a note to his script or else they send him a polite letter reminding him it is due.Me I just get it printed at the bottom of my script when I don't need it:wallbanging:
              • Informative Informative x 1
              • "M"

                "M" Total Gardener

                Aug 11, 2012
                The Garden of England
                Interesting that your council brings the day forward; certainly would make it easier to mistake and miss the collection.
                Ours picks up at the earliest opportunity *after* the usual collection day. So, this year, instead of our bins being emptied on Friday 30th, they were emptied on Saturday 31st. What actually happened was, most of the neighbourhood put their bins out, as usual, on the Friday! :doh::heehee: Thank goodness they left them out for the Saturday collection too ;) If they had attempted to bring them back in on the Friday evening, the weight of it would have been a warning sign that there were not empty (thus, a memory jog to leave them out too). So, a win-win for them and the council :thumbsup:
                • Agree Agree x 2
                • pete

                  pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                  Jan 9, 2005
                  Mid Kent
                  My usual bin collection was Friday but it was moved to Monday.
                  As you say the ones that cant read still put their bins out on Friday and just left them there till today, simple.
                  Moving the day forward rather than back is asking for trouble.

                  As to my garden bin which I pay 40 quid a year extra for, well they dont empty that one at all for about a month.
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                  • clueless1

                    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                    Jan 8, 2008
                    Weekly collections to fortnightly. Free use of the recycling centres to pay as you drop, or paid up licence. Cuts in the emergency services.

                    Yet council tax doesn't seem to be going down.
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • Informative Informative x 1
                    • "M"

                      "M" Total Gardener

                      Aug 11, 2012
                      The Garden of England
                      No, it is going up.
                      We've been warned to expect a 2% increase each year for the next couple of years. The reason? To pay for the ever increasing demands on "social care" to pick up the shortfall due to Government cuts.
                      • Agree Agree x 2
                      • Kandy

                        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                        Apr 23, 2006
                        Head gardener
                        In the Middle Of Blighty
                        @"M" the reason why our council changed the day was because Christmas this year fell on a Sunday so Monday was a BH.Usually there isn't a problem because it usually stays the same when it is Christmas or I think they sometimes come a day later.Our neighbours would have seen all the other bins out on the paths or grass verges,but I forgot they never pull their window blinds up as it is too much trouble,or they are sitting in the lounge watching telly all day with the kids.It seems that having a Degree qualification doesn't stand for much these days:snorky:

                        Any spare piece of land outside our village is full of dumped stuff because people either forget to put their bins out for the fortnightly collections or they can't be bothered to drive all the way to the local tip or if they do it is closed a couple of days a week because the tip operatives want a couple of days off like everyone else does.

                        Evidently someone from a town eleven miles away from our village paid someone to dispose of his spare dustbin bags (a so called friend) only what he didn't know was that this so called friend distributed it all over the road and grass verges outside our village,possible after dark and a lady dog walker found addressed envelopes amongst the rubbish and she posted photos of it all over Facebook so the poor chap had to be texted and told what had happened and it was going to be reported pronto.The next day all the said rubbish was quickly tidied away and the offending posts and photos were taken down by the admin on Facebook:heehee:
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                          Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
                        • "M"

                          "M" Total Gardener

                          Aug 11, 2012
                          The Garden of England
                          Ah, now that depends on what he got a degree in: Jeremy Kyle? :dunno:
                          • Funny Funny x 3
                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            @Baymule over here things are different.

                            In theory, the National Health Service (NHS) is an excellent organisation. In practice it is quite often inefficient (or grossly inefficient), always overstretched and regularly abused by some of the people.

                            It is supposed to give health care free of charge at primary level (doctors) and secondary level (hospitals). This is what used to happen but doesn't quite work like that now. It was funded through central government and, supposedly, paid for by workers and employers paying a tax that is called National Insurance Contributions (NIC). NIC is a direct percentage of earnings. During my working life this percentage rose gradually over the years.

                            NIC also covered everyone for having a State Pension upon retirement age.

                            Due to increases in population and, because of technical and medical developments, a vastly wider range of cures and possible treatments became available. So this considerably increased the costs of the NHS. Added to this are major inefficiencies that have developed (as described above) through lack of communication and, a major problem in the service, a considerable lack of time available for the medics to carry out their jobs.

                            Everyone is entitled to health care (doctors and hospitals/operations etc.) free of charge.

                            The inefficiencies and insufficient funding is making the system top heavy and in danger of collapsing. In general, it's still a very good service - but not good if you're caught in the inefficient bit.

                            So, if you are sick you go to the doctor and you are treated free of charge - prescriptions used to be free but are now charged for except for children, seniors and the chronically ill. If you need an operation, you get it but can wait a long time if your local health service is overcrowded. A free hip replacement can take from 8 weeks to about 9 months depending on what part of the country you live in. In extreme cases it can be double that.

                            There is also private health insurance. The cost of this can vary depending on how much cover you want. The cheaper ones only come into effect if the NHS can't deal with you within a set period of time. We, my wife and I, have private insurance but rarely need to call upon it. Ours covers us for everything with only a very low deductible of £100. The premiums rise depending on age and some years ago when we topped 71 (a peculiar age level to set!) they increased it to an annual fee of £2,100 to cover both of us. It's considerably cheaper than yours because they don't expect us to need to claim often as the NHS covers a lot of things. Some years back I had a hernia, the NHS said that the waiting time was about 18 months, unless it got worse, so I had it done privately within the week.

                            Rubbish collection:-
                            In theory this is collected free of charge under an act of parliament from just after WWI. From the 1990's this was changed so that local authorities could charge extra for certain services. Different local authorities do their collections in different ways but are supposed to comply with directives about the amount of recycling necessary.

                            We're lucky that our local authority is sensible and are very efficient and we don't have to extra for anything. Local authority funding comes from 'Council Tax' which is raised as a charge on every property in their area. For dwellings it's based on a notional rental value for each area that was set in 1991!!!!! :doh: Instead of making a revaluation they just increase the amount of money in the pound that they charge. Business 'Council Tax' is based on how much they think they can get away with. Most of the business tax goes back to central government and the government give the authority a subsidy that usually depends on how closely the authority stick to the ideals of the government. :th scifD36:

                            The government has been reducing the subsidy to local authorities regularly over the years and telling them that they need to make 'efficiency savings'. These targets are impossible to reach so the authorities try to save in different ways. Cutting services or bringing in charges.

                            So, as with almost everywhere else, we're in deep doo doo and still digging!
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